Source for file articles_rss.php
Documentation is available at articles_rss.php
// ensure that we use absolute URLs everywhere
$_REQUEST['uri_mode'] = TRUE;
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
$gBitSystem->verifyPackage( 'articles' );
$gBitSystem->verifyPackage( 'rss' );
$gBitSystem->verifyFeature( 'articles_rss' );
require_once( ARTICLES_PKG_PATH. "BitArticle.php" );
require_once( RSS_PKG_PATH. "rss_inc.php" );
$rss->title = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'articles_rss_title', $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'site_title' ). ' - '. tra( 'Articles' ) );
$rss->description = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'articles_rss_description', $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'site_title' ). ' - '. tra( 'RSS Feed' ) );
// check permission to view articles
require_once( RSS_PKG_PATH. "rss_error.php" );
// check if we want to use the cache file
$cacheFile = TEMP_PKG_PATH. RSS_PKG_NAME. '/'. ARTICLES_PKG_NAME. '/'. $cacheFileTail;
$rss->useCached( $rss_version_name, $cacheFile, $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'rssfeed_cache_time' ));
'sort_mode' => 'publish_date_desc',
'max_records' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'articles_rss_max_records', 10 ),
$feeds = $articles->getList( $listHash );
$rss->link = ARTICLES_PKG_URI;
// get all the data ready for the feed creator
foreach( $feeds as $feed ) {
$item->title = $feed['title'];
$item->link = $articles->getDisplayUrlFromHash( $feed );
// show the full article in the feed
$parseHash['content_id'] = $feed['content_id'];
$parseHash['format_guid'] = $feed['format_guid'];
$item->description = $articles->parseData( $parseHash );
$item->date = (int) $feed['publish_date'];
$item->author = $feed['author_name'];
$item->descriptionTruncSize = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'rssfeed_truncate', 5000 );
$item->descriptionHtmlSyndicated = FALSE;
// pass the item on to the rss feed creator
// finally we are ready to serve the data
echo $rss->saveFeed( $rss_version_name, $cacheFile );