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bitweaver liberty Documentation

The Liberty CMS package allows wiki, blogs, articles, and more to store their data in the same table, called tiki_content.

Lester Caine


A new feature for ReleaseOne, the Liberty CMS package allows wiki, blogs, articles, and more to store their data in the same table, called tiki_content. This table holds the text data for all content - blogs, wiki, articles, etc. all in one column. This permits super fast searching, as well as simplified data storage/retrieval and text processing via a common base class.

A format plugin mechanism permits the text to be of varying syntax types (TikiWiki, HTML, BBCode, Wikipedia (aka MediaWiki), XML, text, etc...).


LibertyAttachments is a mechanism for attaching *any* id based mechanism to any LibertyPackage-derived content (wiki, blogs).

The tiki_attachments table is an abstraction to the actual file location. This permits one to use the local file system (tiki_files) or database binary objects (tiki_blobs), tables from other 3rd party application ( like a g_id from gallery2 ), or even links to other websites such as pbase or lulu. LibertyAttachable extended objects use the public methods to have a "black box" for attaching data, and the actual location is dependent on the attachment plugin.

All functionality is in the LibertyPackage package. There is a LibertyAttachable class that handles all storing and retrieving of attachment data. Currently, there are plugins for Lulu, PBase and uploads via tiki_files. Future support (blobs, gallery2, etc.) will depend on community support and developer interest.


A plugin can be defined to allow and process data in a certain format. The formats can be enabled by an administrator on the Liberty>Plugins page.

Available formats:

  • Tiki Wiki format is the default

  • HTML format

  • PEAR Text_Wiki

Common tags: since some tags do more than just make it easy to edit text, we want to allow the usage of specific tags in any plugin. these include:

References for learning how to use bitweaver liberty

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