Source for file list.php
Documentation is available at list.php
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
require_once( ARTICLES_PKG_PATH. 'BitArticle.php' );
include_once( ARTICLES_PKG_PATH. 'article_filter_inc.php' );
// Is package installed and enabled
$gBitSystem->verifyPackage( 'articles' );
// Now check permissions to access this page
$gContent->invokeServices( 'content_list_function', $_REQUEST );
// nuke articles if requested
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) {
if( $_REQUEST['action'] == 'remove' && !empty( $_REQUEST['remove_article_id'] ) ) {
$tmpArt = new BitArticle( $_REQUEST['remove_article_id'] );
// depending on what the status of the article is, we need to check different permissions
if( $tmpArt->mInfo['status_id'] == ARTICLE_STATUS_PENDING ) {
if( isset ( $_REQUEST["confirm"] ) ) {
bit_redirect( ARTICLES_PKG_URL. 'list.php?status_id='. ( !empty( $_REQUEST['status_id'] ) ? $_REQUEST['status_id'] : '' ) );
$feedback['error'] = $tmpArt->mErrors;
$gBitSystem->setBrowserTitle( tra('Confirm removal of'). ' ' . $tmpArt->mInfo['title'] );
$formHash['remove'] = TRUE;
$formHash['action'] = 'remove';
$formHash['status_id'] = ( !empty( $_REQUEST['status_id'] ) ? $_REQUEST['status_id'] : '' );
$formHash['remove_article_id'] = $_REQUEST['remove_article_id'];
'label' => tra('Remove Article'),
'confirm_item' => $tmpArt->mInfo['title'],
'warning' => tra('Remove the above article.'),
'error' => tra('This cannot be undone!'),
$gBitSystem->confirmDialog( $formHash, $msgHash );
// change the status of an article first
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) ) {
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['article_id'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['set_status_id'] ) && $gBitUser->hasPermission( 'p_articles_approve_submission' ) ) {
$article->setStatus( $_REQUEST['set_status_id'], $_REQUEST['article_id'], $_REQUEST['content_id'] );
if( empty( $_REQUEST['status_id'] ) || (!(($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('articles_auto_approve') && $gBitUser->isRegistered()) || $gBitUser->hasPermission( 'p_articles_update_submission' ) || $gBitUser->hasPermission( 'p_articles_admin' ) ) ) ) {
$listArticles = $article->getList( $_REQUEST );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'topics', $topics );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'types', $types );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'listInfo', $_REQUEST['listInfo'] );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'listpages', $listArticles );
$gBitSystem->display( 'bitpackage:articles/list_articles.tpl', tra( "Articles" ), array( 'display_mode' => 'list' ));