Source for file lookup_article_inc.php
Documentation is available at lookup_article_inc.php
require_once( ARTICLES_PKG_PATH. 'BitArticle.php');
require_once( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH. 'lookup_content_inc.php' );
// if we already have a gContent, we assume someone else created it for us, and has properly loaded everything up.
if( empty( $gContent ) || !is_object( $gContent ) ) {
if (@BitBase::verifyId( $_REQUEST['article_id'] ) ) {
$gContent = new BitArticle( $_REQUEST['article_id'] );
} elseif( @BitBase::verifyId( $_REQUEST['content_id'] ) ) {
$gContent = new BitArticle( NULL, $_REQUEST['content_id'] );
$gContent->mInfo['expire_date'] = strtotime( "+1 year" );
if( empty( $gContent->mArticleId ) && empty( $gContent->mContentId ) ) {
//handle legacy forms that use plain 'article' form variable name
$gBitSmarty->clear_assign( 'gContent' );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'gContent', $gContent );