Source for file read.php
Documentation is available at read.php
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
require_once( ARTICLES_PKG_PATH. 'BitArticle.php' );
$gBitSystem->verifyPackage( 'articles' );
if( !@BitBase::verifyId( $_REQUEST["article_id"] )) {
$gBitSystem->fatalError( tra( "No article indicated" ));
include_once( ARTICLES_PKG_PATH. 'lookup_article_inc.php' );
// Check if we actually have some content
if( !$gContent->isValid() ) {
$gBitSystem->fatalError( tra( 'Article cannot be found' ));
// additionally we need to check if this article is a submission and see if user has perms to view it.
if( $gContent->getField( 'status_id' ) != ARTICLE_STATUS_APPROVED ) {
if( !( $gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_articles_update_submission' ) || $gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_articles_approve_submission' ))) {
$gBitSystem->fatalError( tra( "Permission denied you cannot view this article" ));
// we also need to check and see if the article is future dated - we will display it if the user can edit it otherwise we pretend it does not exist.
$timestamp = $gBitSystem->getUTCTime();
if ( ($gContent->mInfo['publish_date'] > $timestamp) && !$gContent->hasUpdatePermission() ){
$gBitSystem->fatalError( tra( 'Article cannot be found' ));
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'article', $gContent->mInfo );
// get all the services that want to display something on this page
$displayHash = array( 'perm_name' => 'p_articles_read' );
$gContent->invokeServices( 'content_display_function', $displayHash );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'topics', $topics );
if( @$gContent->mInfo['allow_comments'] == 'y' ) {
$comments_vars = Array( 'article' );
$comments_prefix_var= 'article:';
$comments_object_var= 'article';
$commentsParentId = $gContent->mContentId;
$comments_return_url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']. "?article_id=". $_REQUEST['article_id'];
include_once( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH. 'comments_inc.php' );
// Display the Index Template
$gBitSystem->display( 'bitpackage:articles/read_article.tpl', @$gContent->mInfo['title'] , array( 'display_mode' => 'display' ));