Source for file display_bitblog_inc.php
Documentation is available at display_bitblog_inc.php
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004-2006,
* All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
* Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See for details.
$gBitSystem->verifyPackage( 'blogs' );
require_once( BLOGS_PKG_PATH. 'BitBlog.php' );
require_once( BLOGS_PKG_PATH. 'lookup_blog_inc.php');
$displayHash = array( 'perm_name' => $gContent->mViewContentPerm );
$gContent->invokeServices( 'content_display_function', $displayHash );
if( isset ($_REQUEST['user_id']) && !isset ( $_REQUEST['blog_id'] ) ) {
// We will try and grab the first blog owned by the user id given
$blogsList = $gContent->getList( $_REQUEST );
if (!empty($blogsList[0]['blog_id'])) {
$_REQUEST['blog_id'] = $blogsList[0]['blog_id'];
if( !$gContent->isValid() ) {
$gBitSystem->setHttpStatus( 404 );
$gBitSystem->fatalError( tra( 'No blog indicated' ));
* i don't think this is in use anymore - xing - Thursday Nov 08, 2007 21:49:22 CET
if( $gContent->getField( 'blog_style' ) && $gBitSystem->getConfig('users_themes') == 'h' ) {
$gBitThemes->setStyle( $gContent->getField( 'blog_style' ) );
$gBitThemes->mStyles['styleSheet'] = $gBitSystem->getStyleCss( $gContent->getField( 'blog_style' ), $gContent->getField( 'user_id' ) );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'userStyle', $gContent->getField( 'blog_style' ) );
if( !$gContent->hasUpdatePermission() ) {
$now = $gBitSystem->getUTCTime();
$listHash['blog_id'] = $gContent->getField( 'blog_id' );
$listHash['parse_data'] = TRUE;
$listHash['max_records'] = $gContent->getField( 'max_posts' );
$listHash['load_num_comments'] = TRUE;
$blogPosts = $blogPost->getList( $listHash );
if( count( $blogPosts['data'] ) ) {
// If there're more records then assign next_offset
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref('blogPosts', $blogPosts["data"]);
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'listInfo', $blogPosts['listInfo'] );
} elseif( $gContent->hasPostPermission() ) {
if( $gBitUser->isValid() && isset ( $_REQUEST['watch_event'] ) ) {
if ($_REQUEST['watch_action'] == 'add') {
$blogPost = new BitBlogPost( $_REQUEST['watch_object'] );
if( $blogPost->load() ) {
$gBitUser->storeWatch( $_REQUEST['watch_event'], $_REQUEST['watch_object'], tra('blog'), $blogPost->getTitle(), $blogPost->getDisplayUrl() );
$gBitUser->expungeWatch( $_REQUEST['watch_event'], $_REQUEST['watch_object'] );
$gBitSmarty->assign('user_watching_blog', 'n');
if ( $watch = $gBitUser->getEventWatches( 'blog_post', $listHash['blog_id'] ) ) {
$gBitSmarty->assign('user_watching_blog', 'y');
$gBitSmarty->assign('descriptionLength', $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'blog_posts_description_length', 500 ) );
$gBitSmarty->assign('showDescriptionsOnly', TRUE);
if ( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'blog_ajax_more' ) && $gBitThemes->isJavascriptEnabled() ){
$gBitSmarty->assign('ajax_more', TRUE);
$gBitThemes->loadAjax( 'mochikit', array( 'Iter.js', 'DOM.js', 'Style.js', 'Color.js', 'Position.js', 'Visual.js' ) );
$gBitSystem->display( 'bitpackage:blogs/view_blog.tpl', $gContent->getTitle() , array( 'display_mode' => 'display' ));