Source for file display_bitblogpost_inc.php
Documentation is available at display_bitblogpost_inc.php
include_once( BLOGS_PKG_PATH. 'BitBlog.php' );
if (!isset ($gContent->mPostId)) {
$paths = explode('/', $parts['path']);
$blog_id = $paths[count($paths) - 2];
$post_id = $paths[count($paths) - 1];
// So this is to process a trackback ping
if (isset ($_REQUEST['__mode'])) {
// Build RSS listing trackback_from
$pings = $gContent->getTrackbacksFrom();
if (isset ($_REQUEST['url'])) {
// Add a trackback ping to the list of trackback_from
$title = isset ($_REQUEST['title']) ? $_REQUEST['title'] : '';
$excerpt = isset ($_REQUEST['excerpt']) ? $_REQUEST['excerpt'] : '';
$blog_name = isset ($_REQUEST['blog_name']) ? $_REQUEST['blog_name'] : '';
if ($gContent->addTrackbackFrom( $_REQUEST['url'], $title, $excerpt, $blog_name ) ) {
print ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>');
print ('<error>0</error>');
print ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>');
print ('<error>1</error>');
print ('<message>Error trying to add ping for post</message>');
$gBitSystem->verifyPackage( 'blogs' );
// Check permissions to access this page
if( !$gContent->isValid() ) {
$gBitSystem->setHttpStatus( 404 );
$gBitSystem->fatalError( tra( 'Post cannot be found' ));
$displayHash = array( 'perm_name' => 'p_blogs_view' );
$gContent->invokeServices( 'content_display_function', $displayHash );
$gBitSmarty->assign('post_id', $gContent->mPostId);
//Build absolute URI for this
if ( empty( $_REQUEST['format'] ) || $_REQUEST['format'] == "full" || $_REQUEST['format'] == "data" ){
$comments_return_url = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']. "?post_id=". $gContent->mPostId;
$commentsParentId = $gContent->mContentId;
include_once ( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH. 'comments_inc.php' );
$extendedTitle = isset ($gContent->mInfo['blogtitle']) ? ' - '. $gContent->mInfo['blogtitle'] : NULL;
$gBitSystem->setBrowserTitle($gContent->mInfo['title']. $extendedTitle);
// if the format requested is not the full post or the readmore data we default to just the first half of the post
$data = ( $_REQUEST['format'] != "more" )? $gContent->mInfo['raw']: $gContent->mInfo['raw_more'];
$parsed_data = $gContent->parseData( $data, ($gContent->getField('format_guid') ? $gContent->getField('format_guid') : 'tikiwiki') );
$gBitSmarty->assign('parsed_data', $parsed_data);
$gBitSmarty->assign('post_info', $gContent->mInfo );
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST['output'] ) && $_REQUEST['output']= "ajax"){
$gBitSystem->display( 'bitpackage:blogs/view_blog_post_xml.tpl', NULL, array( 'format' => 'center_only', 'display_mode' => 'display' ));
$gBitSystem->display( 'bitpackage:blogs/view_blog_post.tpl' , NULL, array( 'display_mode' => 'display' ));