Source for file mod_last_blog_posts.php
Documentation is available at mod_last_blog_posts.php
include_once( BLOGS_PKG_PATH. 'BitBlogPost.php' );
//require_once( USERS_PKG_PATH.'BitUser.php' );
// moduleParams contains lots of goodies: extract for easier handling
if( !empty($module_params['date_start_offset']) ){
//offset is passed as number of hours
$date_start = time() - ( $module_params['date_start_offset'] * 3600 );
'sort_mode' => ( !empty( $module_params['sort_mode'] ) ? $module_params['sort_mode'] : 'publish_date_desc' ),
'max_records' => $module_rows,
'user' => ( !empty( $module_params['user'] ) ? $module_params['user'] : NULL ),
'blog_id' => ( @BitBase::verifyId( $module_params['blog_id'] ) ? $module_params['blog_id'] : NULL ),
'group_id' => ( @BitBase::verifyId( $module_params['group_id'] ) ? $module_params['group_id'] : NULL ),
'role_id' => ( @BitBase::verifyId( $module_params['role_id'] ) ? $module_params['role_id'] : NULL ),
'date_start' => $date_start,
'offset' => ( !empty( $module_params['offset'] ) ? $module_params['offset'] : 0 ),
$listHash = array_merge($module_params, $defaultsHash);
if(( empty( $module_params['include'] ) || $module_params['include'] != 'all' ) && !empty( $gQueryUserId )) {
$listHash['user_id'] = $gQueryUserId;
$listHash['content_perm_name'] = 'p_blogs_view';
// we dont want admin drafts included in regular lists if we are enforcing content status
$listHash['enforce_status'] = TRUE;
if ( !empty( $module_params['status'] ) && $module_params['status'] = "draft" && isset ( $gBitUser->mUserId ) ){
// if we are getting drafts then get future posts too
$listHash['show_future'] = TRUE;
$listHash['min_status_id'] = - 6;
$listHash['max_status_id'] = - 4;
$listHash['min_owner_status_id'] = - 6;
$listHash['user_id'] = $gBitUser->mUserId;
$listHash['min_owner_status_id'] = 0;
$blogPosts = $blogPost->getList( $listHash );
$descriptionLength = ( !empty( $module_params['max_preview_length'] ) ? $module_params['max_preview_length'] : 500 );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'blogPostsFormat', (empty($module_params['format']) ? 'list' : $module_params['format']) );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'descriptionLength', $descriptionLength );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'modLastBlogPosts', $blogPosts["data"] );
// not sure what this is, but using title doesn't work cos that will rename the moduleTitle
//$gBitSmarty->assign( 'modLastBlogPostsTitle', ( isset( $module_params["title"] ) ? $module_params["title"]:"" ));