Source for file mod_upcoming.php
Documentation is available at mod_upcoming.php
* - title : if is "title", show the title of the post, else show the date of creation
if( !defined( 'MAX_EVENTS_PREVIEW_LENGTH' ) ) {
include_once( EVENTS_PKG_PATH. 'BitEvents.php' );
global $gBitSmarty, $gQueryUserId, $gBitSystem, $moduleParams;
$module_rows = $moduleParams['module_rows'];
$module_params = $moduleParams['module_params'];
$module_title = isset ($moduleParams['title']) ? $moduleParams['title'] : tra( "Upcoming Events");
$_template->tpl_vars['moduleTitle'] = new Smarty_variable( $module_title );
$listHash = array( 'max_records' => $module_rows, 'parse_split' => !empty($module_params['preview']) && $module_params['preview'] ? TRUE : FALSE ,
'sort_mode' => !empty($module_params['random']) && $module_params['random'] ? 'random' : 'event_time_asc',
'event_after' => $gBitSystem->getUTCTime(),
'event_before' => $gBitSystem->getUTCTime() + (60 * 60 * 24 * $gBitSystem->getConfig('events_upcoming_limit', 7)));
/* Support for selecting entries only from one or more categories */
if (isset ($module_params['pigeonholes'])) {
$listHash['pigeonholes']['filter'] = split(",", $module_params['pigeonholes']);
$list = $events->getList( $listHash );
$maxPreviewLength = (!empty($module_params['max_preview_length']) ? $module_params['max_preview_length'] : MAX_EVENTS_PREVIEW_LENGTH);
$_template->tpl_vars['maxPreviewLength'] = new Smarty_variable( $maxPreviewLength);
$_template->tpl_vars['modUpcomingEvents'] = new Smarty_variable( $list);
$_template->tpl_vars['eventsPackageActive'] = new Smarty_variable( $gBitSystem->isPackageActive('events'));