Source for file mod_recent_posts.php
Documentation is available at mod_recent_posts.php
* - title : if is "title", show the title of the post, else show the date of creation
* - b : numeric id of board to show posts from
* - all_boards : display posts from all boards. Default behavior is to auto-track to board you are in.
include_once( BOARDS_PKG_PATH. 'BitBoardPost.php' );
global $gBitSmarty, $gQueryUserId, $gBitSystem, $moduleParams;
if( !empty( $moduleParams ) ) {
$listHash = array( 'user_id' => $gQueryUserId, 'sort_mode' => 'created_desc', 'max_records' => $module_rows );
if( !empty( $module_params['b'] ) ) {
$listHash['board_id'] = $module_params['b'];
} elseif( !empty( $_REQUEST['b'] ) && empty( $module_params['all_boards'] ) ) {
$listHash['board_id'] = $_REQUEST['b'];
$_template->tpl_vars['modRecentPostsBoardId'] = new Smarty_variable( !empty( $listHash['board_id'] ) );
if( BitBase::verifyId( $gQueryUserId ) ) {
$listHash['user_id'] = $gQueryUserId;
if( $postList = $post->getList( $listHash ) ) {
$_template->tpl_vars['modLastBoardPosts'] = new Smarty_variable( $postList );