Source for file BitEvents.php
Documentation is available at BitEvents.php
* Class for representing an event. Plans are to support RFC2455 style repeating events with iCal input and output.
* As well as supporting invites.
* @author nick <>
require_once( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH. 'LibertyMime.php' );
include_once( KERNEL_PKG_PATH. 'BitDate.php' );
* This is used to uniquely identify the object
define( 'BITEVENTS_CONTENT_TYPE_GUID', 'bitevents' );
* Primary key for our mythical Events class object & table
* During initialisation, be sure to call our base constructors
function BitEvents( $pEventsId= NULL, $pContentId= NULL ) {
'content_name' => 'Event',
'handler_class' => 'BitEvents',
'handler_package' => 'events',
'handler_file' => 'BitEvents.php',
'maintainer_url' => ''
* Load the data from the database
* @param pParamHash be sure to pass by reference in case we need to make modifcations to the hash
function load( $pContentId = NULL, $pPluginParams = NULL ) {
// LibertyContent::load()assumes you have joined already, and will not execute any sql!
// This is a significant performance optimization
$bindVars = array(); $selectSql = ''; $joinSql = ''; $whereSql = '';
$this->getServicesSql( 'content_load_sql_function', $selectSql, $joinSql, $whereSql, $bindVars );
$query = "SELECT e.*, et.`name` as `type_name`, lc.*, " .
"uue.`login` AS modifier_user, uue.`real_name` AS modifier_real_name, " .
"uuc.`login` AS creator_user, uuc.`real_name` AS creator_real_name " .
"LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_types` et ON (e.`type_id` = et.`type_id`)".
"INNER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content` lc ON( lc.`content_id` = e.`content_id` ) $joinSql" .
"LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_users` uue ON( uue.`user_id` = lc.`modifier_user_id` )" .
"LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_users` uuc ON( uuc.`user_id` = lc.`user_id` )" .
"WHERE e.`$lookupColumn`=? $whereSql";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, $bindVars );
if( $result && $result->numRows() ) {
$this->mInfo = $result->fields;
$this->mContentId = $result->fields['content_id'];
$this->mEventsId = $result->fields['events_id'];
$this->mInfo['creator'] = ( isset ( $result->fields['creator_real_name'] )? $result->fields['creator_real_name'] : $result->fields['creator_user'] );
$this->mInfo['editor'] = ( isset ( $result->fields['modifier_real_name'] )? $result->fields['modifier_real_name'] : $result->fields['modifier_user'] );
$prefChecks = array('show_start_time', 'show_end_time');
foreach ($prefChecks as $key => $var) {
global $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem;
// This is stupid! verify does NOT work how it should.
// verify should call the super class verify at all levels.
$this->mInfo = array_merge($pParamHash['events_store'], $pParamHash['content_store'], empty($pParamHash['events_prefs_store']) ? array() : $pParamHash['events_prefs_store']);
$this->mInfo['data'] = $pParamHash['edit'];
$this->mInfo['parsed'] = $this->parseData($pParamHash['edit'], empty($pParamHash['format_guid']) ? $pParamHash['format_guid'] : $gBitSystem->getConfig('default_format'));
$gBitSmarty->assign('preview', true);
* Any method named Store inherently implies data will be written to the database
* @param pParamHash be sure to pass by reference in case we need to make modifcations to the hash
* This is the ONLY method that should be called in order to store( create or update )an events!
* It is very smart and will figure out what to do for you. It should be considered a black box.
* @param array pParams hash of values that will be used to store the page
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if store could not occur. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
function store( &$pParamHash ) {
$prefChecks = array('show_start_time', 'show_end_time');
foreach ($prefChecks as $var) {
if (isset ($pParamHash['events_prefs_store'][$var])) {
$result = $this->mDb->associateUpdate( $table, $pParamHash['events_store'], array( 'events_id' => $pParamHash['events_id'] ) );
$pParamHash['events_store']['content_id'] = $pParamHash['content_id'];
if( @$this->verifyId( $pParamHash['events_id'] ) ) {
// if pParamHash['events_id'] is set, some is requesting a particular events_id. Use with caution!
$pParamHash['events_store']['events_id'] = $pParamHash['events_id'];
$pParamHash['events_store']['events_id'] = $this->mDb->GenID( 'events_events_id_seq' );
$this->mEventsId = $pParamHash['events_store']['events_id'];
$result = $this->mDb->associateInsert( $table, $pParamHash['events_store'] );
// TODO: This needs to be expanded to support repeating events.
$storeHash['content_id'] = $pParamHash['content_id'];
$storeHash['event_on'] = $pParamHash['content_store']['event_time'];
// TODO: needs to be made to handle repeating events stuff.
// This should load up the existing events_on, generate the array of times. Delete any events_on not in the new set.
// And then add any from the array of times that don't exist already.
$this->mDb->associateUpdate( BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_on", array( 'event_on' => $pParamHash['event_time'] ), array( 'content_id' => $pParamHash['content_id'] ) );
* Make sure the data is safe to store
* @param pParamHash be sure to pass by reference in case we need to make modifcations to the hash
* This function is responsible for data integrity and validation before any operations are performed with the $pParamHash
* NOTE: This is a PRIVATE METHOD!!!! do not call outside this class, under penalty of death!
* @param array pParams reference to hash of values that will be used to store the page, they will be modified where necessary
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if verify failed. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
function verify( &$pParamHash ) {
global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem;
// make sure we're all loaded up of we have a mEventsId
$pParamHash['content_id'] = $this->mInfo['content_id'];
// It is possible a derived class set this to something different
if( @$this->verifyId( $pParamHash['content_type_guid'] ) ) {
if( @$this->verifyId( $pParamHash['content_id'] ) ) {
$pParamHash['events_store']['content_id'] = $pParamHash['content_id'];
if( !empty( $pParamHash['cost'] ) ) {
$pParamHash['events_store']['cost'] = substr( trim($pParamHash['cost']), 0, 160 );
$prefChecks = array('show_start_time', 'show_end_time');
foreach ($prefChecks as $var) {
if (isset ($pParamHash[$var])) {
$pParamHash['events_prefs_store'][$var] = $pParamHash[$var];
if ( !empty($pParamHash['frequency'] ) ) {
$pParamHash['events_store']['frequency'] = $pParamHash['frequency'];
$pParamHash['events_store']['frequency'] = 0;
if( !empty( $pParamHash['type_id'] ) && $pParamHash['type_id'] > 0 ){
$pParamHash['events_store']['type_id'] = $pParamHash['type_id'];
$pParamHash['events_store']['type_id'] = NULL;
if( !empty( $pParamHash['start_date']) && !empty($pParamHash['start_time']) ) {
if (isset ($pParamHash['start_time']['Meridian'])) {
$pParamHash['event_time'] =
$this->mDate->gmmktime(($pParamHash['start_time']['Meridian'] == 'pm' ?
$pParamHash['start_time']['Hour'] + 12 :
isset ($pParamHash['start_time']['Second']) ?
$pParamHash['start_time']['Second'] : 0,
$pParamHash['event_time'] =
isset ($pParamHash['start_time']['Second']) ?
$pParamHash['start_time']['Second'] : 0,
if( !empty($pParamHash['end_time']) && !empty($pParamHash['event_time']) ) {
if (empty($pParamHash['start_date'])) {
$pParamHash['start_date']['Month'] = $this->mDate->strftime("%m", $pParamHash['event_time'], true);
$pParamHash['start_date']['Day'] = $this->mDate->strftime("%d", $pParamHash['event_time'], true);
$pParamHash['start_date']['Year'] = $this->mDate->strftime("%Y", $pParamHash['event_time'], true);
if ((!isset ($pParamHash['end_time']['Meridian']) ||
($pParamHash['end_time']['Meridian'] == 'am' ||
$pParamHash['end_time']['Meridian'] == 'pm')) &&
(isset ($pParamHash['end_time']['Hour']) &&
(!isset ($pParamHash['end_time']['Minute']) ||
(!isset ($pParamHash['end_time']['Second']) ||
is_numeric($pParamHash['end_time']['Second'])))) {
if (isset ($pParamHash['end_time']['Meridian'])) {
$pParamHash['events_store']['end_time'] =
$this->mDate->gmmktime(($pParamHash['end_time']['Meridian'] == 'pm' ?
$pParamHash['end_time']['Hour'] + 12 :
isset ($pParamHash['end_time']['Second']) ?
$pParamHash['end_time']['Second'] : 0,
$pParamHash['events_store']['end_time'] =
isset ($pParamHash['end_time']['Second']) ?
$pParamHash['end_time']['Second'] : 0,
$pParamHash['events_store']['end_time'] = $this->mDate->getUTCFromDisplayDate($pParamHash['events_store']['end_time']);
if( !empty( $pParamHash['event_time'] ) ) {
$pParamHash['event_time'] = $this->mDate->getUTCFromDisplayDate( $pParamHash['event_time']);
} else if ( !empty( $this->mInfo['event_time'] ) ) {
$pParamHash['event_time'] = $this->mDate->getUTCFromDisplayDate( $this->mInfo['event_time']);
$pParamHash['event_time'] = $gBitSystem->getUTCTime();
// check some lengths, if too long, then truncate
if( $this->isValid() && !empty( $this->mInfo['description'] ) && empty( $pParamHash['description'] ) ) {
// someone has deleted the description, we need to null it out
$pParamHash['events_store']['description'] = '';
} else if( empty( $pParamHash['description'] ) ) {
unset ( $pParamHash['description'] );
if( strlen( $pParamHash['description'] > 160 ) ) {
$this->mErrors['error'][] = 'Description is too long.';
$pParamHash['events_store']['description'] = substr( $pParamHash['description'], 0, 160 );
if( !empty( $pParamHash['data'] ) ) {
$pParamHash['edit'] = $pParamHash['data'];
// check for name issues, first truncate length if too long
if( !empty( $pParamHash['title'] ) ) {
if( empty( $pParamHash['title'] ) ) {
$this->mErrors['title'] = 'You must enter a name for this page.';
$pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = substr( $pParamHash['title'], 0, 160 );
$pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = ( isset ( $pParamHash['title'] ) )? substr( $pParamHash['title'], 0, 160 ): '';
} else if( empty( $pParamHash['title'] ) ) {
$this->mErrors['title'] = 'You must specify a name';
* This function removes a events entry
$query = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_on` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $this->mContentId ) );
$query = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_invites` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $this->mContentId ) );
$query = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $this->mContentId ) );
* Make sure events is loaded and valid
* Returns an assoicative array of event types
return $this->mDb->getAssoc("SELECT `type_id`, `name` ". ($pIncludeDesc ? ', `description`' : ''). " FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_types` ORDER BY `name`");
$this->mDb->query( "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_types` WHERE type_id = ?", array($pTypeId) );
function storeType($pId = NULL, $pName, $pDescription = NULL) {
$pName = substr($pName, 0, 30);
if( !empty($pDescription) ) {
if( $pDescription == '' ) {
$pDescription = substr($pDescription, 0, 160);
$pName = substr($pName, 0, 30);
// Probably should error out here
$pId = $this->mDb->GenID( 'events_types_id_seq' );
$this->mDb->query("INSERT INTO `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_types` (`type_id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", array($pId, $pName, $pDescription));
$this->mDb->query("UPDATE `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_types` SET `name` = ?, `description` = ? WHERE `type_id` = ?", array($pName, $pDescription, $pId));
* This function generates a list of records from the liberty_content database for use in a list page
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
if ( empty( $pParamHash['sort_mode'] ) ) {
if ( empty( $_REQUEST["sort_mode"] ) ) {
$pParamHash['sort_mode'] = 'event_time_asc';
$pParamHash['sort_mode'] = $_REQUEST['sort_mode'];
// Hack until sort_mode can be filtered to acceptable values
$pParamHash['sort_mode'] = 'event_time_asc';
$this->getServicesSql( 'content_list_sql_function', $selectSql, $joinSql, $whereSql, $bindVars );
// this will set $find, $sort_mode, $max_records and $offset
// you can use an array of pages
$whereSql .= " AND UPPER( lc.`title` )like ? ";
} else if( @$this->verifyId( $pUserId ) ) {
$whereSql .= " AND lc.`creator_user_id` = ? ";
$bindVars[] = array( $pUserId );
if (!empty($event_before)) {
$whereSql .= " AND lc.`event_time` <= ? ";
$bindVars[] = $event_before;
if (!empty($event_after)) {
$whereSql .= " AND lc.`event_time` > ? ";
$bindVars[] = $event_after;
$query = "SELECT e.*, et.`name` as `type_name`, lc.`title`, lc.`data`, lc.`modifier_user_id` AS `modifier_user_id`, lc.`user_id` AS `creator_user_id`,
lc.`last_modified` AS `last_modified`, lc.`event_time` AS `event_time`, lc.`format_guid`, lcps.`pref_value` AS `show_start_time`, lcpe.`pref_value` AS `show_end_time`,
la.`attachment_id` AS primary_attachment_id
LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_types` et ON (e.`type_id` = et.`type_id`)
INNER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content` lc ON( lc.`content_id` = e.`content_id` )
LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content_prefs` lcps ON (lc.`content_id` = lcps.`content_id` AND lcps.`pref_name` = 'show_start_time')
LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_attachments` la ON (lc.`content_id` = la.`content_id` AND la.`is_primary` = 'y')
LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content_prefs` lcpe ON (lc.`content_id` = lcpe.`content_id` AND lcpe.`pref_name` = 'show_end_time')
WHERE lc.`content_type_guid` = ? $whereSql
ORDER BY ". $this->mDb->convertSortmode( $sort_mode );
$query_cant = "SELECT COUNT( * )
INNER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content` lc ON( lc.`content_id` = e.`content_id` ) $joinSql
WHERE lc.`content_type_guid` = ? $whereSql";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, $bindVars, $max_records, $offset );
while( $res = $result->fetchRow() ) {
if (!empty($parse_split)) {
$res['display_url'] = $this->getDisplayUrl($res['events_id'], $res);
$res['primary_attachment'] = LibertyMime::loadAttachment( $res['primary_attachment_id'] );
$pParamHash["data"] = $ret;
$pParamHash["cant"] = $this->mDb->getOne( $query_cant, $bindVars );
/* Limits content status types for users who can not enter all status */
if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('events_moderation')) {
return parent::getAvailableContentStatuses();
* Generates the URL to the article
* @return the link to the full article
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pParamHash['event_id'] ) ) {
if( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'pretty_urls_extended' ) ) {
// Not needed since it's a number: $ret = EVENTS_PKG_URL."view/".$this->mEventsId;
$ret = EVENTS_PKG_URL. $pParamHash['event_id'];
} else if( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'pretty_urls' ) ) {
$ret = EVENTS_PKG_URL. $pParamHash['event_id'];
$ret = EVENTS_PKG_URL. "index.php?events_id=". $pParamHash['event_id'];
* Function that returns link to display an image
* @return the url to display the gallery.
$info = array( 'event_id' => $this->mEventsId );
return self::getDisplayUrlFromHash( $info );
return EVENTS_PKG_PATH. "display_events_inc.php";
if ( ACTIVE_PACKAGE == 'events' ) {
$ret['select_sql'] = ", eo.`event_on` ";
$ret['join_sql'] = " LEFT OUTER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "events_on` eo ON (lc.`content_id` = eo.`content_id`) ";