Source for file thumbnailer.php
Documentation is available at thumbnailer.php
* php -q thumbnailer.php [# of thumbnails]
* php -q thumbnailer.php 20
* suggested crontab entry runs the thumbnailer every minute:
* * * * * * apache php -q /path/to/bitweaver/fisheye/thumbnailer.php 20 >> /var/log/httpd/thumbnail_log
global $gBitSystem, $_SERVER;
// reduce feedback for command line to keep log noise way down
// running from cron can cause us not to be in the right dir.
require_once( '../kernel/setup_inc.php' );
require_once( FISHEYE_PKG_PATH. 'FisheyeImage.php' );
// add some protection for arbitrary thumbail execution.
// if argc is present, we will trust it was exec'ed command line.
if( empty( $argc ) && !$gBitUser->isAdmin() ) {
$gBitSystem->fatalError( tra( 'You cannot run the thumbnailer' ));
$thumbCount = ( !empty( $argv[1] ) ) ? $argv[1] : ( !empty( $_REQUEST['thumbnails'] ) ? $_REQUEST['thumbnails'] : 10);
$sql = "SELECT pq.content_id AS hash_key, pq.*
WHERE pq.begin_date IS NULL
$rs = $gBitSystem->mDb->query( $sql, NULL, $thumbCount );
$processContent = array();
$processContent[$rs->fields['content_id']] = $rs->fields;
$processContent[$rs->fields['content_id']]['parameters'] = unserialize( $rs->fields['processor_parameters'] );
$sql2 = "UPDATE `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_process_queue` SET `begin_date`=? WHERE `content_id`=?";
$rs2 = $gBitSystem->mDb->query( $sql2, array( date( 'U' ), $rs->fields['content_id'] ) );
foreach( array_keys( $processContent ) as $contentId ) {
if( !empty( $processContent[$contentId]['parameters']['resize_original'] ) ) {
$image->resizeOriginal( $processContent[$contentId]['parameters']['resize_original'] );
if( $image->renderThumbnails() ) {
$log[$contentId]['message'] = 'SUCCESS: Thumbnails created';
$sql3 = "UPDATE `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_process_queue` SET `begin_date`=?, `end_date`=? WHERE `content_id`=?";
$rs3 = $gBitSystem->mDb->query( $sql3, array( $begin, $gBitSystem->getUTCTime(), $contentId ) );
$log[$contentId]['message'] = ' ERROR: '. $image->mErrors['thumbnail'];
$log[$contentId]['time'] = date( 'd/M/Y:H:i:s O' );
$log[$contentId]['duration'] = date( 'U' ) - $begin;
$log[$contentId]['delay'] = date( 'U' ) - $total;
// generate something that kinda looks like apache common log format
print $contentId. ' - - ['. $log[$contentId]['time']. '] "'. $log[$contentId]['message']. '" '. $log[$contentId]['duration']. "seconds <br/>\n";
if( count($processContent) ) {
print '# '. count($processContent). " images processed in ". (date( 'U' ) - $total). " seconds<br/>\n";