Source for file create_config_inc.php
Documentation is available at create_config_inc.php
* create configuration file
* @param string $pParamHash['gBitDbType']
* @param string $pParamHash['gBitDbHost']
* @param string $pParamHash['gBitDbUser']
* @param string $pParamHash['gBitDbPassword']
* @param string $pParamHash['gBitDbName']
* @param numeric $pParamHash['gBitDbCaseSensitivity']
* @param string $pParamHash['bit_db_prefix']
* @param string $pParamHash['bit_root_url']
* @param boolean $pParamHash['auto_bug_submit']
* @param boolean $pParamHash['is_live']
// assign values to their keys
$bit_db_prefix = empty( $bit_db_prefix ) ? "" : $bit_db_prefix;
if( $gBitDbType == 'mysql' ) {
$bit_db_prefix = preg_replace( '/[`.]/', '', $bit_db_prefix );
} elseif( !preg_match( '/`\.`/', $bit_db_prefix ) ) {
$bit_db_prefix = preg_replace( '/\./', '`.`', $bit_db_prefix );
$config_file = empty( $_SERVER['CONFIG_INC'] ) ? '../config/kernel/config_inc.php' : $_SERVER['CONFIG_INC'];
// We can't call clean_file_path here even though we would like to.
$config_file = ( strpos( $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"],"IIS" ) ? str_replace( "/", "\\", $config_file ) : $config_file );
$fw = fopen( $config_file, 'w' );
// Copyright (c) 2006,
// The following line is required and should not be altered
global \$gBitDbType, \$gBitDbHost, \$gBitDbUser, \$gBitDbPassword, \$gBitDbName, \$gBitDbCaseSensitivity, \$smarty_force_compile, \$gDebug, \$gPreScan;
*************** Database settings ****************
// You can choose between different Database abstraction layers. Currently we support:
// this is the default setting and is bundled with bitweaver
// when using this, you can even remove the util/adodb directory
\$gBitDbSystem = \"adodb\";
// bitweaver can store its data in multiple different back-ends. Currently we
// support MySQL, MSSQL, Firebird, Sybase, PostgreSQL and Oracle. Enter the
// hostname where your database lives, and the username and password you use to
// You must specify the name of a database that already exists. bitweaver will not
// create the database for you, because it's very difficult to do that in a
// reliable, database-neutral fashion. The user that you use should have the
// following permissions:
// The possible database types that we support are:
// mysqli New MySQL driver
// mssql MS-SQL (experimental)
// postgres PostgreSQL 7.x
// oci8po Oracle (9i and newer)
// Hostname or IP for your database.
// 'localhost' if you are running the database on the same machine as bitweaver
// If you use Oracle, insert your TNS Name here
// If you use SQLite, insert the path and filename to your database file
// Database field case default
// This prefix will be prepended to the begining of every table name to allow
// multiple independent installs to share a single database. By ending the prefix
// with a '.' (period) you can use a schema in systems that support it. Backticks
// '`' around the '.' are required if present. A schema example is: 'bit`.`'
define( 'BIT_DB_PREFIX', '$bit_db_prefix' );
*************** Environment Settings ****************
// Setting IS_LIVE to TRUE will let the application know that this site is a live
// production site and is not used for testing purposes. This will prevent any
// nasty error pages from appearing and will redirect the user to a 'nicer' error
// page. Errors should still show up in your error logs. Please use these when
// submitting bugs to
define( 'IS_LIVE', $is_live );
// if you set AUTO_BUG_SUBMIT to TRUE bitweaver will automatically email the team
// with details regarding the error. Alternatively you can submit bugs to
// which will probably
// get processed faster since more people have access to these.
define( 'AUTO_BUG_SUBMIT', $auto_bug_submit );
// This is the path from the server root to your bitweaver location. i.e. if you
// access bitweaver as '' you
// should enter '/applications/new/'
define( 'BIT_ROOT_URL', '$bit_root_url' );
// Here you can set the valid base URI for your site. If you do not set this, we
// will automatically determine a working value. You can force the use of a
// specific URI here by putting something like: ''
//define( 'BIT_ROOT_URI', '' );
// Add default STORAGE_HOST_URI for optionally splitting off storage files to
// separate host. This will allow you to serve thumbnails and other files from
// a different server to your web server. If this is not set, we will use
// BIT_ROOT_URI instead. Put something like: ''
//define( 'STORAGE_HOST_URI', '' );
// This allows you to set a custom path to your PHP tmp directory - used for ADODB
// caching if active, and other stuff This is usually only needed in very
// restrictive hosting environments.
//\$gTempDir = '/path/to/private/directory';
// \$gPreScan can be used to specify the order in which packages are scanned by
// the kernel. In the example provided below, the kernel package is processed
// first, followed by the users and liberty packages. Any packages not specified
// in \$gPreScan are processed in the traditional order
//\$gPreScan = array( 'kernel', 'storage', 'liberty', 'themes', 'users' );
// \$gThumbSizes defines the image thumbnail sizes that will be autogenerated when
// images are uploaded and processed. The example provided shows the default sizes
// that are used. You can add as many sizes as you want if you override the default.
'extra-large' => array( 'width' => 1024, 'height' => 1024 ),
'large' => array( 'width' => 800, 'height' => 800 ),
'medium' => array( 'width' => 400, 'height' => 400 ),
'small' => array( 'width' => 160, 'height' => 160 ),
'avatar' => array( 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100 ),
'icon' => array( 'width' => 48, 'height' => 48 ),
if( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) == 'WIN' ) {
// Insert the absolute path to your php magic database. This is required for
// us to check and verify the mime type of uploaded files. This setting is only
// required on windows machines.
//define( 'PHP_MAGIC_PATH', 'C:\\Program Files\\PHP\\extras\\magic.mime' );";
define( 'LIBERTY_DEFAULT_MIME_HANDLER', 'mimeflatdefault' );";
*************** Debugging Options ****************
// If you wish to force compiling of every page, you can set the next setting to
// TRUE. this will, however, severly impact performance since every page that is
// generated is generated afresh and the cache is recreated every time.
\$smarty_force_compile = FALSE;
// Setting TEMPLATE_DEBUG = TRUE will output <!-- <called templates> --> in your
// templates, which will allow you to track all used templates in the HTML source
// of the page. This will also disable stripping of whitespace making it easier to
// read the templates. You will only see the effect of the strip changes by
// clearing out your cache or setting \$smarty_force_compile = TRUE;
// Note: be sure to set this to FALSE and clear out the cache once done since it
// will increase the page size by at least 10%.
//define( 'TEMPLATE_DEBUG', TRUE );
// If you want to go a step further with template debugging then this enables
// smarty's debugging console. A popup with a dump of all of the vars the
// template(s) have been passed.
\$smarty_debugging = FALSE;
// This statement will enable you to view all database queries made
// This will turn on ADODB performance monitoring and log all queries. This should
// not be enabled except when doing query analysis due to an overall performance
// drop. see kernel/admin/db_performance.php for statistics
print "UNABLE TO WRITE TO ". realpath( $config_file );