Source for file install_cleanup.php
Documentation is available at install_cleanup.php
// assign next step in installation process
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'next_step', $step );
$schema = $gBitInstaller->mPackages;
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'schema', $schema );
// ===================== Post install table check =====================
// $dbTables is the output of BitSystem::verifyInstalledPackages() in
// install_inc.php and contains all tables that are not present in the database
// - even tables of packages that are not installed
// ===================== Permissions =====================
// check all permissions, compare them to each other and see if there are old
// permissions and ones that need to be inserted
$query = "SELECT * FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_permissions` ORDER BY `package` ASC";
$result = $gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $query );
foreach( $result->fields as $r ) {
$bitPerms[$result->fields['perm_name']][] = $r;
$bitPerms[$result->fields['perm_name']]['sql'][] = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_role_permissions` WHERE `perm_name`='". $result->fields['perm_name']. "'";
$bitPerms[$result->fields['perm_name']]['sql'][] = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_group_permissions` WHERE `perm_name`='". $result->fields['perm_name']. "'";
$bitPerms[$result->fields['perm_name']]['sql'][] = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_permissions` WHERE `perm_name`='". $result->fields['perm_name']. "'";
// we will make sure all the permission levels are what they should be. we will
// update these without consulting the user. this is purely backend stuff, has
// no outcome on the site itself but determines what the default permission
// level is. the user can never modify these settings.
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPermHash ) as $perm ) {
// permission level is stored in [2]
if( !empty( $bitPerms[$perm] ) && $gBitInstaller->mPermHash[$perm][2] != $bitPerms[$perm][2] ) {
$query = "UPDATE `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_permissions` SET `perm_level` = ? WHERE `perm_name` = ?";
$bindVars[] = $gBitInstaller->mPermHash[$perm][2];
$gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $query, $bindVars );
// compare both perm arrays with each other and work out what permissions need
// to be added and which ones removed
$insPerms = $delPerms = array();
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPermHash ) as $perm ) {
if( $gBitInstaller->isInstalled( $gBitInstaller->mPermHash[$perm][3] )) {
$insPerms[$perm] = $gBitInstaller->mPermHash[$perm];
$delPerms[$perm] = $bitPerms[$perm];
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'delPerms', $delPerms );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'insPerms', $insPerms );
// ===================== Services =====================
// check if we have installed more than one service of any given type
// DEPRECATED - this check never really made sense. The original purpose
// of the services was to have multiple under the same identifier to
// be able to invoke them all in one shot. Recent updates to the services
// flattens the array so that there is one and only one service set per
// service type. This could revert back with time. For now this is commented
if( !empty( $gLibertySystem->mServices ) ) {
foreach( $gLibertySystem->mServices as $service_name => $service ) {
if( count( $service ) > 1 ) {
$serviceList[$service_name] = $service;
// ===================== Process Form =====================
// create missing tables if possible
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['create_tables'] ) && !empty( $dbIntegrity )) {
$gBitInstallDb = &ADONewConnection( $gBitDbType );
if( $gBitInstallDb->Connect( $gBitDbHost, $gBitDbUser, $gBitDbPassword, $gBitDbName )) {
$dict = NewDataDictionary( $gBitInstallDb );
if( !$gBitInstaller->mDb->getCaseSensitivity() ) {
$dict->connection->nameQuote = '';
if( !empty( $gDebug ) || !empty( $_REQUEST['debug'] )) {
$gBitInstallDb->debug = 99;
// If we use MySql check which storage engine to use
if( isset ( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] ) ){
if( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] == TRUE ) {
$build = array('NEW', 'MYSQL' => 'ENGINE=INNODB');
$build = array('NEW', 'MYSQL' => 'ENGINE=MYISAM');
$tablePrefix = $gBitInstaller->getTablePrefix();
foreach( $dbIntegrity as $package => $info ) {
foreach( $info['tables'] as $table ) {
$completeTableName = $tablePrefix. $table['name'];
$sql = $dict->CreateTableSQL( $completeTableName, $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['tables'][$table['name']], $build );
// Uncomment this line to see the create sql
$dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sql );
// if any of the serviceList items have been unchecked, disable the appropriate packages
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['resolve_conflicts'] ) ) {
if( !empty( $gDebug ) || !empty( $_REQUEST['debug'] ) ) {
$gBitInstallDb->debug = 99;
$fixedPermissions = array();
$permMap['registered'] = 3;
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['perms'] ) ) {
foreach( $_REQUEST['perms'] as $perm ) {
if( !empty( $delPerms[$perm] )) {
foreach( $delPerms[$perm]['sql'] as $sql ) {
$gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $sql );
$fixedPermissions[] = $delPerms[$perm];
if( !empty( $insPerms[$perm] )) {
$gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $insPerms[$perm]['sql'] );
$fixedPermissions[] = $insPerms[$perm];
if( !empty( $roleMap[$insPerms[$perm][2]] )) {
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'fixedPermissions', $fixedPermissions );
foreach( $serviceList as $service ) {
$packages = !empty( $_REQUEST['packages'] ) ? $_REQUEST['packages'] : array();
$deActivated[] = $package;
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'next_step', $step + 1 );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'deActivated', $deActivated );
// display the confirmation page
} elseif( !empty( $_REQUEST['skip'] ) ) {
// if there were no conflicts, we move on to the next page
header( "Location: ". $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']. "?step=".++ $step );
// make sure everything is up to date after the above changes
$dbTables = $gBitInstaller->verifyInstalledPackages( 'all' );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'dbIntegrity', $dbIntegrity );
// $gBitSmarty->assign( 'serviceList', $serviceList );
* function - install_check_database_integrity
if( !empty( $pDbTables['missing'] ) && is_array( $pDbTables['missing'] )) {
foreach( array_keys( $pDbTables['missing'] ) as $package ) {
// we can't use the 'installed' flag in $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package] because that is set to 'not installed' as soon as a table is missing
if( count( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['tables'] ) > count( $pDbTables['missing'][$package] )) {
// at least one table is missing
'name' => ucfirst( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['name'] ),
'required' => $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['required'],
foreach( $pDbTables['missing'][$package] as $table ) {
$ret[$package]['tables'][$table] = array(
'sql' => $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['tables'][$table],