Source for file install_packages.php
Documentation is available at install_packages.php
* @copyright (c) 2002-2003, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al.
* All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
* Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See for details.
* we set this variable since || admin >> kernel >> packages || uses this file as well
// set the maximum execution time to very high
ini_set( "max_execution_time", "86400" );
// assign next step in installation process
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'next_step', $step );
// pass all package data to template
$schema = $gBitInstaller->mPackages;
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'schema', $schema );
// confirm that we have all the admin data in the session before proceeding
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['packages'] ) && in_array( 'users', $_REQUEST['packages'] ) && ( empty( $_SESSION['login'] ) || empty( $_SESSION['password'] ) || empty( $_SESSION['email'] ) ) ) {
// we have lost our session password and we are not installed
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['cancel'] ) ) {
} elseif( !empty( $_REQUEST['packages'] ) && is_array( $_REQUEST['packages'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['method'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['submit_packages'] ) ) {
// shorthand for the actions we are supposed to perform during an unistall or re-install
$removeActions = !empty( $_REQUEST['remove_actions'] ) ? $_REQUEST['remove_actions'] : array();
// Override reinstall/uninstall flag
if ( $_REQUEST['submit_packages'] == 'Install Packages' ) $_REQUEST['method'] = 'install';
// make sure that required pkgs are only present when we are installing
if(( $method = ( $_REQUEST['method'] )) == 'install' && !$_SESSION['first_install'] ) {
// make sure no required packages are included in this list
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages ) as $package ) {
if( in_array( $package, $_REQUEST['packages'] ) && !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['required'] )) {
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'warning', "Something unexpected has happened: One of the required packages has appeared in the list of selected packages. This generally only happens if the installation is missing a core database table. Please contact the bitweaver developers team on how to proceed." );
} elseif( $method != 'install' && empty( $removeActions ) ) {
// we are un / reinstalling stuff but no actions have been selected
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'warning', "You have selected to un / reinstall packages but have not selected any options. Please select at least one." );
if( $gBitDbType == 'sybase' ) {
// avoid database change messages
ini_set('sybct.min_server_severity', '11');
$gBitInstallDb = ADONewConnection( $gBitDbType );
if( !empty( $gDebug ) || !empty( $_REQUEST['debug'] ) ) {
$gBitInstallDb->debug = 99;
// by now $method should be populated with something
if( $gBitInstallDb->Connect( $gBitDbHost, $gBitDbUser, $gBitDbPassword, $gBitDbName ) && !empty( $method ) ) {
if ( $_SESSION['first_install'] && $gBitDbType == 'firebird' ) {
// Leave commented for present, new installations on Firebird should use FB2.1.x and above which have an internal function library
$tablePrefix = $gBitInstaller->getTablePrefix();
$dict = NewDataDictionary( $gBitInstallDb );
if( !$gBitInstaller->mDb->getCaseSensitivity() ) {
// set nameQuote to blank
$dict->connection->nameQuote = '';
// When using MySql and installing further packages after first install
// check to see what storage engine in use, InnoDb or MyIsam,
// so we don't end up with mixed table types.
if( $gBitInstaller->isInstalled() ) {
$_SESSION['use_innodb'] = FALSE;
$rs = $gBitDb->Execute("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '%kernel_config'");
$row = $rs->GetRowAssoc(false);
$_SESSION['use_innodb'] = TRUE;
//error_reporting( E_ALL );
// packages are sorted alphabetically. but we really need a /etc/rc.d/rc.3 style loading precidence!
// We perform several loops through mPackages due to foreign keys, and some packages may insert
// value into other packages tables - typically users_permissions, bit_preferences, etc...
sort( $_REQUEST['packages'] );
// Need to unquote constraints. but this need replacing with a datadict function
$gBitKernelDb = new BitDb();
$gBitKernelDb->mType = $gBitDbType;
// ---------------------- 1. ----------------------
// let's generate all the tables's
$uninstalledPackages = array();
// get a list of packages to install maintained gScanOrder from mPackages
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages ) as $p ) {
if( in_array( $p, $_REQUEST['packages'] ) ) {
$uninstalledPackages[] = $p;
$maxLoop = count( $uninstalledPackages ) * count( $uninstalledPackages );
$installedPackages = array();
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages ) as $key ) {
if( !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['installed'] ) ) {
$dependentPackages = (!empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['info']['dependencies'] ) ? explode( ',', $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['info']['dependencies'] ) : array());
$dependentsInstalled = array_intersect( $dependentPackages, $installedPackages );
$dependentsUninstalled = array_intersect( $dependentPackages, $uninstalledPackages );
if( !empty( $dependentPackages ) && (count( $dependentsUninstalled ) + count( $dependentsInstalled )) != count( $dependentPackages ) ) {
// total dependents is not the same as what is/will be installed
$errors[] = 'Required package is missing: '. $package. ' requires '. $gBitInstaller->mPackages['info']['dependencies'];
} elseif( empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['requirements'] ) && count( $dependentsInstalled ) == count( $dependentPackages ) ) {
// work out what we're going to do with this package
if ( $method == 'install' && $_SESSION['first_install'] ) {
} elseif( $method == "install" && empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['installed'] )) {
} elseif( $method == "reinstall" && !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['installed'] ) && in_array( 'tables', $removeActions )) {
// only set $build if we want to reset the tables - this allows us to reset a package to it's starting values without deleting any content
$build = array( 'REPLACE' );
} elseif( $method == "uninstall" && !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['installed'] ) && in_array( 'tables', $removeActions )) {
$build = array( 'DROP' );
// If we use MySql and not DROP anything
// set correct storage engine to use
if( isset ( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] ) && isset ( $build ) && $build['0'] != 'DROP' ){
if( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] == TRUE) {
$build = array_merge($build, array('MYSQL' => 'ENGINE=INNODB'));
$build = array_merge($build, array('MYSQL' => 'ENGINE=MYISAM'));
// Install tables - $build is empty when we don't pick tables, when un / reinstalling packages
if( !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['tables'] ) && is_array( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['tables'] ) && !empty( $build )) {
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['tables'] ) as $tableName ) {
$completeTableName = $tablePrefix. $tableName;
// in case prefix has backticks for schema
$sql = $dict->CreateTableSQL( $completeTableName, $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['tables'][$tableName], $build );
// Uncomment this line to see the create sql
for( $sqlIdx = 0; $sqlIdx < count( $sql ); $sqlIdx++ ) {
$gBitKernelDb->convertQuery( $sql[$sqlIdx] );
if( $sql && $dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sql ) <= 1) {
$errors[] = 'Failed to create table '. $completeTableName;
$failedcommands[] = implode(" ", $sql);
$installedPackages[] = $package;
// push dependent package on the end of uninstalled array
} while( !empty( $uninstalledPackages ) && $i < $maxLoop );
$errors[] = 'Infinite loop detected';
// ---------------------- 2. ----------------------
// install additional constraints
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages ) as $package ) {
if( in_array( $package, $_REQUEST['packages'] ) && ($method == 'install' || $method == 'reinstall' )
&& !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['constraints'] ) && is_array( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['constraints'] ) ) {
foreach( array_keys($gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['constraints']) as $tableName ) {
$completeTableName = $tablePrefix. $tableName;
foreach( array_keys($gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['constraints'][$tableName]) as $constraintName ) {
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'. $completeTableName. '` ADD CONSTRAINT `'. $constraintName. '` '. $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['constraints'][$tableName][$constraintName];
$ret = $gBitInstallDb->Execute( $sql );
$errors[] = 'Failed to add constraint '. $constraintName. ' to table '. $completeTableName;
$failedcommands[] = $sql;
// ---------------------- 3. ----------------------
// let's generate all the indexes, and sequences
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages ) as $package ) {
if( in_array( $package, $_REQUEST['packages'] ) ) {
if( $method == 'install' || ( $method == 'reinstall' && in_array( 'tables', $removeActions ))) {
if( isset ( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['indexes'] ) && is_array( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['indexes'] ) ) {
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['indexes'] ) as $tableIdx ) {
$completeTableName = $sequencePrefix. $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['indexes'][$tableIdx]['table'];
$sql = $dict->CreateIndexSQL( $tableIdx, $completeTableName, $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['indexes'][$tableIdx]['cols'], $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['indexes'][$tableIdx]['opts'] );
if( $sql && $dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sql ) <= 1) {
$errors[] = 'Failed to create index '. $tableIdx. " on ". $completeTableName;
$failedcommands[] = implode(" ", $sql);
if( $method == 'reinstall' && in_array( 'tables', $removeActions )) {
if( isset ( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) && is_array( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) ) {
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) as $sequenceIdx ) {
$sql = $gBitInstallDb->DropSequence( $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx );
$errors[] = 'Failed to drop sequence '. $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx;
$failedcommands[] = "DROP SEQUENCE ". $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx;
if( isset ( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) && is_array( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) ) {
// If we use InnoDB for MySql we need this to get sequence tables created correctly.
if( isset ( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] ) ) {
if( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] == TRUE ) {
$gBitInstallDb->_genSeqSQL = "create table %s (id int not null) ENGINE=INNODB";
$gBitInstallDb->_genSeqSQL = "create table %s (id int not null) ENGINE=MYISAM";
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) as $sequenceIdx ) {
$sql = $gBitInstallDb->CreateSequence( $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx, $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'][$sequenceIdx]['start'] );
$errors[] = 'Failed to create sequence '. $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx;
$failedcommands[] = "CREATE SEQUENCE ". $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx. " START ". $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'][$sequenceIdx]['start'];
} elseif( $method == 'uninstall' && in_array( 'tables', $removeActions )) {
if( isset ( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) && is_array( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) ) {
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['sequences'] ) as $sequenceIdx ) {
$sql = $gBitInstallDb->DropSequence( $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx );
$errors[] = 'Failed to drop sequence '. $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx;
$failedcommands[] = "DROP SEQUENCE ". $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx;
// Force a reload of all our preferences
$gBitInstaller->mPrefs = '';
// ---------------------- 4. ----------------------
// manipulate the data in kernel_config
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages ) as $package ) {
if( in_array( $package, $_REQUEST['packages'] ) ) {
// remove all the requested settings - this is a bit tricky and might require some more testing
// Remove settings if requested
if( in_array( 'settings', $removeActions ) ) {
// get a list of permissions used by this package
$query = "SELECT `perm_name` FROM `". $tablePrefix. "users_permissions` WHERE `package`=?";
$perms = $gBitInstaller->mDb->getCol( $query, array( $package ));
// we deal with liberty_content_permissions below
$tables = array( 'users_role_permissions', 'users_permissions' );
$tables = array( 'users_group_permissions', 'users_permissions' );
foreach( $tables as $table ) {
foreach( $perms as $perm ) {
DELETE FROM `". $tablePrefix. $table. "`
$ret = $gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $delete, array( $perm ) );
$errors[] = "Error deleting permission ". $perm;
$failedcommands[] = $delete. " ". $perm;
// list of tables where we store package specific settings
$tables = array( 'kernel_config' );
foreach( $tables as $table ) {
DELETE FROM `". $tablePrefix. $table. "`
WHERE `package`=? OR `config_name` LIKE ?";
$ret = $gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $delete, array( $package, $package. "%" ));
$errors[] = "Error deleting confgis for package ". $package;
$failedcommands[] = $delete. " ". $package;
// now we can start removing content if requested
// lots of foreach loops in here
if( in_array( 'content', $removeActions ) ) {
// first we need to work out the package specific content details
foreach( $gLibertySystem->mContentTypes as $contentType ) {
if( $contentType['handler_package'] == $package ) {
// first we get a list of content_ids which we can use to scan various tables without content_type_guid column for data
$query = "SELECT `content_id` FROM `". $tablePrefix. "liberty_content` WHERE `content_type_guid`=?";
$rmContentIds = $gBitInstaller->mDb->getCol( $query, array( $contentType['content_type_guid'] ));
// list of core tables where bitweaver might store relevant data
// firstly, we delete using the content ids
// order is important due to the constraints set in the schema
'liberty_aliases' => 'content_id',
'liberty_structures' => 'content_id',
'liberty_content_hits' => 'content_id',
'liberty_content_history' => 'content_id',
'liberty_content_prefs' => 'content_id',
'liberty_content_links' => 'to_content_id',
'liberty_content_links' => 'from_content_id',
'liberty_process_queue' => 'content_id',
'liberty_content_permissions' => 'content_id',
'users_favorites_map' => 'favorite_content_id'
// This table needs to be fixed to use content_id instead of page_id
//'liberty_copyrights' => 'content_id',
// liberty comments are tricky. should we remove comments linked to the content being deleted?
// makes sense to me but only if boards are not installed - xing
//'liberty_comments' => 'root_id',
foreach( $rmContentIds as $contentId ) {
foreach( $tables as $table => $column ) {
DELETE FROM `". $tablePrefix. $table. "`
$ret = $gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $delete, array( $contentId ));
$errors[] = "Error deleting from ". $tablePrefxi. $table;
$failedcommands[] = $delete. " ". $contentId;
// TODO: get a list of tables that have a liberty_content.content_id constraint and delete those entries that we can
// remove the entries from liberty_content in the next step
// one such example is stars and stars_history - we need to automagically recognise tables with such constraints.
// TODO: we need an option to physically remove files from the server when we uninstall stuff like fisheye and treasury
// i think we'll need to call the appropriate expunge function but i'm too tired to work out how or where to get that info from
// secondly, we delete using the content type guid
// order is important due to the constraints set in the schema
foreach( $tables as $table ) {
DELETE FROM `". $tablePrefix. $table. "`
WHERE `content_type_guid`=?";
$ret = $gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $delete, array( $contentType['content_type_guid'] ));
$errors[] = "Error deleting content type";
$failedcommands[] = $delete. " ". $contentType['content_type_guid'];
// set installed packages active
if( $method == 'install' || $method == 'reinstall' ) {
// apparently we need to first remove the vaue from the database to make sure it's set
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( 'package_'. $package , NULL );
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( 'package_'. $package , 'y', $package );
// we can assume that the latest upgrade version available for a package is the most current version number for that package
if( $version = $gBitInstaller->getLatestUpgradeVersion( $package )) {
$gBitSystem->storeVersion( $package, $version );
} elseif( !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['version'] )) {
$gBitSystem->storeVersion( $package, $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['version'] );
$gBitInstaller->mPackages[ $package ]['installed'] = TRUE;
$gBitInstaller->mPackages[ $package ]['active_switch'] = TRUE;
// we'll default wiki to the home page
if( defined( 'WIKI_PKG_NAME' ) && $package == WIKI_PKG_NAME && !$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'bit_index' )) {
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( "bit_index", WIKI_PKG_NAME, WIKI_PKG_NAME );
// Tonnes of stuff has changed. Force a reload of all our preferences
$gBitInstaller->mPrefs = '';
$gBitInstaller->mDb->query( "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "kernel_config` WHERE `package`=?", array( $package ) );
// ---------------------- 5. ----------------------
// run the defaults through afterwards so we can be sure all tables needed have been created
foreach( array_keys( $gBitInstaller->mPackages ) as $package ) {
if( !empty( $package )) {
if( in_array( $package, $_REQUEST['packages'] ) || ( empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['installed'] ) && !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['required'] ) ) ) {
if( $method == 'install' || ( $method == 'reinstall' && in_array( 'settings', $removeActions ))) {
// this list of installed packages is used to show newly installed packages
if( !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['defaults'] ) ) {
foreach( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['defaults'] as $def ) {
if( $gBitInstaller->mDb->mType == 'firebird' ) {
$ret = $gBitInstaller->mDb->query( $def );
$errors[] = "Error setting defaults";
$failedcommands[] = $def;
if( !empty( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['default_prefs'] ) ) {
foreach( $gBitInstaller->mPackages[$package]['default_prefs'] as $prefHash ) {
$ret = $gBitInstaller->storeConfig( $prefHash['name'], $prefHash['value'], $prefHash['package'] );
// this is to list any processed packages
$packageList[$method][] = $package;
// ---------------------- 6. ----------------------
// register all content types for installed packages
foreach( $gBitInstaller->mContentClasses as $package => $classes ){
if ( $gBitInstaller->isPackageInstalled( $package ) ){
foreach ( $classes as $objectClass=> $classFile ){
require_once( $classFile );
$tempObject = new $objectClass();
// ---------------------- 7. ----------------------
// Do stuff that only applies during the first install
if( isset ( $_SESSION['first_install'] ) && $_SESSION['first_install'] == TRUE ) {
// set the version of bitweaver in the database
$gBitSystem->storeVersion( NULL, $gBitSystem->getBitVersion() );
// Some packages have some special things to take care of here.
foreach( $gBitInstaller->mInstallModules as $mod ) {
$gBitThemes->storeModule( $mod );
// Set the default format to get quicktags and content storing working
require_once( $plugin_file );
// manually set the config settings to avoid problems
// it appear default_format is already set.
// Installing users has some special things to take care of here and needs a separate check.
if( in_array( 'users', $_REQUEST['packages'] ) ) {
// Creating 'root' user has id=1. phpBB starts with user_id=2, so this is a hack to keep things in sync
'password' => $_SESSION['password'],
'email' => 'root@localhost',
// now let's set up some default data. Group_id's are hardcoded in users/schema_inc defaults
if( $rootUser->store( $storeHash ) ) {
$gBitUser->mDb->query( "INSERT INTO `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_roles` (`user_id`, `role_id`, `role_name`,`role_desc`) VALUES ( ". ROOT_USER_ID. ", 1, 'Administrators','Site operators')" );
vd( 'Errors in root user store:'. PHP_EOL );
vd( $rootUser->mErrors );
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( 'user_class', 'RolePermUser', USERS_PKG_NAME );
$gBitUser->mDb->query( "INSERT INTO `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_roles` (`user_id`, `role_id`, `role_name`,`role_desc`) VALUES ( ". ROOT_USER_ID. ", 2, 'Editors','Site Editors')" );
$gBitUser->mDb->query( "INSERT INTO `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_roles` (`user_id`, `role_id`, `role_name`,`role_desc`,`is_default`) VALUES ( ". ROOT_USER_ID. ", 3, 'Registered', 'Users logged into the system', 'y')" );
if( $rootUser->store( $storeHash ) ) {
$gBitUser->mDb->query( "INSERT INTO `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_groups` (`user_id`, `group_id`, `group_name`,`group_desc`) VALUES ( ". ROOT_USER_ID. ", 1, 'Administrators','Site operators')" );
vd( 'Errors in root user store:'. PHP_EOL );
vd( $rootUser->mErrors );
$gBitUser->mDb->query( "INSERT INTO `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_groups` (`user_id`, `group_id`, `group_name`,`group_desc`) VALUES ( ". ROOT_USER_ID. ", 2, 'Managers','Site Managers')" );
$gBitUser->mDb->query( "INSERT INTO `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_groups` (`user_id`, `group_id`, `group_name`,`group_desc`,`is_default`) VALUES ( ". ROOT_USER_ID. ", 3, 'Registered', 'Users logged into the system', 'y')" );
// Create 'Anonymous' user has id= -1 just like phpBB
'password' => $_SESSION['password'],
'email' => 'guest@localhost',
if( $anonUser->store( $storeHash ) ) {
// Remove anonymous from registered group
$regRoleId = $anonUser->roleExists( 'Registered', ROOT_USER_ID );
if( $anonUser->store( $storeHash ) ) {
// Remove anonymous from registered group
$regGroupId = $anonUser->groupExists( 'Registered', ROOT_USER_ID );
// Create 'Admin' user has id= 2
'real_name' => $_SESSION['real_name'],
'login' => $_SESSION['login'],
'password' => $_SESSION['password'],
'email' => $_SESSION['email'],
if( $adminUser->store( $storeHash ) ) {
// add user to admin role
$adminUser->addUserToRole( $adminUser->mUserId, 1 );
// set admin role as default
$adminUser->storeUserDefaultRole( $adminUser->mUserId, 1 );
vd( $adminUser->mErrors ); die;
if( $adminUser->store( $storeHash ) ) {
// add user to admin group
$adminUser->addUserToGroup( $adminUser->mUserId, 1 );
// set admin group as default
$adminUser->storeUserDefaultGroup( $adminUser->mUserId, 1 );
vd( $adminUser->mErrors ); die;
// kill admin info in $_SESSION
// unset( $_SESSION['real_name'] );
// unset( $_SESSION['login'] );
// unset( $_SESSION['password'] );
// unset( $_SESSION['email'] );
// ---------------------- 8. ----------------------
// woo! we're done with the installation bit - below here is some generic installer stuff
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'next_step', $step + 1 );
// display list of installed packages
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'packageList', $packageList );
// enter some log information to say we've initialised the system
if( !empty( $failedcommands ) ) {
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'errors', $errors);
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'failedcommands', $failedcommands);
// display the confirmation page
// if we can't connect to the db, move back 2 steps
header( "Location: ". $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']. "?step=". $step - 2 );
} elseif( !empty( $_REQUEST['submit_packages'] ) ) {
// No packages to install so just move to the next step.
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'next_step', $step + 1 );