Source for file install_version.php
Documentation is available at install_version.php
// assign next step in installation process
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'next_step', $step );
// check if database version is up to date
if( version_compare( $gBitSystem->getBitVersion(), $gBitSystem->getVersion(), '==' )) {
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'upToDate', $upToDate );
// updating to version 2.1.0-beta
// get a list of all groups and their permissions
'only_root_groups' => TRUE,
'sort_mode' => !empty( $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] ) ? $_REQUEST['sort_mode'] : 'group_name_asc'
$allGroups = $gBitUser->getAllGroups( $listHash );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'allPerms', $allPerms );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'allGroups', $allGroups );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'version_210beta', TRUE );
// deal with assigning permissions to various groups
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['fix_version_210beta'] )) {
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['perms'][$groupId][$perm] )) {
// ===================== Update version to current one =====================
// Only update the version when the form has been submitted
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['update_version'] )) {
if( !empty( $upToDate ) || !empty( $_REQUEST['skip'] )) {
// if we're already up to date, we'll simply move on to the next page
// set the version of bitweaver in the database
if( $gBitSystem->storeVersion( NULL, $gBitSystem->getBitVersion() )) {
// display the confirmation page
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'next_step', $step + 1 );