Source for file LibertySystem.php
Documentation is available at LibertySystem.php
* System class for handling the liberty package
* @author spider <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2004,
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
// | Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See for details
// | For comments, please use documentation standards!!!
// | -> see
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: spider <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
define( 'STORAGE_PLUGIN', 'storage' );
define( 'FORMAT_PLUGIN', 'format' );
define( 'DATA_PLUGIN', 'data' );
define( 'MIME_PLUGIN', 'mime' );
define( 'FILTER_PLUGIN', 'filter' );
define( 'LIBERTY_DEFAULT_MIME_HANDLER', 'mimedefault' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_ACCESS_CONTROL', 'access_control' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_CATEGORIZATION', 'categorization' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_COMMERCE', 'commerce' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_CONTENT_TEMPLATES', 'content_templates' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_DOCUMENT_GENERATION', 'document_generation' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_FORUMS', 'forums' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_GROUP', 'groups' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_MAPS', 'map_display' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_METADATA', 'metadata' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_MENU', 'menu' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_RATING', 'rating' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_REBLOG', 'reblogging_rss_feeds' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_SEARCH', 'search' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_THEMES', 'themes' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_TOPICA', 'topica' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_TRANSLATION', 'translation' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_TRANSLITERATION', 'transliteration' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_LIBERTYSECURE', 'security' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_MODCOMMENTS', 'comment_moderation' );
define( 'LIBERTY_SERVICE_UPLOAD', 'upload' );
define( 'LIBERTY_TEXT_AREA', 'editliberty' );
define( 'LIBERTY_UPLOAD', 'upload' );
require_once( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH. 'LibertyBase.php' );
* System class for handling the liberty package
// File name of last plug that registered
// Packages using LibertySystem
// this makes it possible to extend LibertySystem by another package
// if mPluginPath hasn't been set, we set it for liberty plugins
// extras - only needed by liberty
// ****************************** Plugin Functions
* Load only active plugins from disk
$configs = array_keys( $gBitSystem->getConfigMatch( "/^{$this->mSystem}_plugin_status_/i ", 'y' ));
// first we include the default one - this allows other plugins to make use of default functions
if( $this->mSystem == LIBERTY_PKG_NAME ) {
if( $key = array_search( 'liberty_plugin_status_'.LIBERTY_DEFAULT_MIME_HANDLER , $configs )) {
array_unshift( $configs, 'liberty_plugin_status_'.LIBERTY_DEFAULT_MIME_HANDLER );
foreach( $configs as $config ) {
$pluginGuid = preg_replace( "/^{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_status_/ ", '', $config, 1 );
if( $pluginFile = $gBitSystem->getConfig( "{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_path_ $pluginGuid" ) ) {
if( is_file( BIT_ROOT_PATH.$pluginFile )) {
$this->mPluginFilePath = BIT_ROOT_PATH. $pluginFile;
include_once( BIT_ROOT_PATH. $pluginFile );
} elseif( $pluginFile = $gBitSystem->getConfig( "{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_file_ $pluginGuid" ) ) {
// TODO: all this is deprecated and doesn't really rock bitweavers boat anymore - we use the _plugin_path_ setting now.
// this code here is only relevant if a user has updated bitweaver and scanAllPlugins() hasn't been called yet.
// scanAllPlugins() is called during the upgrade in the installer so we really are only keeping this here for CVS users
// and people who use nexus since it makes use of this plugin system as well.
// - xing - Saturday Jul 05, 2008 20:47:29 CEST
// check for the plugin in the default location - in case bitweaver root path changed.
if( file_exists( $pluginFile )) {
$this->mPluginFilePath = $pluginFile;
include_once( $pluginFile );
$defaultFile = $this->mPluginPath. basename( $pluginFile );
if( file_exists( $defaultFile )) {
$this->mPluginFilePath = $defaultFile;
include_once( $defaultFile );
* Load all plugins found in specified directory
* Use loadActivePlugins to load only the active plugins
* @param string $pPluginsPath Set the path where to scan for plugins
* @param string $pPrefixPattern Perl regex for filenames can start with to prevent inclusion of unwanted filenames (e.g. (data\.|storage\.)). Final regex: /^{$pPrefixPattern}.*\.php$/
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function scanAllPlugins( $pPluginsPath = NULL, $pPrefixPattern = NULL ) {
if( empty( $pPluginsPath )) {
// check for plugins in plugins/ dir
if( $pluginHandle = opendir( $pPluginsPath )) {
while( FALSE !== ( $plugin = readdir( $pluginHandle ) ) ) {
$pattern = "/^{ $pPrefixPattern}.*\.php$/ ";
if( preg_match( $pattern, $plugin ) ) {
$this->mPluginFilePath = $pPluginsPath. $plugin;
include_once( $pPluginsPath. $plugin );
// check for liberty plugins in other packages as well
if( $this->mSystem == LIBERTY_PKG_NAME && $pkgHandle = opendir( BIT_ROOT_PATH )) {
while( FALSE !== ( $dirName = readdir( $pkgHandle ))) {
if( preg_match( '/^\w/', $dirName ) && $dirName != 'CVS' && is_dir( $pluginDir = BIT_ROOT_PATH.$dirName.'/liberty_plugins/' ) && ( $pluginHandle = opendir( $pluginDir ))) {
while( FALSE !== ( $plugin = readdir( $pluginHandle ))) {
if( preg_match( "/^{ $pPrefixPattern}.*\.php$/ ", $plugin )) {
$this->mPluginFilePath = $pluginDir. $plugin;
include_once( $pluginDir. $plugin );
// keep plugin list in sorted order
// only execute the following if this class hasn't been extended
if( $this->mSystem == LIBERTY_PKG_NAME ) {
// There must be at least one format plugin active and set as the default format
$format_plugin_count = $default_format_found = 0;
$current_default_format_guid = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'default_format' );
foreach( $this->mPlugins as $guid => $plugin ) {
// load all the requirements that we can display them on the plugin page
if( $requirement_func = $this->getPluginFunction( $guid, 'requirement_function', FALSE, TRUE )) {
$this->mPlugins[$guid]['requirements'] = $requirement_func();
if( $plugin['plugin_type'] == FORMAT_PLUGIN ) {
if( $current_default_format_guid == $guid ) {
// if no current default format or no format plugins active
// activate format.tikiwiki and make it the default format plugin
// This happens during installation and therefore requires that we include the plugin file for the constant definitions
$plugin_file = $this->mPluginPath. 'format.tikiwiki.php';
if( $format_plugin_count == 0 || $default_format_found == 0 && is_file( $plugin_file ) ) {
require_once( $plugin_file );
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( 'default_format', PLUGIN_GUID_TIKIWIKI, $this->mSystem );
// remove any config settings for plugin files that have been removed
$plugins = $gBitSystem->getConfigMatch( "/^{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_path_/ " );
foreach( $plugins as $config => $path ) {
if( !is_file( BIT_ROOT_PATH.$path )) {
$guid = str_replace( "{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_path_ ", '', $config );
$gBitSystem->storeConfigMatch( "/^{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_\w+_ $guid/i ", NULL );
// TODO: we can remove this at some point since it's not really important - it just clears out stuff from the database that we don't use anymore
$gBitSystem->storeConfigMatch( "/^{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_file_/ ", NULL );
* Check to see if a given plugin is activ or not
* @param $pPluginGuid Plugin GUID of the plugin you want to check
* @return TRUE if the plugin is active, FALSE if it's not
function isPluginActive( $pPluginGuid ) {
return( !empty( $this->mPlugins[$pPluginGuid]['is_active'] ) && ( $this->mPlugins[$pPluginGuid]['is_active'] == 'y' ));
* Allow data plugins to register their tag
* @param string $pTag Tag of plugin, e.g.: TOC
* @param string $pPluginGuid GUID of plugin, e.g.: PLUGIN_GUID_TOC
function registerDataTag( $pTag, $pPluginGuid ) {
$this->mDataTags[strtolower( $pTag )] = $pPluginGuid;
* Allow plugins to register themselves using this function. Data is added directly to the list of existing plugins
* @param $pGuid GUID of plugin
* @param $pPluginParams Set of plugin parameters (see treasury/plugins/mime.*.php for example)
function registerPlugin( $pGuid, $pPluginParams ) {
// plugins can set their own file_name. this is not mandatory but makes sure we store the path to the correct file
// this is useful for files that are included by other plugins
if( !empty( $pPluginParams['file_name'] )) {
$pluginPath = dirname( $this->mPluginFilePath ). "/". $pPluginParams['file_name'];
$pluginPath = $this->mPluginFilePath;
if( !empty( $pGuid ) && !empty( $pluginPath ) && is_file( $pluginPath ) ) {
// store the relative path - we need to store the path to all plugins and not just active ones since we don't have access to this information when we use setActivePlugins()
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( "{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_path_ ".$pGuid, str_replace( BIT_ROOT_PATH, "", $pluginPath ), LIBERTY_PKG_NAME );
$settings['is_active'] = $gBitSystem->getConfig( "{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_status_ ".$pGuid );
if( empty( $settings['is_active'] ) && !empty( $pPluginParams['auto_activate'] )) {
$settings['plugin_guid'] = $pGuid;
$this->mPlugins[$pGuid] = array_merge( $settings, $pPluginParams );
* @param array $pPluginGuids an array of all the plugin guids that are active. Any left out are *inactive*!
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function setActivePlugins( $pPluginGuids ) {
if( is_array( $pPluginGuids ) ) {
// zap list of plugins from DB
$gBitSystem->storeConfigMatch( "/^{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_status/i ", NULL, 'n', LIBERTY_PKG_NAME );
foreach( array_keys( $this->mPlugins ) as $guid ) {
$this->mPlugins[$guid]['is_active'] = 'n';
// set active those specified
foreach( array_keys( $pPluginGuids ) as $guid ) {
if( $pPluginGuids[$guid][0] == 'y' ) {
// load any plugins made active, but not already loaded
// finally we need to remove all cache files since the content has been changed
* set a single plugin as active and store the appropriate information in the database
* @param array $pPluginGuid the plugin guid we want to set active
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function setActivePlugin( $pPluginGuid ) {
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( "{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_status_ ".$pPluginGuid, 'y', LIBERTY_PKG_NAME );
if( isset( $this->mPlugins[$pPluginGuid] )) {
$this->mPlugins[$pPluginGuid]['is_active'] = 'y';
// the requirement function can return a set of tables, indexes and sequences that need to be created for the plugin to work.
if( $requirement_func = $this->getPluginFunction( $pPluginGuid, 'requirement_function' )) {
$reqs = $requirement_func( TRUE );
if( !empty( $reqs['schema']['tables'] )) {
// fetch a list of tables in the database that we know if we need to insert any plugin ones
if( strlen( BIT_DB_PREFIX ) > 0 ) {
$lastQuote = strrpos( BIT_DB_PREFIX, '`' );
if( $lastQuote != FALSE ) {
$prefix = substr( BIT_DB_PREFIX, $lastQuote );
global $gBitDbType, $gBitDbHost, $gBitDbUser, $gBitDbPassword, $gBitDbName;
$db = &ADONewConnection( $gBitDbType );
if( $db->Connect( $gBitDbHost, $gBitDbUser, $gBitDbPassword, $gBitDbName )) {
$dict = NewDataDictionary( $db );
if( !$gBitSystem->mDb->getCaseSensitivity() ) {
$dict->connection->nameQuote = '';
if( $dbTables = $gBitSystem->mDb->MetaTables( 'TABLES', FALSE, ( $prefix ? $prefix. '%' : NULL ))) {
// If we use MySql check which storage engine to use
if( isset( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] )) {
if( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] == TRUE ) {
$build = array( 'NEW', 'MYSQL' => 'ENGINE=INNODB' );
$build = array( 'NEW', 'MYSQL' => 'ENGINE=MYISAM' );
foreach( $reqs['schema']['tables'] as $table => $tableDict ) {
$fullTable = $prefix.$table;
if( !in_array( $fullTable, $dbTables )) {
if( $sql = $dict->CreateTableSQL( $fullTable, $tableDict, $build )) {
$ret = $dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sql );
$errors[] = 'Failed to create table '.$completeTableName;
// only continue if we installed at least one table
if( !empty( $tablesInstalled )) {
$schemaQuote = strrpos( BIT_DB_PREFIX, '`' );
$sequencePrefix = ( $schemaQuote ? substr( BIT_DB_PREFIX, $schemaQuote + 1 ) : BIT_DB_PREFIX );
if( !empty( $reqs['schema']['indexes'] )) {
foreach( $reqs['schema']['indexes'] as $idx => $idxDict ) {
$completeTableName = $sequencePrefix.$reqs['schema']['indexes'][$idx]['table'];
if( $sql = $dict->CreateIndexSQL( $idx, $completeTableName, $reqs['schema']['indexes'][$idx]['cols'], $reqs['schema']['indexes'][$idx]['opts'] )) {
$ret = $dict->ExecuteSQLArray( $sql );
$errors[] = 'Failed to create index '.$completeTableName;
if( !empty( $reqs['schema']['sequences'] )) {
// If we use InnoDB for MySql we need this to get sequence tables created correctly.
if( isset( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] ) ) {
if( $_SESSION['use_innodb'] == TRUE ) {
$gBitInstallDb->_genSeqSQL = "create table %s (id int not null) ENGINE=INNODB";
$gBitInstallDb->_genSeqSQL = "create table %s (id int not null) ENGINE=MYISAM";
foreach( array_keys( $reqs['schema']['sequences'] ) as $sequenceIdx ) {
if( !$gBitInstallDb->CreateSequence( $sequencePrefix. $sequenceIdx, $reqs['schema']['sequences'][$sequenceIdx]['start'] )) {
$errors[] = 'Failed to create sequence '.$sequencePrefix.$sequenceIdx;
return( !empty( $errors ) ? $errors : NULL );
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function getPluginInfo( $pGuid ) {
if( !empty( $pGuid ) && !empty( $this->mPlugins[$pGuid] )) {
* @param string $pGuid GUID of plugin used - if empty, we get all available functions of that type in all active plugins
* @param string $pFunctionName Function type we want to use
* @param string $pGetDefault Get default function for a given plugin type such as 'mime'
* @param string $pGetInactive don't worry if plugin is active or not
* @return function name on success, NULL on failure
function getPluginFunction( $pGuid, $pFunctionName, $pGetDefault = FALSE, $pGetInactive = FALSE ) {
if(( $this->isPluginActive( $pGuid ) || $pGetInactive ) && !empty( $this->mPlugins[$pGuid][$pFunctionName] ) && function_exists( $this->mPlugins[$pGuid][$pFunctionName] )) {
$ret = $this->mPlugins[$pGuid][$pFunctionName];
// if we can't get a function on the first round, we fetch the default
if( empty( $ret ) && $pGetDefault == 'mime' && $pGuid != LIBERTY_DEFAULT_MIME_HANDLER ) {
return( !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : NULL );
* getPluginFunctions Get a list of functions of a given type
* @param string $pFunctionName Function type we want to get
* @return array of functions with the GUID as key
function getPluginFunctions( $pFunctionName ) {
foreach( $this->mPlugins as $guid => $plugin ) {
if( $this->isPluginActive( $guid ) && !empty( $plugin[$pFunctionName] ) && function_exists( $plugin[$pFunctionName] )) {
$ret[$guid] = $plugin[$pFunctionName];
return( !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : array() );
* getMimeTemplate will fetch an appropriate template to display a given filetype
* @param string $pTemplate Basename of the template
* @param string $pGuid GUID of plugin
* @return resource path to template
function getMimeTemplate( $pTemplate, $pGuid = LIBERTY_DEFAULT_MIME_HANDLER ) {
$ret = $plugin[$pTemplate.'_tpl'];
} elseif( $pGuid != LIBERTY_DEFAULT_MIME_HANDLER ) {
* getAllMimeTemplates will fetch templates of a given type from all active plugins
* @param array $pTemplate Name of the template
* @return array of resource paths to templates
function getAllMimeTemplates( $pTemplate ) {
if( $this->isPluginActive( $guid ) && !empty( $plugin[$pTemplate. '_tpl'] )) {
$ret[] = $plugin[$pTemplate.'_tpl'];
* getPluginsOfType will fetch all plugins of a given type
* @param string $pPluginType
* @return an array of plugins of a given type
function getPluginsOfType( $pPluginType ) {
if( !empty( $pPluginType )) {
foreach( $this->mPlugins as $guid => $plugin ) {
if( !empty( $plugin['plugin_type'] ) && $plugin['plugin_type'] == $pPluginType ) {
* This function will purge all plugin settings set in kernel_config. useful when the path to plugins changes
* or plugins don't seem to be working
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function resetAllPluginSettings() {
$gBitSystem->storeConfigMatch( "/^{ $this->mSystem}_plugin_/ ", NULL );
if( $this->mSystem == LIBERTY_PKG_NAME ) {
// also remove the default format
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( 'default_format', NULL, $this->mSystem );
* Load all available content types into $this->mContentTypes
function loadContentTypes( $pCacheTime=BIT_QUERY_CACHE_TIME ) {
if( $rs = $this->mDb->query( "SELECT * FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content_types`", NULL, BIT_QUERY_DEFAULT, BIT_QUERY_DEFAULT ) ) {
while( $row = $rs->fetchRow() ) {
// content_description backward compatibility for now
$row['content_description'] = $row['content_name'] = tra( $row['content_name'] );
if( !empty( $row['content_name_plural'] ) ){
$row['content_name_plural'] = tra( $row['content_name_plural'] );
* Register new content type
function registerContentType( $pGuid, $pTypeParams ) {
if ( !$this->mDb->isValid() ) return;
$pTypeParams['content_type_guid'] = $pGuid;
// automagically populate plural name value if none is set using most comment english of appending 's'
if( empty( $pTypeParams['content_name_plural'] ) ){
$pTypeParams['content_name_plural'] = $pTypeParams['content_name'].'s';
if( empty( $this->mContentTypes[$pGuid] ) && !empty( $pTypeParams ) ) {
$result = $this->mDb->associateInsert( BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content_types", $pTypeParams );
// we just ran some SQL - let's flush the loadContentTypes query cache
if( $pTypeParams['handler_package'] != $this->mContentTypes[$pGuid]['handler_package'] ||
$pTypeParams['handler_file'] != $this->mContentTypes[$pGuid]['handler_file'] ||
$pTypeParams['handler_class'] != $this->mContentTypes[$pGuid]['handler_class'] ||
( empty( $this->mContentTypes[$pGuid]['content_name_plural'] ) && version_compare( $gBitSystem->getVersion( LIBERTY_PKG_NAME ), '2.1.4', '>=' ) ) // temporary update condition during migration of content_description to content_name remove after april 20 2011
$result = $this->mDb->associateUpdate( BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content_types", $pTypeParams, array( 'content_type_guid'=> $pGuid ) );
// we just ran some SQL - let's flush the loadContentTypes query cache
* requireHandlerFile will require_once() the handler file if given the hash found in $gLibertySystem->mContentTypes[content_type_guid]
* @param array $pContentTypeHash the hash found in $gLibertySystem->mContentTypes[content_type_guid]
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function requireHandlerFile( $pContentTypeHash ) {
if( defined( strtoupper( $pContentTypeHash['handler_package'] ).'_PKG_PATH' )) {
require_once( constant( strtoupper( $pContentTypeHash['handler_package'] ).'_PKG_PATH' ).$pContentTypeHash['handler_file'] );
* Get the display name of the content type
* @param boolean $pPlural true will return the plural form of the content type display name
* @return string the display name of the content type
function getContentType( $pContentTypeGuid ){
* Get the display name of the content type
* @param boolean $pPlural true will return the plural form of the content type display name
* @return string the display name of the content type
function getContentClassName( $pContentTypeGuid ) {
* Get the display name of the content type
* @param boolean $pPlural true will return the plural form of the content type display name
* @return string the display name of the content type
function getContentTypeName( $pContentTypeGuid, $pPlural=FALSE ){
if( $pPlural && isset( $this->mContentTypes[$pContentTypeGuid]['content_name_plural'] ) ) {
$ret = tra( $this->mContentTypes[$pContentTypeGuid]['content_name_plural'] );
} elseif( !empty( $this->mContentTypes[$pContentTypeGuid]['content_name'] ) ) {
$ret = tra( $this->mContentTypes[$pContentTypeGuid]['content_name'] );
* Get the description of a given content type
* @param $pContentType Content type GUID you want the description for
* @return Content type description
function getContentTypeDescription( $pContentType ) {
deprecated( 'You are calling the deprecated method getContentTypeDescription, use getContentTypeName( $pPlural )' );
// ****************************** Service Functions
* Get the service details of a given package
* @param $pPackageName Package name of you want the service details for
* @return Service details if the package has them - FALSE if the package is not a service
function getService( $pPackageName ) {
return( !empty( $gBitSystem->mPackages[$pPackageName]['service'] ) ? $gBitSystem->mPackages[$pPackageName]['service'] : NULL );
* Register package as service - hash added to $this->mServices
* $pServiceHash Service hash details. see existing service hashes found in <package>/bit_setup_inc.php for examples and details
function registerService( $pServiceName, $pPackageName, $pServiceHash, $pOptions = array() ) {
$this->mServices[$pServiceName] = array(
'package' => $pPackageName,
'services' => $pServiceHash,
'description' => !empty( $pOptions['description'] ) ? $pOptions['description'] : NULL,
'required' => !empty( $pOptions['required'] ) ? $pOptions['required'] : FALSE,
* Check to see if a package has any service capabilities
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function hasService( $pServiceName ) {
return( !empty( $this->mServices[$pServiceName] ) );
* Get contents of a given service value
* @param $pServiceValue Service value you want to work to get
* @return Value of a given service value
function getServiceValues( $pServiceValue ) {
if( !empty( $this->mServices ) ) {
foreach( array_keys( $this->mServices ) as $service ) {
// DEPRECATED - this is mostly circular logic - getting the package name from itself to look itself up
// Service names are key values - regardless of package
// Accessing services directly by name infact allows multiple packages to provide the same kind of service
if( !($package = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'liberty_service_'.$service )) ) {
$package = key( $this->mServices[$service] );
if( !empty( $this->mServices[$service][$package][$pServiceValue] ) ) {
$ret[$service] = $this->mServices[$service][$package][$pServiceValue];
if( !empty( $this->mServices[$service]['services'][$pServiceValue] ) ) {
$ret[$service] = $this->mServices[$service]['services'][$pServiceValue];
// ****************************** Miscellaneous Functions
* Get the URL to the icon for the mime type passed in. This should probably check for files of multiple image types instead of just jpg
* @param string $pMimeType Mime type of the file
* @param string $pExt Extension of the file - used to get backup mime icon
* @return Full image HTML tag to mime icon
public static function getMimeThumbnailURL($pMimeType, $pExt=NULL) {
$parts = explode( '/',$pMimeType );
if( count( $parts ) > 1 ) {
$gBitSmarty->loadPlugin( 'smarty_function_biticon' );
$ext = strtolower( $parts[1] );
if( !$ret = smarty_function_biticon( $biticon,$gBitSmarty ) ) {
$biticon['iname'] = strtolower( $pExt );
if( !$ret = smarty_function_biticon( $biticon,$gBitSmarty ) ) {
$biticon['iname'] = 'generic';
$ret = smarty_function_biticon( $biticon,$gBitSmarty );
* Will return the plugin that is responsible for the given mime type
* @param string $pFileHash['mimetype'] (required if no tmp_name) Mime type of file that needs to be dealt with
* @param string $pFileHash['tmp_name'] (required if no mimetype) Full path to file that needs to be dealt with
* @return handler plugin guid
* TODO: Currently this will return the first found handler - might want to have a sort order?
function lookupMimeHandler( &$pFileHash ) {
// we will do our best to work out what this file is.
// both these methods use a different method for fetching the filetype
// this can be particularly important when fetching the mime-type of video files.
// ! Windows looses the file extension when creating the tmp file
// need a better way of handling this
$pFileHash['type'] = $gBitSystem->verifyMimeType( $pFileHash['tmp_name'] );
if( $pFileHash['type'] == 'application/binary' || $pFileHash['type'] == 'application/octet-stream' || $pFileHash['type'] == 'application/octetstream' ) {
$pFileHash['type'] = $gBitSystem->lookupMimeType( $pFileHash['name'] );
if( $this->isPluginActive( $handler ) && !empty( $plugin['mimetypes'] ) && is_array( $plugin['mimetypes'] )) {
foreach( $plugin['mimetypes'] as $pattern ) {
if( preg_match( $pattern, $pFileHash['type'] )) {