Source for file comments_inc.php
Documentation is available at comments_inc.php
* @author spider <>
// Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al.
// All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See for details.
// This file sets up the information needed to display
// the comments preferences, post-comment box and the
// list of comments. Finally it displays comments.tpl
// using this information
// Setup URLS for the Comments next and prev buttons and use variables that
// cannot be aliased by normal Bit variables.
// Traverse each _REQUEST data adn put them in an array
// this script may only be included - so its better to die if called directly.
* Parameters that need to be set when calling this file
* @param numeric $commentsParentId The content id of the object where a new comment will be attached (required)
* @param array $commentsParentIds The list of content id of object the comments will be displayed - if not defined $commentsParentId (required if $commentsParentId is not set)
* @param string $comments_return_url The URL the user should be sent to after posting the comment (required)
require_once( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH. 'LibertyComment.php' );
global $commentsLib, $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem, $gBitThemes;
$formfeedback = array( 'error' => array() );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'formfeedback', $formfeedback );
// make sure that we don't feed ajax comments if we don't have javascript enabled
if( !$gBitThemes->isJavascriptEnabled() ) {
$gBitSystem->setConfig( 'comments_ajax', 'n' );
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $_REQUEST['delete_comment_id'] )) {
// make sure we're loaded up before we delete
if( $deleteComment->isValid() && $gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_liberty_admin_comments' )) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $_REQUEST['post_comment_id'] ) && $gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_liberty_post_comments' )) {
$post_comment_id = $_REQUEST['post_comment_id'];
//if we are passed a comment id but not going to store it then turn off ajax
if( !isset ( $_REQUEST['post_comment_submit'] ) && !isset ( $_REQUEST['post_comment_cancel'] )){
//even if ajax is on - we force it off in this case
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'comments_ajax', FALSE );
if( $editComment->mInfo['content_id'] ) {
if( $editComment->userCanUpdate( $gContent )) {
$postComment['data'] = $editComment->mInfo['data'];
$postComment['title'] = $editComment->mInfo['title'];
$formfeedback['error'] = "You do not have permission to edit this comment.";
$formfeedback['error'] = "Comment does not exist.";
$gBitSmarty->assign('post_comment_id', $post_comment_id);
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['post_comment_submit'] ) && $gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_liberty_post_comments' )) {
// check for !anon_post before logging in (auto-fill can hork things up)
if( empty( $_REQUEST['anon_post'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['login_email'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['login_password'] ) ) {
$gBitUser->login( $_REQUEST['login_email'], $_REQUEST['login_password'] );
if( !empty( $gBitUser->mErrors['login'] ) ) {
$formfeedback['error'][] = $gBitUser->mErrors['login'];
if( !empty($_REQUEST['comment_name'] )) {
$_REQUEST['anon_name'] = $_REQUEST['comment_name'];
// this commentsParentId is some crazy ass business - lets prepare for the day when this can be removed
// there are references to it in LibertyComments::verifyComments as well
$_REQUEST['comments_parent_id'] = $commentsParentId;
$storeComment = new LibertyComment( @BitBase::verifyId( $editComment->mCommentId ) ? $editComment->mCommentId : NULL );
if( empty( $formfeedback['error'] ) && $storeComment->storeComment( $_REQUEST )) {
if( empty( $_REQUEST['post_comment_id'] ) && $gBitSystem->isPackageActive( 'switchboard' ) ) {
// A new comment, and we have switchboard to send notifications
global $gSwitchboardSystem;
$message['subject'] = tra( 'New comment on:' ). ' '. $gContent->getTitle(). ' @ '. $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'site_title' );
$message['message'] = tra('A new message was posted to '). ' '. $gContent->getTitle(). "<br/>\n". $gContent->getDisplayUri(). "<br/>\n"
. '/----- '. tra('Here is the message'). " -----/<br/>\n<br/>\n". '<h2>'. $storeComment->getTitle(). "</h2>\n". tra('By'). ' '. $gBitUser->getDisplayName(). "\n<p>". $storeComment->parseData(). '</p>';
$gSwitchboardSystem->sendEvent('My Content', 'new comment', $gContent->mContentId, $message );
// store fails handle errors and preview
$formfeedback['error']= array_merge( $formfeedback['error'], $storeComment->mErrors );
$postComment['data'] = !empty( $_REQUEST['comment_data'] ) ? $_REQUEST['comment_data'] : '';
$postComment['title'] = !empty( $_REQUEST['comment_title'] ) ? $_REQUEST['comment_title'] : '';
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['comment_name'] ) ) {
$postComment['anon_name'] = $_REQUEST['comment_name'];
$_REQUEST['post_comment_request'] = TRUE;
//this is critical and triggers other settings if store fails - do not remove without looking at what preview effects
$_REQUEST['post_comment_preview'] = TRUE;
} elseif(!empty($_REQUEST['post_comment_request']) && !$gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_liberty_post_comments' )) {
$formfeedback['warning']= "You don't have permission to post comments.";
// $post_comment_request is a flag indicating whether or not to display the comment input form
if( empty( $_REQUEST['post_comment_request'] ) && !$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'comments_auto_show_form' ) ) {
$post_comment_request = NULL;
} elseif( $gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_liberty_post_comments' ) ) {
$post_comment_request = TRUE;
// force off ajax attachments which does not work for comments attachments
if( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'comments_allow_attachments' ) && $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'liberty_attachment_style') == 'ajax' ){
$gBitSystem->setConfig( 'liberty_attachment_style', 'standard' );
// in anticipation of mainlining LCConfig package - enable comment format configuration
// hack because comments does not have edit service -wjames5
if( $gBitSystem->isPackageActive( 'lcconfig' ) ){
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['post_comment_request'] ) && $_REQUEST['post_comment_request'] == 'y' && !$gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_liberty_post_comments' ) ) {
$gBitSystem->fatalPermission( 'p_liberty_post_comments' );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref('post_comment_request', $post_comment_request);
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['post_comment_cancel'] ) ) {
// $post_comment_preview is a flag indicating that the user wants to preview their comment prior to saving it
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['post_comment_preview'] )) {
if( isset ( $_REQUEST['no_js_preview'] ) && $_REQUEST['no_js_preview']== "y" ) {
$no_js_preview = $_REQUEST['no_js_preview'];
//even if ajax is on - we force it off in this case
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'comments_ajax', FALSE );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'no_js_preview', $no_js_preview );
$postComment['user_id'] = $gBitUser->mUserId;
$postComment['title'] = $_REQUEST['comment_title'];
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['comment_name'] )) {
$postComment['anon_name'] = $_REQUEST['comment_name'];
$postComment['data'] = $_REQUEST['comment_data'];
$postComment['format_guid'] = empty( $_REQUEST['format_guid'])? $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'default_format' ) : $_REQUEST['format_guid'];
$postComment['parsed_data'] = LibertyComment::parseData( $postComment );
$postComment['created'] = time();
$postComment['last_modified'] = time();
$gBitSmarty->assign('post_comment_preview', TRUE);
// $post_comment_reply_id is the content_id which a post is replying to
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $_REQUEST['post_comment_reply_id'] )) {
$post_comment_reply_id = $_REQUEST['post_comment_reply_id'];
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['quote'] )) {
$postComment['data'] = $tmpComment->getQuoted();
if( preg_match( '/^' . tra( 'Re:' ) . '/', $tmpComment->mInfo['title'] )) {
$comment_prefix = tra( 'Re:' ) . " ";
//this always overrides the title with "Re: Parent Title" -- not sure what it really should do so I put in this conditional for previews
if( !isset ( $_REQUEST['comment_title'] )) {
$postComment['title'] = $comment_prefix. $tmpComment->mInfo['title'];
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'post_comment_reply_id', $post_comment_reply_id );
if( $gContent->hasUserPermission( 'p_liberty_read_comments' )) {
if( !empty( $_SESSION['liberty_comments_per_page'] )) {
$maxComments = $_SESSION['liberty_comments_per_page'];
$maxComments = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'comments_per_page', 10 );
if( !empty( $_REQUEST["comments_maxComments"] )) {
$maxComments = $_REQUEST["comments_maxComments"];
$comments_at_top_of_page = 'y';
$_SESSION['liberty_comments_per_page'] = $maxComments;
if( !empty( $_SESSION['liberty_comments_ordering'] )) {
$comments_sort_mode = $_SESSION['liberty_comments_ordering'];
$comments_sort_mode = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'comments_default_ordering', 'commentDate_desc' );
if( !empty( $_REQUEST["comments_sort_mode"] )) {
$comments_sort_mode = $_REQUEST["comments_sort_mode"];
$comments_at_top_of_page = 'y';
$_SESSION['liberty_comments_ordering'] = $comments_sort_mode;
if( !empty( $_SESSION['liberty_comments_display_mode'] )) {
$comments_display_style = $_SESSION['liberty_comments_display_mode'];
$comments_display_style = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'comments_default_display_mode', 'threaded' );
if( !empty( $_REQUEST["comments_style"] ) ) {
$comments_display_style = $_REQUEST["comments_style"];
$comments_at_top_of_page = 'y';
$_SESSION['liberty_comments_display_mode'] = $comments_display_style;
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['comment_page'] ) || !empty( $_REQUEST['post_comment_request'] ) ) {
$comments_at_top_of_page = 'y';
$commentOffset = !empty( $_REQUEST['comment_page'] ) ? ($_REQUEST['comment_page'] - 1) * $maxComments : 0;
if( empty( $gComment )) {
$currentPage = !empty( $_REQUEST['comment_page'] ) ? $_REQUEST['comment_page'] : 1;
# logic to support displaying a single comment -- used when we need a URL pointing to a comment
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['view_comment_id'] )) {
$commentOffset = $gComment->getNumComments_upto( $_REQUEST['view_comment_id'] );
# echo "commentOffset =$commentOffset= maxComments=$maxComments=\n";
$comments_sort_mode = 'commentDate_asc';
$comments_display_style = 'flat';
$comments_at_top_of_page = 'y';
$currentPage = ceil( $commentOffset + 1 / $maxComments );
$commentOffset = ( $currentPage - 1 ) * $maxComments;
// $commentsParentId is the content_id which the comment tree is attached to
if( !@BitBase::verifyId( $commentsParentId ) ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $commentsParentIds ) ) {
$parents = $commentsParentIds;
$parents = $commentsParentId;
// pass in a reference to the root object so that we can do proper permissions checks
$gComment->mRootObj = $gContent;
$numComments = $gComment->getNumComments( $commentsParentId );
if ($commentOffset > $numComments) {
$commentOffset = $numComments / $maxComments;
$currentPage = ceil( $commentOffset+ 1 / $maxComments );
$comments = $gComment->getComments( $parents, $maxComments, $commentOffset, $comments_sort_mode, $comments_display_style );
if( $comments_display_style == 'flat' ) {
$commentsTree = $comments;
foreach( $comments as $id => $node ){
if( !empty( $comments[ $node['parent_id'] ] )) {
$comments[ $node['parent_id'] ]['children'][$id] = &$comments[$id];
if( $node['parent_id'] == $node['root_id'] || empty( $comments[ $node['parent_id'] ] )) {
$comments[$id]['level'] = 0;
$commentsTree[$id] = &$comments[$id];
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'comments', $commentsTree );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'maxComments', $maxComments );
$numCommentPages = ceil( $numComments / $maxComments );
$comments_return_url = $comments_return_url. ( !strpos( $comments_return_url, '?' ) ? '?' : '' );
// libertypagination smarty function setup
$commentsPgnHash = array(
'numPages' => $numCommentPages,
'pgnName' => 'comment_page',
'comment_page' => $currentPage,
'url' => $comments_return_url,
'comments_page' => ( empty( $comments_on_separate_page ) ? FALSE : $comments_on_separate_page ),
'ianchor' => 'editcomments',
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'commentsPgnHash', $commentsPgnHash );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'postComment', $postComment );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'gComment', $gComment );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'currentTimestamp', time() );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'comments_return_url', $comments_return_url );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'comments_at_top_of_page', ( isset ( $comments_at_top_of_page ) && $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'comments_reorganise_page_layout', 'n' ) == 'y' ) ? $comments_at_top_of_page : NULL );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'comments_style', $comments_display_style );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'comments_sort_mode', $comments_sort_mode );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'textarea_id', 'commentpost' );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'comments_count', $numComments );
// @TODO get this shit out of here - boards and any other package ridding on comments should make use of services
if( $gBitSystem->isPackageActive( 'boards' )) {
require_once(BOARDS_PKG_PATH. 'BitBoardTopic.php');
// @TODO get this shit out of here - boards and any other package ridding on comments should make use of services
// this clearly can go in an edit service, but need to be careful since comments currently does not call edit service - have to check what doing so might trigger.
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['post_comment_request'] )) {
if( $gBitSystem->isPackageActive( 'boards' )
? $storeComment->mInfo['parent_id'] : ( !@BitBase::verifyId( $_REQUEST['post_comment_reply_id'] )
? $commentsParentId : $_REQUEST['post_comment_reply_id'] ))
unset ( $_REQUEST['post_comment_request'] );
unset ( $_GET['post_comment_request'] );
unset ( $_POST['post_comment_request'] );
$formfeedback['warning']= "The selected Topic is Locked posting is disabled";