Source for file get_content_list_inc.php
Documentation is available at get_content_list_inc.php
* @author Christian Fowler>
require_once( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH. "LibertyContent.php" );
if( empty( $gContent ) || !is_object( $gContent ) ) {
$contentTypeGuids = array();
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['content_type_guid'] )) {
if( !is_array( $_REQUEST['content_type_guid'] )) {
$guids = explode( ",", $_REQUEST['content_type_guid'] );
$guids = $_REQUEST['content_type_guid'];
* if an empty string was passed in an array (likely since it is used for ALL) then the user has requested all so return all
* even if they have requested additional content types too - ALL is ALL
* this check is reversed in that if no empty string in the array then we pass the array of content types to be limited on
$contentTypeGuids = $guids;
// get_content_list_inc doesn't use $_REQUEST parameters as it might not be the only list in the page that needs sorting and limiting
if( empty( $contentListHash ) ) {
$contentListHash = array(
'content_type_guid' => $contentSelect = empty( $_REQUEST['content_type_guid'] ) ? NULL : $contentTypeGuids,
'offset' => !empty( $offset_content ) ? $offset_content : NULL,
// maximum number of records displayed on a page
'max_records' => !empty( $max_content ) ? $max_content : ( !empty( $_REQUEST['max_records'] ) ? $_REQUEST['max_records'] : 100 ),
// sort by this: <table column>_asc (or _desc)
'sort_mode' => !empty( $content_sort_mode ) ? $content_sort_mode : 'title_asc',
// limit the result to this set
'find' => !empty( $_REQUEST["find"] ) ? $_REQUEST["find"] : NULL,
// display this page number - replaces antiquated offset
'page' => !empty( $_REQUEST["list_page"] ) ? $_REQUEST["list_page"] : NULL,
// only display content by this user
'user_id' => @BitBase::verifyId( $_REQUEST['user_id'] ) ? $_REQUEST['user_id'] : NULL,
// only display content modified more recently than this (UTC timestamp)
'from_date' => !empty( $_REQUEST["from_date"] ) ? $_REQUEST["from_date"] : NULL,
// only display content modified before this (UTC timestamp)
'until_date' => !empty( $_REQUEST["until_date"] ) ? $_REQUEST["until_date"] : NULL,
// get a thumbnail - off by default because it is expensive
'thumbnail_size' => !empty( $_REQUEST["thumbnail_size"] ) ? $_REQUEST["thumbnail_size"] : NULL,
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['output'] ) && ( $_REQUEST['output'] == 'json' || $_REQUEST['output'] == 'ajax' ) ) {
foreach( $_REQUEST as $key => $value ) {
$_REQUEST[$key] = explode( ",", $value );
$contentListHash = array_merge( $_REQUEST, $contentListHash );
// Finally we're ready to get some content
if( empty( $contentTypes ) ) {
$contentTypes = array( '' => tra( 'All Content' ) );
foreach( $gLibertySystem->mContentTypes as $cType ) {
$contentTypes[$cType['content_type_guid']] = $gLibertySystem->getContentTypeName( $cType['content_type_guid'], TRUE );
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
$contentStatuses[''] = 'All Statuses';
$contentStatuses['not_available'] = 'All but Available';
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'content_statuses', $contentStatuses );