Source for file mime.image.php
Documentation is available at mime.image.php
* @author xing <>
* created Thursday May 08, 2008
* @subpackage liberty_mime_handler
global $gLibertySystem, $gBitSystem;
* This is the name of the plugin - max char length is 16
* As a naming convention, the liberty mime handler definition should start with:
define( 'PLUGIN_MIME_GUID_IMAGE', 'mimeimage' );
// Set of functions and what they are called in this paricular plugin
// Use the GUID as your namespace
'verify_function' => 'mime_default_verify',
'store_function' => 'mime_image_store',
'update_function' => 'mime_image_update',
'load_function' => 'mime_image_load',
'download_function' => 'mime_default_download',
'expunge_function' => 'mime_default_expunge',
'help_function' => 'mime_image_help',
// Brief description of what the plugin does
'title' => 'Advanced Image Processing',
'description' => 'Extract image meta data and display relevant information to the user and pick individual display options for images.',
// Templates to display the files
'view_tpl' => 'bitpackage:liberty/mime/image/view.tpl',
'attachment_tpl' => 'bitpackage:liberty/mime/image/attachment.tpl',
// url to page with options for this plugin
// This needs to be specified by plugins that are included by other plugins
'file_name' => 'mime.image.php',
// This should be the same for all mime plugins
// Set this to TRUE if you want the plugin active right after installation
'auto_activate' => FALSE,
// Help page on
//'help_page' => 'LibertyMime+Image+Plugin',
// this should pick up all image
// currently, there's only one option in the image edit file - panorama image setting
$pluginParams['edit_tpl'] = 'bitpackage:liberty/mime/image/edit.tpl';
* Store the data in the database
* @param array $pStoreRow File data needed to store details in the database - sanitised and generated in the verify function
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow[errors] will contain reason
// this will set the correct pluign guid, even if we let default handle the store process
$pStoreRow['log'] = array();
// if storing works, we process the image
// if it all goes tits up, we'll know why
$pStoreRow['errors'] = $pStoreRow['log'];
* mime_image_update update file information in the database if there were changes.
* @param array $pStoreRow File data needed to update details in the database
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow[errors] will contain reason
global $gThumbSizes, $gBitSystem;
// this will set the correct pluign guid, even if we let default handle the store process
// if storing works, we process the image
// if it all goes tits up, we'll know why
$pStoreRow['errors'] = $pStoreRow['log'];
} elseif( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'mime_image_panoramas' ) && !empty( $pParams['preference']['is_panorama'] ) && empty( $pStoreRow['thumbnail_url']['panorama'] )) {
} elseif( empty( $pParams['preference']['is_panorama'] ) && !empty( $pStoreRow['thumbnail_url']['panorama'] )) {
// we remove the panorama setting in the database and the panorama thumb
* Load file data from the database
* @param array $pFileHash Contains all file information
* @param array $pPrefs Attachment preferences taken liberty_attachment_prefs
* @param array $pParams Parameters for loading the plugin - e.g.: might contain values such as thumbnail size from the view page
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow[errors] will contain reason
// don't load a mime image if we don't have an image for this file
// fetch meta data from the db
$ret['meta'] = LibertyMime::getMetaData( $ret['attachment_id'], "EXIF" );
// if we have GPS data and geo is active, we calculate geo stuff
if( $gBitSystem->isPackageActive( 'geo' ) && ( $ret['gps'] = LibertyMime::getMetaData( $ret['attachment_id'], "GPS" ))) {
if( !empty( $ret['gps']['gpslongitude'] )) {
$ret['geo']['lng'] = $ret['gps']['gpslongitude'];
if( !empty( $ret['gps']['gpslongituderef'] ) && $ret['gps']['gpslongituderef'] == 'W' ) {
$ret['geo']['lng'] = 0 - $ret['geo']['lng'];
if( !empty( $ret['gps']['gpslatitude'] )) {
$ret['geo']['lat'] = $ret['gps']['gpslatitude'];
if( !empty( $ret['gps']['gpslatituderef'] ) && $ret['gps']['gpslatituderef'] == 'S' ) {
$ret['geo']['lat'] = 0 - $ret['geo']['lat'];
// set sea level data when available
if( !empty( $ret['gps']['gpsaltitude'] )) {
list ( $dividend, $divisor ) = explode( "/", $ret['gps']['gpsaltitude'] );
$ret['geo']['amsl'] = $dividend / $divisor;
$ret['geo']['amsl_unit'] = 'm';
// final check to see if we have enough data
if( empty( $ret['geo']['lng'] ) || empty( $ret['geo']['lat'] )) {
// check for panorama image
if( isset ( $ret['source_file'] ) && is_file( dirname( $ret['source_file'] ). "/thumbs/panorama.jpg" )) {
// if the panorama doesn't have 180⁰ vertical field of view we will restrict up / down movement
if(( $ret['pano'] = LibertyMime::getMetaData( $ret['attachment_id'], "PANO" )) && !empty( $ret['pano']['aspect'] )) {
// calculation based on logarythmic regression curve
$ret['pano']['pa'] = round( 40 - 31 * log( $ret['pano']['aspect'] - 1.4 ));
if( $ret['pano']['pa'] > 49 ) {
} elseif( $ret['pano']['pa'] < 0 ) {
* mime_image_store_exif_data Process a JPEG and store its EXIF data as meta data.
* @param array $pFileHash file details.
* @param array $pFileHash[upload] should contain a complete hash from $_FILES
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
if( !empty( $pFileHash['upload'] )) {
$upload = &$pFileHash['upload'];
// only makes sense to store the GPS data if we at least have latitude and longitude
if( !empty( $exifHash['GPS'] )) {
LibertyMime::storeMetaData( $pFileHash['attachment_id'], 'GPS', $exifHash['GPS'] );
if( !empty( $exifHash['EXIF'] )) {
// LibertyMime::storeMetaData( $pFileHash['attachment_id'], 'EXIF', $exifHash['EXIF'] );
* mime_image_get_exif_data fetch meta data from uploaded image
* @param array $pUpload uploaded file data
* @return array filled with exif goodies
if( function_exists( 'exif_read_data' ) && !empty( $pUpload['source_file'] ) && is_file( $pUpload['source_file'] ) && preg_match( "#/(jpe?g|tiff)#i", $pUpload['type'] )) {
// exif_read_data can be noisy due to crappy files, e.g. "Incorrect APP1 Exif Identifier Code" etc...
$exifHash = @exif_read_data( $pUpload['source_file'], 0, TRUE );
// extract more information if we can find it
// Retrieve the header information from the JPEG file
$jpeg_header_data = get_jpeg_header_data( $pUpload['source_file'] );
// Retrieve EXIF information from the JPEG file
$Exif_array = get_EXIF_JPEG( $pUpload['source_file'] );
// Retrieve XMP information from the JPEG file
$XMP_array = read_XMP_array_from_text( get_XMP_text( $jpeg_header_data ) );
// Retrieve Photoshop IRB information from the JPEG file
$IRB_array = get_Photoshop_IRB( $jpeg_header_data );
if( !empty( $exifHash['IFD0']['Software'] ) && preg_match( '/photoshop/i', $exifHash['IFD0']['Software'] ) ) {
require_once UTIL_PKG_PATH. 'jpeg_metadata_tk/Photoshop_File_Info.php';
// Retrieve Photoshop File Info from the three previous arrays
$psFileInfo = get_photoshop_file_info( $Exif_array, $XMP_array, $IRB_array );
if( !empty( $psFileInfo['headline'] ) ) {
$exifHash['headline'] = $psFileInfo['headline'];
if( !empty( $psFileInfo['caption'] ) ) {
$exifHash['caption'] = $psFileInfo['caption'];
// only makes sense to store the GPS data if we at least have latitude and longitude
if( !empty( $exifHash['GPS'] )) {
// store GPS coordinates as deg decimal float
$gpsConv = array( 'GPSLatitude', 'GPSDestLatitude', 'GPSLongitude', 'GPSDestLongitude' );
foreach( $gpsConv as $conv ) {
if( !empty( $exifHash['GPS'][$conv] ) && is_array( $exifHash['GPS'][$conv] )) {
* mime_image_convert_exifgps GPS EIXF data is stored as fractions in an array. here we convert this to a degree decimal float value for easy storing
* @param array $pParams array of positional data in fractions form EXIF tag
* @return numeric value of positional data
if( !empty( $pParams ) && is_array( $pParams ) && count( $pParams ) == 3 ) {
list ( $lng['deg'], $lng['min'], $lng['sec'] ) = array_values( $pParams );
foreach( $lng as $key => $fraction ) {
list ( $dividend, $divisor ) = explode( "/", $fraction );
$num = $dividend / $divisor;
} elseif( $key == 'sec' ) {
* mime_image_create_panorama
* @param array $pStoreRow
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
global $gBitSystem, $gThumbSizes;
// we know the panorama image will be a jpeg, so we don't need the canThumbFunc check here
if(( $panoramaFunc = liberty_get_function( 'panorama' )) && !empty( $pStoreRow['source_file'] ) && is_file( $pStoreRow['source_file'] )) {
// the panorama has to be a jpg
$gBitSystem->setConfig( 'liberty_thumbnail_format', 'jpg' );
$width = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'mime_image_panorama_width', 3000 );
$gThumbSizes['panorama'] = array( $width, $width / 2 );
// for the panorama, we will force a quality lower than 75 to reduce image size
if( $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'liberty_thumbnail_quality', 85 ) > 75 ) {
$gBitSystem->setConfig( 'liberty_thumbnail_quality', 75 );
'attachment_id' => $pStoreRow['attachment_id'],
'file_name' => dirname( $pStoreRow['file_name'] ). "/",
'source_file' => $pStoreRow['source_file'],
'type' => $pStoreRow['mime_type'],
'thumbnail_sizes' => array( 'panorama' ),
// we want to modify the panorama
$genHash['source_file'] = $genHash['icon_thumb_path'];
if( !$panoramaFunc( $genHash )) {
$pStoreRow['errors']['panorama'] = $genHash['error'];
return( empty( $pStoreRow['errors'] ));
* liberty_magickwand_panorama_image - strictly speaking, this belongs in one of the image processing plugin files, but we'll leave it here for the moment
* @param array $pFileHash File hash - souce_file is required
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
$magickWand = NewMagickWand();
$pFileHash['error'] = NULL;
if( !empty( $pFileHash['source_file'] ) && is_file( $pFileHash['source_file'] )) {
// calculate border width
$iwidth = round( MagickGetImageWidth( $magickWand ));
$iheight = round( MagickGetImageHeight( $magickWand ));
$aspect = $iwidth / $iheight;
// store original file information that we can adjust the viewer
LibertyMime::storeMetaData( $pFileHash['attachment_id'], 'PANO', $metaHash );
// we need to pad the image if the aspect ratio is not 2:1 (give it a wee bit of leeway that we don't add annoying borders if not really needed)
if( $aspect > 2.1 || $aspect < 1.9 ) {
$bheight = round((( $iwidth / 2 ) - $iheight ) / 2 );
$bwidth = round((( $iheight / 2 ) - $iwidth ) / 2 );
// if the ratio has nothing to do with a panorama image - i.e. gives us a negative number here, we won't generate a panorama image
$pixelWand = NewPixelWand();
PixelSetColor( $pixelWand, ( !empty( $pOptions['background'] ) ? $pOptions['background'] : 'black' ));
DestroyPixelWand( $pixelWand );
DestroyMagickWand( $magickWand );
return( empty( $pFileHash['error'] ));
tra( "If you have a panoramic image and you are using <strong>{attachment}</strong> to insert it, you can use <strong>panosize</strong> as you would with the size parameter to specify the size." ). "<br />"
. tra( "Example:" ). ' '. "{attachment id='13' panosize='small'}";