Source for file data.pluginhelp.php
Documentation is available at data.pluginhelp.php
* @subpackage plugins_data
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2004,
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
// | Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See for details
// | For comments, please use documentation standards!!!
// | -> see
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: StarRider <>
// | Rewritten for bitweaver by Author
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
define( 'PLUGIN_GUID_DATAPLUGINHELP', 'datapluginhelp' );
'auto_activate' => FALSE,
'requires_pair' => FALSE,
'load_function' => 'data_pluginhelp',
'title' => 'PluginHelp', // and Remove the comment from the start of this line
'help_page' => 'DataPluginPluginHelp',
'description' => tra("This plugin will display the plugin's Help."),
'help_function' => 'data_pluginhelp_help',
'syntax' => "{PLUGINHELP plugin= }",
'<table class="data help">'
. '<th>'. tra( "Key" ). '</th>'
. '<th>'. tra( "Type" ). '</th>'
. '<th>'. tra( "Comments" ). '</th>'
. '<td>'. tra( "string"). '<br />'. tra("(manditory)"). '</td>'
. '<td>'. tra( "The Name of the Plugin to be displayed.")
. '<br />'. tra( "There is"). ' <strong>No</strong> '. tra( "Default.")
. tra("Example: ") . "{PLUGINHELP plugin='pluginhelp' } - Will display the Plugin\'s Help<br />"
. tra("Example: ") . "{PLUGINHELP plugin='pluginhelp' showdata=TRUE } - Will display the Plugin\'s PluginParams";
if (!isset ($plugin)) {// Exit if the Parameter is not set
return pluginError('PluginHelp', tra('There was No Plugin Named for'). ' <strong>PluginHelp</strong> '. tra('to work with.'));
foreach (array_keys($gLibertySystem->mPlugins) as $pluginGuid) {
$pluginParams = $gLibertySystem->mPlugins[$pluginGuid];
if ($pluginParams['plugin_type'] == DATA_PLUGIN && isset ($pluginParams['description']) && $pluginParams['tag'] == strtoupper($plugin))
if (!isset ($thisGuid)) { // The Plugin was not found
. '<div class="error" style="text-align:center;">'
. '<h2>'. tra('Error in the Plugin "'). 'PluginHelp</h2>'
. '<div class="boxcontent">'
. tra('The Plugin Name Specified'). ' <strong>plugin='. $plugin. '</strong> '. tra('does not exist.')
$pluginParams = $gLibertySystem->mPlugins[$thisGuid];
if (!is_array($pluginParams)) // Something is Wrong - Exit
return tra('The Plugin Name Given To <strong>PluginHelp "'). plugin. tra('"</strong> Either Does Not Exist Or Is Not Active.');
$runhelp = $pluginParams['help_function'];
'<table class="data help" style="width: 100%;" border="2" cellpadding="4">'
. '<caption><strong><big><big>Plugin Data</big></big></strong></caption>'
. '<th colspan="4" style="text-align: center;"><strong><big><big>'. $pluginParams['title']. '</big></big></strong></th>'
. '<td title="'. tra('The GUID is a string used to locate the Plugins Data.'). '">GUID => '. $thisGuid. '</td>'
. '<td title="'. tra('The Tag is the string you add to the text that calls the Plugin.'). '">tag => '. $pluginParams['tag']. '</td>'
. '<td title="'. tra('Provides a Default value for the Administrator.'). '">auto_activate => '. ($pluginParams['auto_activate'] ? 'True' : 'False'). '</td>'
. '<td title="'. tra('The Number of Code Blocks required by the Plugin. Can be 1 or 2'). '">requires_pair => '. ($pluginParams['requires_pair'] ? 'True' : 'False'). '</td>'
. '<td colspan="4" title="'. tra('The Description states what the Plugin does.">'). 'description => '. $pluginParams['description']. '</td>'
. '<td colspan="2" title="'. tra('This function does the work & is called by the Parser when the Tag is found.'). '">load_function => '. $pluginParams['load_function']. '</td>'
. '<td colspan="2" title="'. tra('This function displays the Extended Help Data for the Plugin.'). '">help_function => '. $pluginParams['help_function']. '</td>'
. '<td colspan="4" title="'. tra('The Syntax to be inserted into an editor for useage.'). '">syntax => '. $pluginParams['syntax']. '</td>'
. '<td colspan="4" title="'. tra('Provides a link to a Help Page on'). '">help_page => '. $pluginParams['help_page']. '</td>'
if ($thisGuid != 'datalibrary') $ret .= // This button is not needed by the Plugin Library {LIB}
. '<td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" title="'. tra('Click to Visit the Help Page on in a new window.'). '">'
. '<input type="button" value="Visit the Help Page" onclick="javascript:BitBase.popUpWin(\''. $pluginParams['help_page']. '\',\'standard\',800,800)"></input>'
. '<div style="text-align: center;"><strong><big><big>'. tra('Parameter Data'). '</big></big></strong></div>'
. '<div class="help box">~np~'. $runhelp. '~/np~</div>';