Source for file storage.bitfile.php
Documentation is available at storage.bitfile.php
* @subpackage plugins_storage
global $gLibertySystem, $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty, $gBitThemes;
define( 'PLUGIN_GUID_BIT_FILES', 'bitfile' );
'store_function' => 'bit_files_store',
'verify_function' => 'bit_files_verify',
'load_function' => 'bit_files_load',
'expunge_function' => 'bit_files_expunge',
'description' => 'Always load by default, disable to prevent Direct File Upload To Server',
'auto_activate' => FALSE,
'edit_label' => 'Upload File',
'primary_edit_field' => '<input type="file" name="primary_attachment" size="40" />',
'edit_field' => '<input type="file" name="upload" size="40" />',
'edit_help' => 'After selecting the file you want to upload, please return to the edit area and click the save button.'
if( isset ( $gBitSystem )) {
if ($gBitSystem->getConfig("liberty_attachment_style") == "multiple") {
$pluginParams['edit_label'] = 'Upload File(s)';
$pluginParams['edit_help'] = 'The file(s) will be uploaded to your personal storage area.<br />After selecting the file(s) you want to upload, please return to the edit area and click the save button.';
$pluginParams['edit_field'] = '<div id="upload_div"></div><input type="file" name="upload" size="40" id="uploads" />'.
'<!-- Multiselect javascript. -->'.
'<script type="text/javascript" src="'. UTIL_PKG_URL. 'javascript/multifile.js"></script>'.
'<script type="text/javascript">'.
'var upload_files = document.getElementById( \'upload_div\' );'.
'var upload_element = document.getElementById( \'uploads\' );'.
'var multi_selector = new MultiSelector( upload_files, '. $gBitSystem->getConfig('liberty_max_multiple_attachments', 10). ' );'.
'multi_selector.addNamedElement( upload_element , \'uploads\');'.
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'loadMultiFile', TRUE );
} elseif( $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'liberty_attachment_style' ) == "ajax" ) {
$pluginParams['edit_help_new'] = $pluginParams['edit_help'];
$pluginParams['edit_field_new'] = $pluginParams['edit_field'];
$pluginParams['edit_help'] = 'The file(s) will be uploaded to your personal storage area.<br />After selecting the file you want to upload an attachment ID will be displayed for you to use in your content.';
$pluginParams['edit_field'] = '<input type="file" name="upload" size="40" id="upload" onchange="javascript:LibertyAttachment.uploader(this, \'{$smarty.const.LIBERTY_PKG_URL}attachment_uploader.php\',\'{tr}Please wait for the current upload to finish.{/tr}\', \'liberty_upload_frame\', \'editpageform\');" />'.
'{include file="bitpackage:liberty/attachment_uploader_inc.tpl"}';
//$gLibertySystem->registerPlugin( STORAGE_TYPE_BIT_FILES, $pluginParams );
$pStoreRow['foreign_id'] = NULL;
if( strlen( $pStoreRow['upload']['name'] ) > 200 ) {
$pStoreRow['upload']['name'] = substr( $pStoreRow['upload']['name'], 0, 195 ). '.'. substr( $pStoreRow['upload']['name'], strrpos( $pStoreRow['upload']['name'], '.' ) );
$pStoreRow['dest_base_name'] = substr( $pStoreRow['upload']['name'], 0, strrpos( $pStoreRow['upload']['name'], '.' ) );
// $pStoreRow['dest_base_name'] = transliterate( $pStoreRow['dest_base_name'], array('han_transliterate', 'diacritical_remove'), 'utf-8', 'utf-8' );
$pStoreRow['source_file'] = $pStoreRow['upload']['tmp_name'];
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
// we have been given an attachment_id but no foreign_id. we will make a last attempt to see if this is an update or an insert
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pStoreRow['attachment_id'] ) && !@BitBase::verifyId( $pStoreRow['foreign_id'] )) {
$pStoreRow['foreign_id'] = $gBitSystem->mDb->getOne( "SELECT `foreign_id` FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_attachments` WHERE `attachment_id` = ?", array( $pStoreRow['attachment_id'] ));
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pStoreRow['foreign_id'] ) ) {
$sql = "UPDATE `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_files` SET `file_name`=?, `mime_type`=?, `file_size`=? WHERE `file_id` = ?";
$gBitSystem->mDb->query( $sql, array( $pStoreRow['upload']['name'], $pStoreRow['upload']['type'], $pStoreRow['upload']['size'], $pStoreRow['foreign_id'] ) );
$pStoreRow['foreign_id'] = $gBitSystem->mDb->GenID( 'liberty_files_id_seq' );
$sql = "INSERT INTO `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_files` ( `file_name`, `file_id`, `mime_type`, `file_size`, `user_id` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )";
$userId = !empty( $pStoreRow['upload']['user_id'] ) ? $pStoreRow['upload']['user_id'] : $gBitUser->mUserId;
$gBitSystem->mDb->query($sql, array( $pStoreRow['upload']['name'], $pStoreRow['foreign_id'], $pStoreRow['upload']['type'], $pStoreRow['upload']['size'], $userId ) );
// this fuction broken, will fix soon - spiderr
// I think its fixed now - no promises though! - drewslater
global $gBitSystem, $gLibertySystem;
if( !empty( $pRow['foreign_id'] ) && is_numeric( $pRow['foreign_id'] )) {
INNER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_files` lf ON (lf.`file_id` = la.`foreign_id`)
WHERE la.`foreign_id` = ? AND `attachment_plugin_guid` = ?";
$ret['file_name'] = basename( $ret['file_name'] );
if( $canThumbFunc( $ret['mime_type'] )) {
$thumbHash['default_image'] = LIBERTY_PKG_URL. 'icons/generating_thumbnails.png';
$ret['wiki_plugin_link'] = "{attachment id=". $ret['attachment_id']. "}";
global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem;
INNER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_files` lf ON (lf.`file_id`=la.`foreign_id`)
WHERE la.`attachment_id` = ?";
if( $row = $gBitSystem->mDb->getRow( $sql, array( $pStorageId ))) {
if( $gBitUser->isAdmin() || $gBitUser->mUserId == $row['user_id'] ) {
// make sure this is a valid storage directory before removing it
if( preg_match( '!/users/\d+/\d+/\w+/\d+/.+!', $sourceFile )) {
$query = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_files` WHERE `file_id` = ?";
$gBitSystem->mDb->query($query, array($row['foreign_id']) );