Source for file cmd_line_reindex.php
Documentation is available at cmd_line_reindex.php
* Command Line Site Reindex
* Created with stub from jht001 and help from KainX (Thanks to you both)
* This script is designed to be called from the command line to allow you
* to reindex all the liberty content on your site.
* cmd_line_reindex takes up to three optional arguments
* Argument 1 - ContentType
* This is the type of content you wish to reindex using the content type guids
* "pages" will attempt to reindex all content
* Content Type Guids allowed (so far):
* bitarticle, bitblogpost, bitcomment, bitpage, bituser, fisheyegallery, fisheyeimage
* Silent = no messages displayed to the console
* Argument 3 - UnindexedOnly
* UnindexedOnly = Only index content that isn't already in the index. This function
* is useful for sites that import data from other sites.
* Note: This function employs sub-selects in the SQL. This will break
* MySQL 3.x - however works fine on MySQL 4.x, Postgres, Firebird and MSSQL.
* php cmd_line_reindex // reindexes all content on your site with messages
* php cmd_line_reindex pages silent unindexedonly // Indexes entire site, no messages - and only content not in the index yet
* php cmd_line_reindex bitarticle unindexedonly // Indexes only articles that haven't been indexed yet
* I have run the "unindexedonly" option several times in a row and was told it attempted to
* reindex 20 pieces of content each time.
* Define Server Variables so script won't puke on command line
$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'batch';
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'batch';
$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'batch';
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'] = 'batch';
require_once( '../kernel/setup_inc.php' );
require_once( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH. 'LibertyBase.php');
require_once( SEARCH_PKG_PATH. 'refresh_functions.php');
if (isset ($argc)) { // we are running from the command line.
for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++ ) {
$unindexedOnly = true; // only index content that hasn't been indexed yet
if (!$silent) echo "\nBeginning Reindex of $whatToIndex ...\n";
if (!$silent && $unindexedOnly) echo "Warning: unindexed only flag set. Will break MySQL 3.x because of sub-selects\n";
if (!$silent) echo "Index rebuild complete.\n";
if (!$silent) echo "Attempted to index $count pieces of content\n";
if (!$silent) echo "(Note: Some content may not be indexable. This is normal)\n";
if (!$silent) echo "Execution time: $time seconds\n";
// Don't allow this to be run from the web.
header("location: ../index.php" );
return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);