Source for file LibertyStars.php
Documentation is available at LibertyStars.php
* date created 2006/02/10
* @author xing <>
require_once( KERNEL_PKG_PATH. 'BitBase.php' );
* @param array $pContentId Content id of the item being rated
* Load the data from the database
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
$stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display', 5 );
$pixels = $stars * $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_icon_width', 22 );
SELECT ( `rating` * $pixels / 100 ) AS `stars_pixels`, `rating` AS `stars_rating`, `update_count` AS `stars_update_count`, `content_id`
* get list of all rated content
* @param $pListHash contains array of items used to limit search results
* @param $pListHash[sort_mode] column and orientation by which search results are sorted
* @param $pListHash[find] search for a pigeonhole title - case insensitive
* @param $pListHash[max_records] maximum number of rows to return
* @param $pListHash[offset] number of results data is offset by
* @return array of rated content
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser, $gLibertySystem;
$ret = $bindVars = array();
$where = $join = $select = '';
// set custom sorting before we call prepGetList()
if( !empty( $pListHash['sort_mode'] )) {
$order = " ORDER BY ". $this->mDb->convertSortmode( $pListHash['sort_mode'] ). " ";
// set a default sort_mode
$order = " ORDER BY sts.`rating` DESC";
if( !empty( $pListHash['user_id'] )) {
$where .= empty( $where ) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND ';
$where .= " sth.`user_id`=? ";
$bindVars[] = $pListHash['user_id'];
$select .= ", sth.`rating` AS `user_rating`";
$join .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "stars_history` sth ON( sts.`content_id` = sth.`content_id` ) ";
$order = " ORDER BY sth.`rating` DESC";
if( !empty( $pListHash['find'] )) {
$where .= empty( $where ) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND ';
$where .= " UPPER( lc.`title` ) LIKE ? ";
$bindVars[] = '%'. strtoupper( $pListHash['find'] ). '%';
SELECT sts.*, lch.`hits`, lch.`last_hit`, lc.`event_time`, lc.`title`,
lc.`last_modified`, lc.`content_type_guid`, lc.`ip`, lc.`created` $select
INNER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content` lc ON ( lc.`content_id` = sts.`content_id` )
LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content_hits` lch ON ( lc.`content_id` = lch.`content_id` )
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, $bindVars, $pListHash['max_records'], $pListHash['offset'] );
$stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display', 5 );
$pixels = $stars * $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_icon_width', 22 );
while( $aux = $result->fetchRow() ) {
$type = &$gLibertySystem->mContentTypes[$aux['content_type_guid']];
if( empty( $type['content_object'] )) {
include_once( $gBitSystem->mPackages[$type['handler_package']]['path']. $type['handler_file'] );
$type['content_object'] = new $type['handler_class']();
if( !empty( $gBitSystem->mPackages[$type['handler_package']] )) {
$aux['display_link'] = $type['content_object']->getDisplayLink( $aux['title'], $aux );
$aux['title'] = $type['content_object']->getTitle( $aux );
$aux['display_url'] = $type['content_object']->getDisplayUrl( $aux );
$aux['stars_pixels'] = ($aux['rating'] * $pixels) / 100;
SELECT COUNT( sts.`content_id` )
INNER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content` lc ON ( lc.`content_id` = sts.`content_id` )
LEFT JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content_hits` lch ON ( lc.`content_id` = lch.`content_id` )
$pListHash['cant'] = $this->mDb->getOne( $query, $bindVars );
* Get the rating history of a loaded content
* @param boolean $pExtras loading the extras will get all users who have rated in the past and their ratings
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
$stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display', 5 );
$pixels = $stars * $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_icon_width', 22 );
SELECT ( `rating` * $pixels / 100 ) AS `stars_pixels`, `rating` AS `stars_rating`, `update_count` AS `stars_update_count`, `content_id`
SELECT sth.`content_id` as `hash_key`, sth.*, uu.`login`, uu.`real_name`
INNER JOIN `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_users` uu ON sth.`user_id`=uu.`user_id`
ORDER BY sth.`rating` ASC";
* Quick method to get a nice summary of past ratings for a given content
* @param array $pContentId
* @return usable hash with a summary of ratings of a given content id
$ret['sum'] = $ret['weight'] = $ret['count'] = 0;
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pContentId ) ) {
COUNT( sth.`rating`) AS `update_count`,
SUM( sth.`weight` ) AS `weight`
$result = $this->mDb->getAll( $query, array( $pContentId ) );
foreach( $result as $set ) {
$ret['sum'] += $set['weight'] * $set['rating'];
$ret['weight'] += $set['weight'];
$ret['count'] += $set['update_count'];
* @param array pParams hash of values that will be used to store the page
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if store could not occur. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
function store( &$pParamHash ) {
if( $this->verify( $pParamHash ) ) {
if( !empty( $this->mInfo ) ) {
$result = $this->mDb->associateUpdate( $table. "_history", $pParamHash['stars_history_store'], array( "content_id" => $this->mContentId, "user_id" => $gBitUser->mUserId ) );
// we don't have a new entry in the database and the update_count stays the same
unset ( $pParamHash['stars_store']['update_count'] );
$result = $this->mDb->associateInsert( $table. "_history", $pParamHash['stars_history_store'] );
$result = $this->mDb->associateUpdate( $table, $pParamHash['stars_store'], array( "content_id" => $this->mContentId ) );
$result = $this->mDb->associateInsert( $table, $pParamHash['stars_store'] );
$result = $this->mDb->associateInsert( $table. "_history", $pParamHash['stars_history_store'] );
* Make sure the data is safe to store
* @param array pParams reference to hash of values that will be used to store the page, they will be modified where necessary
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if verify failed. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
function verify( &$pParamHash ) {
global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem;
if( $gBitUser->isRegistered() && $this->isValid() ) {
// only store stuff if user hasn't rated this content before
$pParamHash['stars_store']['rating'] = ( int ) $pParamHash['summary']['rating'];
$pParamHash['stars_store']['update_count'] = ( int ) $pParamHash['summary']['count'] + 1;
// keep this entry in the history
$pParamHash['stars_history_store']['content_id'] = $pParamHash['stars_store']['content_id'] = ( int ) $this->mContentId;
$pParamHash['stars_history_store']['rating'] = ( int ) $pParamHash['rating'];
$pParamHash['stars_history_store']['weight'] = ( int ) $pParamHash['user']['weight'];
$pParamHash['stars_history_store']['user_id'] = ( int ) $gBitUser->mUserId;
$this->mErrors['calculate_rating'] = "There was a problem calculating the rating.";
$this->mErrors['unregistered'] = "You have to be registered to rate content.";
* Get the rating of the currently active user for the specified content
* @param array $pContentId
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pContentId ) ) {
$stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display', 5 );
$pixels = $stars * $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_icon_width', 22 );
SELECT (`rating` * $pixels / 100) AS `stars_user_pixels`, ( `rating` * $stars / 100 ) AS `stars_user_rating`
WHERE `content_id`=? AND `user_id`=?";
$ret = $this->mDb->getRow( $query, array( $pContentId, $gBitUser->mUserId ) );
* Check if the mContentId is set and valid
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
* This function removes a stars entry
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
$query = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "stars` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $this->mContentId ) );
$query = "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "stars_history` WHERE `content_id` = ?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $this->mContentId ) );
// ============================ calculations ============================
* recalculate the rating of all objects - important when user changes weighting opions
* TODO: add some check to see if this was successfull, currenlty only returns true
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
// get all users that have rated and the content that has been rated
$result = $this->mDb->query( "SELECT `user_id`, `content_id` FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "stars_history`" );
while( $aux = $result->fetchRow() ) {
$userIds[] = $aux['user_id'];
$contentIds[] = $aux['content_id'];
// --- Update user weighting first
// update user weight in accordance with new settings
foreach( $userIds as $userId ) {
$result = $this->mDb->query( "UPDATE `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "stars_history` SET `weight`=? WHERE `user_id`=?", array( $userWeight, $userId ) );
// --- Update content rating
// remove all entries in the aggregated list
// update the calculations in the stars table
foreach( $contentIds as $content_id ) {
// get the rating history summary
// set the aggregated rating to 0 if we aren't displaying the rating yet.
$minRatings = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_minimum_ratings', 5 );
if( $summary['count'] < $minRatings ) {
$rating = round( $summary['sum'] / $summary['weight'] );
'content_id' => $content_id,
'update_count' => $summary['count'],
* Calculate the correct value to insert into the database
* @param array $pParamHash
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
$stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display', 5 );
// TODO: factors that haven't been taken into accound yet:
// - time since last rating(s) - how should this be dealt with?
// - age of document - ???
// number of ratings needed before value is displayed
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pParamHash['stars_rating'] ) && $pParamHash['stars_rating'] > 0 && $pParamHash['stars_rating'] <= $stars && $this->isValid() ) {
// normalise to 100 weight
$pParamHash['rating'] = $pParamHash['stars_rating'] / $stars * 100;
// if the user is submitting his rating again, we need to update the value in the db before we get the summary
$tmpUpdate['rating'] = ( int ) $pParamHash['rating'];
$result = $this->mDb->associateUpdate( BIT_DB_PREFIX. "stars_history", $tmpUpdate, array( "content_id" => $this->mContentId, "user_id" => $gBitUser->mUserId ) );
// get the rating history summary
$minRatings = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_minimum_ratings', 5 );
if( ( $summary['count'] + 1 ) < $minRatings ) {
$pParamHash['summary']['rating'] = 0;
$pParamHash['summary']['rating'] = round( ( $summary['sum'] + ( $pParamHash['rating'] * $pParamHash['user']['weight'] ) ) / ( $summary['weight'] + $pParamHash['user']['weight'] ) );
$pParamHash['summary']['count'] = $summary['count'];
* Calculate the importance of a users rating
* @param array $pUserId User id
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem;
if( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'stars_user_weight' ) ) {
// allow overriding of currently loaded user
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pUserId ) ) {
// age relative to site age
$query = "SELECT MIN( `registration_date` ) FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_users`";
$userWeight['age'] = $age['user'] / $age['site'];
// permissioning relative to full number of permissions
$query = "SELECT COUNT( `perm_name` ) FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "users_permissions`";
if( $tmpUser->isAdmin() ) {
$userWeight['permission'] = 1;
$userWeight['permission'] = count( $tmpUser->mPerms ) / $this->mDb->getOne( $query );
// activity - we could to the same using the history as well.
$query = "SELECT COUNT( `content_id` ) FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content` WHERE `user_id`=?";
$activity['user'] = $this->mDb->getOne( $query, array( $tmpUser->getField( 'user_id' ) ) );
$query = "SELECT COUNT( `content_id` ) FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "liberty_content`";
$activity['site'] = $this->mDb->getOne( $query );
$userWeight['activity'] = $activity['user'] / $activity['site'];
// here we can add some weight to various areas
$custom['age'] = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_weight_age' );
$custom['permission'] = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_weight_permission' );
$custom['activity'] = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_weight_activity' );
foreach( $userWeight as $type => $value ) {
$ $type = 10 * $value * $custom[$type];
// TODO: run some tests to see if this is a good way of evaluating power of a user
// ensure that we always have a positive number here to avoid chaos - this alse makes sure new users have at least a bit of a say
if( ( $ret = round( log( $age * $permission * $activity, 2 ) ) ) < 1 ) {
/********* SERVICE FUNCTIONS *********/
* Prepare and assign data to templates
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser, $gBitSmarty;
$stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display', 5 );
$default_names = array();
for( $i = 0; $i < $stars; $i++ ) {
$default_names[] = ( $i + 1 ). " / ". $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display' );
$default_names_flat = implode( ",", $default_names );
$ratingNames = explode( ",", "," . $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_rating_names', $default_names_flat ));
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'ratingNames', $ratingNames );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'starsLinks', $hash = array_fill( 1, $stars, 1 ));
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'loadStars', TRUE );
* Content list sql service function
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser, $gBitSmarty, $gBitThemes;
// in some cases, such as articles, rating is allowed when getList is called.
$stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display', 5 );
$pixels = $stars * $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_icon_width', 22 );
lc.`content_id` AS `stars_load`,
sts.`update_count` AS stars_update_count,
sts.`rating` AS stars_rating,
ROUND( sts.`rating` * $pixels / 100 ) AS stars_pixels,
ROUND( sth.`rating` * $stars / 100 ) AS stars_user_rating,
ROUND( sth.`rating` * $pixels / 100 ) AS stars_user_pixels ";
ON ( lc.`content_id`=sts.`content_id` )
ON ( lc.`content_id`=sth.`content_id` AND sth.`user_id`='". $gBitUser->mUserId. "' )";
* Content load sql service function
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser, $gBitSmarty, $gBitThemes;
$stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_used_in_display', 5 );
$pixels = $stars * $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'stars_icon_width', 22 );
lc.`content_id` AS `stars_load`,
sts.`update_count` AS stars_update_count,
sts.`rating` AS stars_rating,
ROUND( sts.`rating` * $pixels / 100 ) AS stars_pixels,
ROUND( sth.`rating` * $stars / 100 ) AS stars_user_rating,
ROUND( sth.`rating` * $pixels / 100 ) AS stars_user_pixels ";
ON ( lc.`content_id`=sts.`content_id` )
ON ( lc.`content_id`=sth.`content_id` AND sth.`user_id`='". $gBitUser->mUserId. "' )";
* Content expunge sql service function
* @param array $pParamHash
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure