Source for file resource.bitpackage.php
Documentation is available at resource.bitpackage.php
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* File: resource.bitpackage.php
* Purpose: Fetches templates from the correct package
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* Smarty Bitpackage class
protected function fetch ( $pTplName, &$pTplSource, &$pTplTime ) {
foreach( $resources as $location => $resource ) {
* THE method to invoke if you want to be sure a tpl's sibling php file gets included if it exists. This
* should not need to be invoked from anywhere except within this class
* @param string $pFile file to be included, should be of the form "bitpackage:<packagename>/<templatename>"
* @return TRUE if a sibling php file was included
public function populate(Smarty_Template_Source $source, Smarty_Internal_Template $_template= null) {
if( $siblingPhpFile = static::getSiblingPhpFile( $source->name ) ) {
global $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem, $gBitUser, $gQueryUserId, $moduleParams;
if( !empty( $_template->tpl_vars['module_params'] ) ) {
// module_params were passed through via the {include},
// e.g. {include file="bitpackage:foobar/mod_list_foo.tpl" module_params="user_id=`$gBitUser->mUserId`&sort_mode=created_desc"}
$moduleParams['module_params'] = $gBitThemes->parseString( $_template->tpl_vars['module_params']->value );
} elseif( !empty( $_template->tpl_vars['moduleParams'] ) ) {
// Module Params were passed in from the template, like kernel/dynamic.tpl
$moduleParams = $_template->tpl_vars['moduleParams']->value;
include( $siblingPhpFile );
parent::populate( $source, $_template );
if( strpos( $pTplName, '/' )) {
list ( $package, $modFile ) = explode( '/', $pTplName );
$subdir = preg_match( '/mod_/', $modFile ) ? 'modules' : 'templates';
global $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem, $gBitUser, $gQueryUserId, $moduleParams;
// the PHP sibling file needs to be included here, before the fetch so caching works properly
$includeFile = "$path$subdir/$modFile";
foreach( $locations as $resource ) {
global $gBitThemes, $gNoForceStyle;
// files found in temp are special - these are stored in temp/<pkg>/(templates|modules)/<template.tpl>
if( $package == 'temp' ) {
// if it's a module, we need to look in the correct place
$subdir .= ( preg_match( '/\b(help_)?mod_/', $template ) ? 'modules' : 'templates' );
// we can't override these templates - they only exist in temp
$ret['package_template'] = constant( strtoupper( $package ). '_PKG_PATH' ). "$subdir/$template";
if( empty( $gNoForceStyle )) {
// look in config/themes/force/
// look in themes/style/<stylename>/
$ret['override'] = $gBitThemes->getStylePath(). "$package/$subdir$template";
$ret['override_simple'] = $gBitThemes->getStylePath(). $subdir. $template;
// if it's a module, we need to look in the correct place
$subdir = ( preg_match( '/\b(help_)?mod_/', $template ) ? 'modules' : 'templates' ). "/". $subdir;
// look for default package template
$ret['package_template'] = constant( strtoupper( $package ). '_PKG_PATH' ). "$subdir$template";