Source for file BitBase.php
Documentation is available at BitBase.php
* Virtual bitweaver base class
* Copyright (c) 2004
* All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
* Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See for details
* Virtual base class (as much as one can have such things in PHP) for all
* derived tikiwiki classes that require database access.
* @author spider <>
require_once ( KERNEL_PKG_PATH. 'BitDbBase.php' );
define( 'STORAGE_BINARY', 1 );
* Virtual base for BitCacheable.
* Virtual base class (as much as one can have such things in PHP) for all
* derived bitweaver classes that require database access.
* Error hash that will contain an error codes we encounter along
* the way this hash can be used by presentation layer ti give feedback
* Same idea as the error hash but this is for successful operations
* String used to refer to preference caching and database table
* Used to store database mechanism
* Used to store database type
* Standard Query Cache Time. Variable can be set to 0 to flush particular queries
* Data hash that represents this classes row(s) in the db
* Data hash that contains logging information relevant to database operations
protected function load() {
* During initialisation, we assign a name which is used by the class.
* @param pName a unique identified used in caching and database
self::__construct( $pName );
* Delete content object and all related records
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
if( $this->isCacheableObject() && static::isCacheActive() && ($cacheKey = $this->getCacheUuid()) ) {
$ret = apc_delete( $cacheKey );
* @param string $pCacheKey unique identifier for object in cache store
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
protected function storeInCache() {
if( $this->isCacheableObject() && static::isCacheActive() && ($cacheKey = $this->getCacheUuid()) ) {
$ret = apc_store( $cacheKey, $this, 3600 );
if( static::isCacheActive() && static::isCacheableClass() && !empty( $pCacheKey ) ) {
if( $ret = apc_fetch( static::getCacheUuidFromKey( $pCacheKey ) ) ) {
static public function getObjectById( $pObjectId ) {
$className = get_called_class();
if( !($ret = $className::loadFromCache( $pObjectId ) ) ) {
$ret = new $className( $pObjectId );
return static::getCacheUuidFromKey( $this->getCacheKey() );
global $gBitDbName, $gBitDbHost;
$ret = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. ':'. $gBitDbName. '@'. $gBitDbHost. ':'. get_called_class(). '#'. $pCacheUuid;
// only apc is supported for now.
final public static function getClass() {
public function getConfig( $pName, $pDefault = NULL ) {
return $gBitSystem->getConfig( $pName, $pDefault );
* Sets database mechanism for the instance
* @param pDB the instance of the database mechanism
// set internal db and retrieve values
* Determines if there is a valide database connection
return( !empty( $this->mDb ) && $this->mDb->isValid() );
* Return pointer to current Database
public function getDb() {
return ( !empty( $this->mDb ) ? $this->mDb : NULL );
if( $gDebug || !defined( 'IS_LIVE' ) || !IS_LIVE ) {
if( empty( $this->mLastOutputTime ) ) {
$elapsed = (microtime(1) - (float) $this->mLastOutputTime);
if( !empty( $this->mDebugMicrotime ) ) {
$pString = "ELAPSED TIME: ". round( (float) ((microtime(1) - $this->mDebugMicrotime)), 3). ' sec, +'. round( $elapsed, 3 ). ' '. $pString;
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Non-DB related functions =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
* verifyIdParamter Determines if any given variable exists and is a number
* @param mixed $pId this can be a string, number or array. if it's an array, all values in the array will be checked to see if they are numeric
* @return TRUE if the input was numeric, FALSE if it wasn't
// check all possibilities as quickly as possible as this function is called frequently
return !empty( $pParamHash[$pKey] ) && (is_int( $pParamHash[$pKey] ) || ctype_digit( $pParamHash[$pKey] ) || (is_numeric($pParamHash[$pKey]) ? intval( $pParamHash[$pKey] ) == $pParamHash[$pKey] : false));
* verifyId Determines if any given variable exists and is a number
* @param mixed $pId this can be a string, number or array. if it's an array, all values in the array will be checked to see if they are numeric
* @return TRUE if the input was numeric, FALSE if it wasn't
public static function verifyId( $pId ) {
* getParameter Gets a hash value it exists, or returns an optional default
* @param associativearray $pParamHash Hash of key=>value pairs
* @param string $pHashKey Key used to search for value
* @param string $pDefault Default value to return if not found. NULL if nothing is passed in.
* @return TRUE if the input was numeric, FALSE if it wasn't
public static function getParameter( &$pParamHash, $pKey, $pDefaultValue= NULL ) {
if( isset ( $pParamHash[$pKey] ) ) {
$ret = $pParamHash[$pKey];
* This method should be THE method used to display a template. php files should not
* access $gBitSmarty directly.
* @param string pMsg error message to be displayed
* @return none this function will DIE DIE DIE!!!
public function display( $pPackage, $pTemplate ) {
global $gBitSmarty, $gBitLanguage, $style, $style_base;
if( !empty( $style ) && !empty( $style_base )) {
if (file_exists(BIT_THEMES_PATH. "styles/$style_base/$pTemplate")) {
// Theme has overriden template
$_smarty_tpl_file = 'file:'. BIT_STYLES_PATH. "/$style_base/$pTemplate";
$_smarty_tpl_file = 'file:'. BIT_ROOT_PATH. "$pPackage/templates/$pTemplate";
global $gBitLanguage, $style, $style_base;
if (isset($style) && isset($style_base)) {
if (file_exists(BIT_STYLES_PATH."/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file")) {
$_smarty_tpl_file = BIT_STYLES_PATH."/$style_base/$_smarty_tpl_file";
$gBitSmarty->display( $_smarty_tpl_file );
// $gBitSmarty->display( 'bitpackage:'.$pPackage.$pTemplate );
* Assign an entry to the mInfo hash if the current object is valid
* @param pFieldName the hash key to retrieve the value
* @param pValue the value of the hash key
public function setField( $pFieldName, $pValue ) {
$this->mInfo[$pFieldName] = $pValue;
* Returns entry from the mInfo hash if field exists
* @param pFieldName the hash key to retrieve the value
* @param pDefault the value to return of there is now hash value present
public function getField( $pFieldName, $pDefault = NULL ) {
return( !empty( $this->mInfo[$pFieldName] ) ? $this->mInfo[$pFieldName] : $pDefault );
* Prepares parameters with default values for any getList function
* @param pParamHash hash of parameters for any getList() function
* @return the link to display the page.
global $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem;
// valid_sort_modes are set, we check them against our selected sort_mode
if( !empty( $pListHash['sort_mode'] ) && !empty( $pListHash['valid_sort_modes'] ) && is_array( $pListHash['valid_sort_modes'] )) {
if( !static::verifySortMode( $pListHash['sort_mode'], $pListHash['valid_sort_modes'] )) {
$pListHash['sort_mode'] = '';
} elseif( is_array( $pListHash['sort_mode'] )) {
// make sure all values of the sort_mode array match something in the valid valid_sort_modes hash
foreach( $pListHash['sort_mode'] as $key => $mode ) {
if( !static::verifySortMode( $mode, $pListHash['valid_sort_modes'] )) {
unset ( $pListHash['sort_mode'][$key] );
if( empty( $pListHash['max_records'] ) || !is_numeric( $pListHash['max_records'] ) ) {
$pListHash['max_records'] = $gBitSystem->getConfig( "max_records", 10 );
$pListHash['max_records'] = (int) $pListHash['max_records'];
if( !isset ( $pListHash['offset'] ) || !is_numeric( $pListHash['offset'] ) ) {
$pListHash['offset'] = 0;
if( isset ($pListHash['page'] )) {
$pListHash['offset'] = ($pListHash['page'] - 1) * $pListHash['max_records'];
if( !empty( $_REQUEST["offset"] )) {
$pListHash['offset'] = $_REQUEST['offset'];
} elseif( isset ( $_REQUEST['page'] ) && is_numeric( $_REQUEST['page'] ) && $_REQUEST['page'] > 0 ) {
$pListHash['offset'] = ($_REQUEST['page'] - 1) * $pListHash['max_records'];
} elseif( isset ( $_REQUEST['list_page'] ) && is_numeric( $_REQUEST['list_page'] ) && $_REQUEST['list_page'] > 0 ) {
$pListHash['offset'] = ( $_REQUEST['list_page'] - 1 ) * $pListHash['max_records'];
// migrate towards a safer hash key
if( empty( $pListHash['user_id'] ) && !empty( $pListHash['lookup_user_id'] ) ) {
$pListHash['user_id'] = $pListHash['lookup_user_id'];
// Don't use $_REQUEST["find"] as it can really screw with modules on search pages
if( !empty( $pListHash["find"] )) {
$pListHash['find']= $pListHash["find"];
$pListHash['find'] = NULL;
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'find', $pListHash['find'] );
if( isset ( $_REQUEST['date'] )) {
$pListHash['date']= $_REQUEST['date'];
$pListHash['date'] = $gBitSystem->getUTCTime();
if( empty( $pListHash['load_comments'] )) {
$pListHash['load_comments'] = FALSE;
if( empty( $pListHash['load_num_comments'] )) {
$pListHash['load_num_comments'] = FALSE;
if( empty( $pListHash['parse_data'] )) {
$pListHash['parse_data'] = FALSE;
* verifySortMode is used to validate a given sort_mode agains an array of valid sort modes
* @param string $pSortMode sort mode to check
* @param array $pValidSortModes array of available sort modes
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
public static function verifySortMode( $pSortMode, $pValidSortModes ) {
if( !empty( $pSortMode ) && is_string( $pSortMode ) && !empty( $pValidSortModes ) && is_array( $pValidSortModes )) {
foreach( $pValidSortModes as $mode ) {
// we will not check the table - that would just be too complicated...
if( preg_match( "/^(\w+\.)?{$mode}_(desc|asc)$/", $pSortMode )) {
* Updates results from any getList function to provide the control set
* displaying in the smarty template
* @param array hash of parameters returned by any getList() function
* @return - none the hash is updated via the reference
$pListHash['listInfo']['page_records'] = (!empty( $pListHash['page_records'] ) ? $pListHash['page_records'] : $pListHash['max_records'] );
if( !isset ( $pListHash['cant'] ) ) {
$pListHash['cant'] = $pListHash['max_records'];
if( !isset ( $pListHash['offset'] ) || !is_numeric( $pListHash['offset'] ) ) {
$pListHash['offset'] = 0;
$pListHash['listInfo']['total_records'] = $pListHash['cant'];
$pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'] = ceil( $pListHash['cant'] / $pListHash['max_records'] );
$pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] = 1 + ( $pListHash['offset'] / $pListHash['max_records'] );
if( isset ( $pListHash["cant"] ) && $pListHash["cant"] > ( $pListHash['offset'] + $pListHash['max_records'] ) ) {
$pListHash['listInfo']['next_offset'] = $pListHash['offset'] + $pListHash['max_records'];
$pListHash['listInfo']['next_offset'] = - 1;
// If offset is > 0 then prev_offset
if( $pListHash['offset'] > 0 ) {
$pListHash['listInfo']['prev_offset'] = $pListHash['offset'] - $pListHash['max_records'];
$pListHash['listInfo']['prev_offset'] = - 1;
$pListHash['listInfo']['offset'] = $pListHash['offset'];
$pListHash['listInfo']['find'] = $pListHash['find'];
if( !empty( $pListHash['sort_mode'] ) ) {
$pListHash['listInfo']['sort_mode'] = $pListHash['sort_mode'];
$pListHash['listInfo']['max_records'] = $pListHash['max_records'];
$pListHash['listInfo']['block_pages'] = 3;
$pListHash['listInfo']['start_block'] = floor( $pListHash['offset'] / $pListHash['max_records'] ) * $pListHash['max_records'] + 1;
// calculate what links to show
// number of continuous links to display on either side
// number of skipping links to display on either side
// size of steps to take when skipping
// if you have more than 1000 pages, you should consider not using the pagination form
if( $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'] < 50 ) {
} elseif( $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'] < 100 ) {
} elseif( $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'] < 250 ) {
} elseif( $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'] < 500 ) {
$prev = ( $pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] - $continuous > 0 ) ? $pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] - $continuous : 1;
$next = ( $pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] + $continuous < $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'] ) ? $pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] + $continuous : $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'];
for( $i = $pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] - 1; $i >= $prev; $i -= 1 ) {
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['prev'][$i] = $i;
// replace the last of the continuous links with a ...
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['prev'][$i + 1] = "…";
// add $skipping links to pages separated by $step pages
if( ( $min = $pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] - $continuous - ( $step * $skipping ) ) < 0 ) {
for( $j = ( floor( $i / $step ) * $step ); $j > $min; $j -= $step ) {
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['prev'][$j] = $j;
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['prev'][1] = 1;
// reverse array that links are in the correct order
if( !empty( $pListHash['listInfo']['block']['prev'] ) ) {
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['prev'] = array_reverse( $pListHash['listInfo']['block']['prev'], TRUE );
// here we start adding next links
for( $i = $pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] + 1; $i <= $next; $i += 1 ) {
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['next'][$i] = $i;
if( $next != $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'] ) {
// replace the last of the continuous links with a ...
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['next'][$i - 1] = "…";
// add $skipping links to pages separated by $step pages
if( ( $max = $pListHash['listInfo']['current_page'] + $continuous + ( $step * $skipping ) ) > $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'] ) {
$max = $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'];
for( $j = ( ceil( $i / $step ) * $step ); $j < $max; $j += $step ) {
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['next'][$j] = $j;
$pListHash['listInfo']['block']['next'][$pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages']] = $pListHash['listInfo']['total_pages'];