Source for file config_defaults_inc.php
Documentation is available at config_defaults_inc.php
if( !empty( $gShellScript ) ) {
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost';
$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] = 'localhost';
$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = 'localhost';
if( empty( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] ) ) {
$_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] = 'root@localhost';
// Process some global arguments
foreach( $argv AS $arg ) {
case strpos( $arg, '--' ) === 0:
$gArgs[substr( $arg, 2 )] = TRUE;
// include the bitweaver configuration file - this needs to happen first
$config_file = empty( $_SERVER['CONFIG_INC'] ) ? BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'config/kernel/config_inc.php' : $_SERVER['CONFIG_INC'];
include_once( $config_file );
// =================== Essential Defines ===================
// These defines can be set in config/kernel/config_inc.php. If they haven't been set, we set default values here
if( !defined( 'BIT_DB_PREFIX' ) ) {
define( 'BIT_DB_PREFIX', '' );
if( !defined( 'BIT_CACHE_OBJECTS' ) ) {
if( !defined( 'BIT_QUERY_CACHE_TIME' ) ) {
define( 'BIT_QUERY_CACHE_TIME', 86400 );
// default theme after installation
if( !defined( 'DEFAULT_THEME' ) ) {
define( 'DEFAULT_THEME', 'basic' );
if( !defined( 'DISPLAY_ERRORS' ) ) {
define( 'DISPLAY_ERRORS', 0 );
// name of session variable in browser cookie
if( !defined( 'BIT_SESSION_NAME' ) ) {
// define where errors are sent
if( !defined( 'BIT_PHP_ERROR_REPORTING' ) ) {
// don't change / set _IDs unless you know exactly what you are doing
if( !defined( 'ANONYMOUS_USER_ID' ) ) {
define( 'ANONYMOUS_USER_ID', - 1 );
if( !defined( 'ANONYMOUS_GROUP_ID' ) ) {
define( 'ANONYMOUS_GROUP_ID', - 1 );
if( !defined( 'EVIL_EXTENSION_PATTERN' )) {
define( 'EVIL_EXTENSION_PATTERN', "#\.(htaccess|pl|php|php3|php4|phtml|py|cgi|asp|jsp|sh|shtml)$#i" );
// Uncomment to switch to role team model ...
if( !defined( 'ANONYMOUS_TEAM_ID' ) ) {
define( 'ANONYMOUS_TEAM_ID', - 1 );
// Uncomment the following line if you require attachment and file id's to match the content id
// This is used to simplify content mamagment where fisheye and treasury content is used internally
define( 'LINKED_ATTACHMENTS', true );
// Empty SCRIPT_NAME and incorrect SCRIPT_NAME due to php-cgiwrap - wolff_borg
if( empty( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ) ) {
// BIT_ROOT_URL should be set as soon as the system is installed. until then we
// need to make sure we have the correct value, otherwise installations won't
// work. The recent changes have caused problems during installation. i'll try
// combining both methods by applying the less successful one after the more
// version one which seems to only cause problems seldomly
$subpath = ( isset ($match[0] ) ) ? $match[0] : '/';
// version two which doesn't work well on it's own
$subpath .= ( substr( $subpath,- 1,1 )!= '/' ) ? '/' : '';
define( 'BIT_ROOT_URL', $subpath );
// If BIT_ROOT_URI hasn't been set yet, we'll try to get one from the super global $_SERVER.
// This works with apache - not sure about other servers.
// Added check for IIS $_SERVER['HTTPS'] uses 'off' value - wolff_borg
define( 'BIT_BASE_URI', 'http'. ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])&& $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off')? 's': ''). '://'. (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])? 'localhost': $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) );
// Added check for IIS $_SERVER['HTTPS'] uses 'off' value - wolff_borg
if( !defined( 'STORAGE_BASE_URI' ) ) {
if( !defined( 'STORAGE_HOST_URI' ) ) {
define( 'BIT_BASE_HOST', substr( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.') + 1 ) );
// set the currect version of bitweaver
// if this version of bitweaver needs a visit to the installer, update the number in /bit_setup_inc.php
if( !defined( 'BIT_MAJOR_VERSION' ) ) {
define( 'BIT_MAJOR_VERSION', '4' );
define( 'BIT_MINOR_VERSION', '0' );
define( 'BIT_SUB_VERSION', '0' );
define( 'BIT_LEVEL', 'lsces' ); // dev < alpha < beta < RC# < '' < pl
// When updating to certain versions of bitweaver, we need to force a visit to the installer to fix certain stuff in the database.
// Enter the minimum version number here in the format: '2.1.0-beta'
if( !defined( 'MIN_BIT_VERSION' ) ) {
define( 'MIN_BIT_VERSION', '4.0.0' );
// These defines have to happen FIRST because core classes depend on them.
// This means these packages *CANNOT* be renamed
define( 'INSTALL_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'install/' );
define( 'INSTALL_PKG_URL', BIT_ROOT_URL. 'install/' );
define( 'KERNEL_PKG_DIR', 'kernel' );
define( 'KERNEL_PKG_NAME', 'kernel' );
define( 'KERNEL_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'kernel/' );
define( 'CONFIG_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'config/' );
define( 'LANGUAGES_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'languages/' );
define( 'LIBERTY_PKG_DIR', 'liberty' );
define( 'LIBERTY_PKG_NAME', 'liberty' );
define( 'LIBERTY_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'liberty/' );
if( !defined( 'STORAGE_PKG_NAME' ) ) {
define( 'STORAGE_PKG_NAME', 'storage' );
if( !defined( 'STORAGE_PKG_PATH' ) ) {
define( 'STORAGE_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'storage/' );
define( 'THEMES_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'themes/' );
define( 'USERS_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'users/' );
define( 'UTIL_PKG_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'util/' );
define( 'EXTERNAL_LIBS_PATH', BIT_ROOT_PATH. 'externals/' );
define( 'EXTERNAL_LIBS_URL', BIT_ROOT_URL. 'externals/' );
// =================== Global Variables ===================
// If for any reason this isn't set, nothing will work - nada, zilch...
if( empty( $gBitDbHost ) ) {
$gBitDbHost = 'localhost';
// $gPreScan can be used to specify the order in which packages are scanned by
// the kernel. In the example provided below, the kernel package is processed
// first, followed by the users and liberty packages. Any packages not
// specified in $gPreScan are processed in the traditional order
if( empty( $gPreScan ) ) {
$gPreScan = array( 'config', 'kernel', 'storage', 'liberty', 'themes', 'users' );
// here we set the default thumbsizes we use in bitweaver.
// order matters since successively smaller thumbs are used from the preceding thumb for speed increase.
// you can override these by populating this hash in your config/kernel/config_inc.php
if( empty( $gThumbSizes )) {
'large' => array( 'width' => 1200, 'height' => 900 ),
'medium' => array( 'width' => 800, 'height' => 600 ),
'small' => array( 'width' => 400, 'height' => 300 ),
'avatar' => array( 'width' => 200, 'height' => 150 ),
'icon' => array( 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100 ),