Source for file simple_form_functions_lib.php
Documentation is available at simple_form_functions_lib.php
* Store or update an array of values
* @param $pArray an array of values to set
* @param $pPackageName name of the package the feature belongs to
foreach( $pArray as $item => $data ) {
if( $data['type'] == 'numeric' ) {
} elseif( $data['type'] == 'toggle' ) {
} elseif( $data['type'] == 'input' ) {
* Store or update a boolean value in the database - automatically collects data from $_REQUEST[$pFeature]
* @param $pFeature name of the parameter to be set in the database
* @param $pPackageName name of the package the feature belongs to
// make function compatible with {html_checkboxes}
if( isset ( $_REQUEST[$pFeature][0] ) ) {
$_REQUEST[$pFeature] = $_REQUEST[$pFeature][0];
toggle_preference( $pFeature, ( isset ( $_REQUEST[$pFeature] ) ? $_REQUEST[$pFeature] : NULL ), $pPackageName );
* Store or update a boolean value in the database - automatically collects data from $_REQUEST[$pArray] Handy for an array from html_checkboxes when options is used.
* @param $pArray name of the array to check for features in
* @param $pFeatures feature to check
* @param $pPackageName name of the package the feature belongs to
if (!empty($_REQUEST[$pArray]) && is_array($_REQUEST[$pArray])) {
toggle_preference( $pFeature, ( isset ( $flipped[$pFeature] ) ? 'y' : NULL ), $pPackageName );
* Store or update a boolean value in the database
* @param $pName name of the parameter to be set in the database
* @param $pValue set $pName to $pValue in kernel_prefs
* @param $pPackageName name of the package the feature belongs to
global $_REQUEST, $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty;
if( isset ( $pValue ) && $pValue == "on" ) {
} elseif( isset ( $pValue ) && $pValue != "n" && strlen( $pValue ) == 1 ) {
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( $pName, $prefValue, $pPackageName );
* Store or update a value in the database - automatically collects data from $_REQUEST[$pFeature]
* @param $pFeature name of the parameter to be set in the database
* @param $pPackageName name of the package the feature belongs to
global $_REQUEST, $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty;
if( isset ( $_REQUEST[$pFeature] ) ) {
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( $pFeature, $_REQUEST[$pFeature], $pPackageName );
$gBitSmarty->assign( $pFeature, $_REQUEST[$pFeature] );
* Store or update an integer in the database - automatically collects data from $_REQUEST[$pFeature]
* @param $pFeature name of the parameter to be set in the database
* @param $pPackageName name of the package the feature belongs to
global $_REQUEST, $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST[$pFeature] ) && is_numeric( $_REQUEST[$pFeature] ) ) {
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( $pFeature, $_REQUEST[$pFeature], $pPackageName );
$gBitSmarty->assign( $pFeature, $_REQUEST[$pFeature] );
* Store or update a value in the database but assign it by reference to smarty - automatically collects data from $_REQUEST[$pFeature]
* @param $pFeature name of the parameter to be set in the database
* @param $pPackageName name of the package the feature belongs to
global $_REQUEST, $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty;
if( isset ( $_REQUEST[$pFeature] ) ) {
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( $pPref, $_REQUEST[$pFeature], $pPackageName );
// also assign the ref appareantly --gongo
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( $pPref, $_REQUEST[$pFeature] );
$gBitSystem->storeConfig( $pFeature, $_REQUEST[$pFeature], $pPackageName );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( $pFeature, $_REQUEST[$pFeature] );
* simple function used to work out what tab was pressed and activates the correct tab after reload
* use with <tabname>TabSubmit as the name of the submit button value and set your tabpage class like this
* <div class="tabpage {$<tabname>TabSelect}">
* @returns <tabname> that was submitted
global $_REQUEST,$gBitSmarty;
if( !empty( $_REQUEST ) ) {
$gBitSmarty->assign( $tab. 'TabSelect','tdefault' );