Source for file BitThemes1.php
Documentation is available at BitThemes1.php
require_once( KERNEL_PKG_PATH. 'BitCache.php' );
// Array that contains a full description of the current layout
// contains the currently active style
// an array with style information
// Ajax libraries needed by current Ajax framework (MochiKit libs, etc.)
// Auxiliary Javascript and Css Files
// Raw Javascript and Css Files
// When all modules are loaded they are loaded here
// start up caching engine
$this->mThemeCache = new BitCache( 'themes', TRUE );
// {{{ =================== Styles ====================
* load up style related information that must be
* loaded before template rendering begins
* @note this is a interim method as we continue sorting
* out the optimal order of operations for rendering
* pages. there was some conflict between rendering
* module templates and loading styles, where some
* style information needs to be loaded before the templates
* are rendered, and some such as packing javascript and css
* @see BitSystem::preDisplay
// define style url and path
if( !defined( 'THEMES_STYLE_URL' ) ) {
if( !defined( 'THEMES_STYLE_PATH' ) ) {
* load up all style related information
* populates mStyle and mStyles
// load default css files
if( empty( $this->mStyles['styleSheet'] )) {
// load tpl files that need to be included
$this->loadTplFiles( "html_head_inc" );
$this->loadTplFiles( "footer_inc" );
// join javascript files that have been loaded
$this->mStyles['joined_javascript'] = $this->joinAuxFiles( 'js' );
// layout is called as the viry first, package css is around pos 300 and theme / browser are called last
// css inserted in <pkg>/html_head_inc.tpl is called before these files since these are inserted last
// $this->loadCss( $this->getLayoutCssFile(), TRUE, 1, TRUE, TRUE );
// check for customized CSS file
$this->mStyles['joined_css'] = $this->joinAuxFiles( 'css' );
* figure out the current style
* @param string $ pScanFile file to be looked for
$this->mStyle = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'style' );
* figure out the current style
* @param string $ pScanFile file to be looked for
* figure out the current style
* @param string $ pScanFile file to be looked for
if( $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'style_variation' ) && is_readable( $this->getStylePath(). 'alternate/'. $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'style_variation' ). '.css' )) {
$ret = $base. 'alternate/'. $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'style_variation' ). '.css';
$ret = $base. $pStyle. '.css';
* get browser specific css file
* @return path to browser specific css file
$subpath = $this->getStyle(). '_'. $gSniffer->property( 'browser' );
// Allow us to split by major version with a fallback for others
$ret = $base. $subpath. $gSniffer->property( 'maj_ver' ). '.css';
$ret = $base. $subpath. '.css';
return !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : NULL;
* get browser specific css file
* @return path to browser specific css file
if( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'site_style_layout' )) {
return !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : NULL;
* figure out the current style URL
* @param string $ pScanFile file to be looked for
return CONFIG_PKG_URL. 'themes/'. $pStyle. '/';
* figure out the current style URL
* @param string $ pScanFile file to be looked for
* @param array $pNullOption
* @param array $bIncludeCustom
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function getStyles( $pDir = NULL, $pNullOption = NULL, $bIncludeCustom = FALSE ) {
global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
if( !empty( $pNullOption )) {
if ( is_dir( $pDir. "$file" ) && ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'CVS' && $file != 'slideshows' && $file != 'blank' )) {
if( $bIncludeCustom && $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'themes_edit_css' )) {
// Include the users custom css if they have created one
$customCSSPath = $gBitUser->getStoragePath( NULL,$gBitUser->mUserId );
$customCSSFile = $customCSSPath. 'custom.css';
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
while( FALSE !== ( $file = readdir( $h ))) {
// weed out any files that don't have a css file associated with them
foreach( $ret as $key => $layout ) {
if( empty( $layout['css'] )) {
* @param $pSubDirs a subdirectory to scan as well - you can pass in multiple dirs using an array
* @param array $pNullOption
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function getStylesList( $pDir = NULL, $pNullOption = NULL, $pSubDirs = NULL ) {
if( empty( $pSubDirs )) {
$subDirs[] = array( '' );
if( !empty( $pNullOption )) {
// cycle through files / dirs
while( FALSE !== ( $file = readdir( $h ))) {
if ( is_dir( $pDir. $file ) && ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'CVS' && $file != 'slideshows' && $file != 'blank' )) {
$ret[$file]['style'] = $file;
// check if we want to have a look in any subdirs
foreach( $subDirs as $dir ) {
if( is_dir( $infoDir = $pDir. $file. '/'. $dir. '/' )) {
// cycle through files / dirs
while( FALSE !== ( $f = readdir( $dh ))) {
if( is_readable( $infoDir. $f ) && ( $f != '.' && $f != '..' && $f != 'CVS' )) {
$fh = fopen( $infoDir. $f, "r" );
// sort the returned items
@ksort( $ret[$file][$dir] );
* get the icon cache path
* @return absolute path on where the system should store it's icons
global $gSniffer, $gBitSystem, $gBitLanguage;
// use bitweaver version as dir in case there has been changes since the last version
$version = $gBitSystem->getBitVersion( FALSE );
// some browsers need special treatment due to different biticon feed.
if( $gSniffer->_browser_info['browser'] == 'ie' ) {
$browser = $gSniffer->_browser_info['browser']. $gSniffer->_browser_info['maj_ver'];
$cachedir = TEMP_PKG_PATH. 'themes/biticon/'. $version. '/'. $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'site_icon_style', DEFAULT_ICON_STYLE ). '/'. $gBitLanguage->getLanguage(). '/'. $browser. '/';
// {{{ =================== Layout ====================
* load current layout into mLayout
* this needs to occur after loading the layout to ensure that we don't distrub the fallback process during layout loading
* we can disable clumns using various criteria:
* <package>_hide_<area>_col
* <display_mode>_hide_<area>_col
* <package>_<display_mode>_hide_<area>_col
$areas = array( 't' => 'top', 'l' => 'left', 'r' => 'right', 'b' => 'bottom' );
foreach( $areas as $layout => $area ) {
$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( "{ $this->mDisplayMode}_hide_{ $area}_col " ) ||
$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( "{ $gBitSystem->mActivePackage}_hide_{ $area}_col " ) ||
$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( "{ $gBitSystem->mActivePackage}_{ $this->mDisplayMode}_hide_{ $area}_col " )
function hasColumnModules( $pColumn ) {
return count( $this->mLayout[$pColumn] );
function displayLayoutColumn( $pColumn ) {
global $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem;
if( !empty( $this->mLayout[$pColumn] ) ) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count( $this->mLayout[$pColumn] ); $i++ ) {
$r = &$this->mLayout[$pColumn][$i];
if( !empty( $r['visible'] )) {
if( $pColumn == 'l' || $pColumn == 'r' ) { print '<div class="panel-group col-xs-12">'; }
// @TODO MODULE UPGRADE under new module organization this is not reliable as tpls are in sub dir in modules/ change this when upgrade is complete
list( $package, $template ) = explode( '/', $r['module_rsrc'] );
// deal with custom modules
if( $package == '_custom:custom' ) {
// We're gonna run our own cache mechanism for user_modules
// the cache is here to avoid calls to consumming queries,
// each module is different for each language because of the strings
$cacheDir = TEMP_PKG_PATH.'modules/cache/';
if( !is_dir( $cacheDir )) {
$cachefile = $cacheDir.'_custom.'.$gBitLanguage->mLanguage. '.'. $template. '.tpl.cache';
if( !empty( $r["cache_time"] ) && file_exists( $cachefile ) && !(( $gBitSystem->getUTCTime() - filemtime( $cachefile )) > $r["cache_time"] )) {
$fp = fopen( $cachefile, "r" );
$data = fread( $fp, filesize( $cachefile ));
$moduleParams = array_merge( $r, $moduleParams );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'moduleParams', $moduleParams );
$gBitSmarty->display( 'bitpackage:themes/custom_module.tpl' );
if( !empty( $r["cache_time"] ) ) {
$fp = fopen( $cachefile, "w+" );
fwrite( $fp, $data, strlen( $data ));
$explosion = explode( '/', $r['module_rsrc'] );
$template = array_pop( $explosion );
// using $module_rows, $module_params and $module_title is deprecated. please use $moduleParams hash instead
global $module_rows, $module_params, $module_title, $gBitLanguage;
$cacheDir = TEMP_PKG_PATH.'modules/cache/';
if( !is_dir( $cacheDir )) {
// include tpl name and module id to uniquely identify
$cachefile = $cacheDir.'_module_'.$r['module_id'].'.'.$gBitLanguage->mLanguage. '.'. $template. '.cache';
// if the time is right get the cache else get it fresh
if( !empty( $r["cache_time"] ) && file_exists( $cachefile ) && filesize( $cachefile ) && !(( $gBitSystem->getUTCTime() - filemtime( $cachefile )) > $r["cache_time"] ) ) {
$fp = fopen( $cachefile, "r" );
$data = fread( $fp, filesize( $cachefile ));
$module_params = $r['module_params']; // backwards compatability
if( !$r['module_rows'] ) {
// if there's no custom title, get one from file name
if( !$r['title'] = ( isset( $r['title'] ) ? tra( $r['title'] ) : NULL )) {
$pattern[0] = "/.*\/mod_(.*)\.tpl/";
$r['title'] = ( !empty( $r['title'] ) ? tra( $r['title'] ) : tra( ucwords( preg_replace( $pattern, $replace, $r['module_rsrc'] ))));
// moduleParams are extracted in BitSmarty::getSiblingAttachments() and passed on the the module php file
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'moduleParams', $moduleParams );
// assign the custom module title
$gBitSmarty->display( $r['module_rsrc'] );
if( !empty( $r["cache_time"] ) ) {
$fp = fopen( $cachefile, "w+" );
fwrite( $fp, $data, strlen( $data ));
} catch( Exception $e ) {
print( '<div class="alert alert-warning">'.$e->getMessage() ). '</div>';
if( $pColumn == 'l' || $pColumn == 'r' ) { print '</div>'; }
* get the current layout from the database, layouts are fetched in this order in this order until one is successfully loaded: 'layout', 'fallback_layout', ACTIVE_PACKGE, DEFAULT_PACKAGE"
* @param array $pParamHash
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function getLayout( $pParamHash = NULL ) {
global $gCenterPieces, $gBitUser, $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty;
$ret = array( 'l' => NULL, 'c' => NULL, 'r' => NULL );
if( !empty( $pParamHash['layout'] )) {
$layouts[] = $pParamHash['layout'];
if( !empty( $pParamHash['fallback_layout'] )) {
$layouts[] = $pParamHash['fallback_layout'];
if( defined( 'ACTIVE_PACKAGE') ) {
$layouts[] = ACTIVE_PACKAGE;
$layouts[] = DEFAULT_PACKAGE;
foreach( $layouts AS $l ) {
FROM `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts` tl
WHERE tl.`layout`=? ORDER BY ".$this->mDb->convertSortmode( "pos_asc" );
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $l ) );
if( $result && $result->RecordCount() ) {
if( !empty( $result ) && $result->RecordCount() ) {
$row = $result->fetchRow();
// Check to see if we have ACTIVE_PACKAGE modules at the top of the results
if( isset ( $row['layout'] ) && ( $row['layout'] != DEFAULT_PACKAGE ) && ( ACTIVE_PACKAGE != DEFAULT_PACKAGE )) {
if ( !is_array( $gCenterPieces ) ){
$gCenterPieces = array();
if( $skipDefaults && $row['layout'] == DEFAULT_PACKAGE ) {
// we're done! we've got all the non-DEFAULT_PACKAGE modules
if ( defined ('ROLE_MODEL') ) {
// transform roles to managable array
if( empty( $row["roles"] )) {
// default is that module is visible at all times
$row["module_roles"] = array();
$row['module_roles'] = $this->parseRoles( $row['roles'] );
if( $gBitUser->isAdmin() ) {
if ( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('site_mods_req_admn_grp') ) {
if( in_array(1, $row['module_roles']) ) {
// Check for the right roles
foreach( $row["module_roles"] as $modRoleId ) {
if( $gBitUser->isInRole( $modRoleId )) {
break; // no need to continue looping
// transform groups to managable array
if( empty( $row["groups"] )) {
// default is that module is visible at all times
$row["module_groups"] = array();
$row['module_groups'] = $this->parseGroups( $row['groups'] );
if( $gBitUser->isAdmin() ) {
if ( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('site_mods_req_admn_grp') ) {
if( in_array(1, $row['module_groups']) ) {
// Check for the right groups
foreach( $row["module_groups"] as $modGroupId ) {
if( $gBitUser->isInGroup( $modGroupId )) {
break; // no need to continue looping
if( empty( $ret[$row['layout_area']] )) {
$ret[$row['layout_area']] = array();
$row['module_params'] = $this->parseString( $row['params'] );
if( !empty( $pParamHash['load_config'] ) ) {
$row['config'] = $gBitSmarty->getModuleConfig( $row['module_rsrc'] );
if( $row['layout_area'] == CENTER_COLUMN ) {
array_push( $gCenterPieces, $row );
if( !empty( $row["visible"] )) {
array_push( $ret[$row['layout_area']], $row );
$row = $result->fetchRow();
* isModuleLoaded will check if a given modules is being used in the currently active layout
* @param string $pModuleResource the module resource
* @param string $pArea optionally specify the area the module should be found in
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function isModuleLoaded( $pModuleResource, $pArea = NULL ) {
// load the layout if it hasn't been done yet
foreach( $this->mLayout[$pArea] as $module ) {
if( $pModuleResource == $module['module_rsrc'] ) {
foreach( array_keys( $this->mLayout ) as $area ) {
if( !empty( $this->mLayout[$area] )) {
foreach( $this->mLayout[$area] as $module ) {
if( $pModuleResource == $module['module_rsrc'] ) {
* fix postional data in database using increments of 10 to make it easy for inserting new modules
function fixPositions( $pLayout = NULL ) {
// if we only want to fix the positions of a given layout, strip down the hash
if( !empty( $pLayout ) && !empty( $layouts[$pLayout] )) {
$layouts = array( $layouts[$pLayout] );
foreach( $layouts as $layout ) {
foreach( $layout as $column ) {
foreach( $column as $module ) {
$this->mDb->query( "UPDATE `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_layouts` SET pos=? WHERE `module_id`=?", array( $i, $module['module_id'] ));
* get a brief summary of set layouts
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function getAllLayouts() {
$modules = $this->mDb->getAll( "SELECT tl.* FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_layouts` tl ORDER BY ". $this->mDb->convertSortmode( "pos_asc" ));
foreach( $modules as $module ) {
if( defined ( 'ROLE_MODEL') ) {
$module['module_roles'] = $this->parseRoles( $module['roles'] );
$module['module_groups'] = $this->parseGroups( $module['groups'] );
$layouts[$module['layout']][$module['layout_area']][] = $module;
// Take the default/kernel layout and make sure it is the first item in hash
if( ( count( $layouts ) > 1 ) && isset( $layouts['kernel'] ) ) {
$kernel_layout = $layouts['kernel'];
unset( $layouts['kernel'] );
$layouts = array('kernel' => $kernel_layout) + $layouts;
* @param array $pFromLayout
* @param array $pToLayout
function cloneLayout( $pFromLayout, $pToLayout ) {
if( !empty( $pFromLayout ) && !empty( $pToLayout ) ) {
$this->mDb->query( "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_layouts` WHERE `layout`=?", array( $pToLayout ));
$team = defined('ROLE_MODEL') ? 'roles' : 'groups';
$layout = $this->mDb->getAll( "
SELECT `title`, `layout_area`, `module_rows`, `module_rsrc`, `params`, `cache_time`, `$team`, `pos`
FROM `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts` WHERE `layout`=?", array( $pFromLayout ));
foreach( $layout as $module ) {
$module['layout'] = $pToLayout;
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function expungeLayout( $pLayout = NULL ) {
if( !empty( $pLayout )) {
$whereSql = "WHERE `layout`=?";
$this->mDb->query( "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_layouts` $whereSql", $bindVars );
* transform groups string to handy array
* @param array $pParseString either space separated list of groups or serialised array
* @return array of groups
function parseGroups( $pParseString ) {
// convert groups string to hash
if( preg_match( '/[A-Za-z]/', $pParseString )) {
// old style serialized group names
if( $grps = @unserialize( $pParseString )) {
foreach( $grps as $grp ) {
if( !( $groupId = array_search( $grp, $gBitUser->mGroups ))) {
if( $gBitUser->isAdmin() ) {
$ret[] = $gBitUser->groupExists( $grp, '*' );
$ret = explode( ' ', $pParseString );
* transform roles string to handy array
* @param array $pParseString either space separated list of roles or serialised array
function parseRoles( $pParseString ) {
// convert role string to hash
if( preg_match( '/[A-Za-z]/', $pParseString )) {
// old style serialized role names
if( $grps = @unserialize( $pParseString )) {
foreach( $grps as $grp ) {
if( !( $roleId = array_search( $grp, $gBitUser->mRoles ))) {
if( $gBitUser->isAdmin() ) {
$ret[] = $gBitUser->rollExists( $grp, '*' );
$ret = explode( ' ', $pParseString );
// {{{ =================== Modules ====================
* Verfiy module parameters when storing a new module
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function verifyModuleParams( &$pHash ) {
// we need at least a module_id or a module_rsrc
if( empty( $pHash['module_id'] ) && empty( $pHash['module_rsrc'] )) {
$this->mErrors['module_rsrc'] = tra( 'No module id or module file given.' );
} elseif( !empty( $pHash['module_id'] )) {
$pHash['store']['module_id'] = $pHash['module_id'];
} elseif( !empty( $pHash['module_rsrc'] )) {
$pHash['store']['module_rsrc'] = $pHash['module_rsrc'];
// if we don't have a valid area, we'll just shove it in the left column
$pHash['store']['layout_area'] = $pHash['layout_area'];
$pHash['store']['layout_area'] = 'l';
$pHash['store']['title'] = ( !empty( $pHash['title'] ) ? $pHash['title'] : NULL );
$pHash['store']['params'] = ( !empty( $pHash['params'] ) ? $pHash['params'] : NULL );
$pHash['store']['layout'] = ( !empty( $pHash['layout'] ) ? $pHash['layout'] : DEFAULT_PACKAGE );
$pHash['store']['module_rows'] = ( @is_numeric( $pHash['module_rows'] ) ? $pHash['module_rows'] : NULL );
$pHash['store']['cache_time'] = ( @is_numeric( $pHash['cache_time'] ) ? $pHash['cache_time'] : NULL );
$pHash['store']['pos'] = ( @is_numeric( $pHash['pos'] ) ? $pHash['pos'] : 1 );
if( !empty( $pHash['roles'] ) && is_array( $pHash['roles'] )) {
$pHash['store']['roles'] = implode( ' ', $pHash['roles'] );
} elseif( !empty( $pHash['groups'] ) && is_array( $pHash['groups'] )) {
$pHash['store']['groups'] = implode( ' ', $pHash['groups'] );
} elseif (defined('ROLE_MODEL') ) {
$pHash['store']['roles'] = NULL;
$pHash['store']['groups'] = NULL;
if( !empty( $pHash['config'] ) ) {
$pHash['store']['params'] = '';
foreach( $pHash['config'] as $paramName=>$paramValue ) {
$pHash['store']['params'] .= $paramName.'='.urlencode( $paramValue ).'&';
$pHash['store']['params'] = ( !empty( $pHash['params'] ) ? $pHash['params'] : NULL );
return( count( $this->mErrors ) == 0 );
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function storeModule( &$pHash ) {
$table = BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts";
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pHash['store']['module_id'] )) {
// if we've been passed a module_id, we are updating an entry in the DB
$result = $this->mDb->associateUpdate( $table, $pHash['store'], array( 'module_id' => $pHash['store']['module_id'] ));
// no module_id yet - let's get one
$pHash['store']['module_id'] = $this->mDb->GenID( 'themes_layouts_module_id_seq' );
$result = $this->mDb->associateInsert( $table, $pHash['store'] );
return( count( $this->mErrors ) == 0 );
* @param array $pModuleId
* @return module details of the requested module id
function getModuleData( $pModuleId ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pModuleId )) {
$ret = $this->mDb->getRow( "SELECT tl.* FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_layouts` tl WHERE `module_id`=? ", array( $pModuleId ));
$ret['module_params'] = $this->parseString( $ret['params'] );
* @param array $pModuleId
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function moveModuleUp( $pModuleId ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pModuleId )) {
return( count( $this->mErrors ) == 0 );
* @param array $pModuleId
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function moveModuleDown( $pModuleId ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pModuleId )) {
return( count( $this->mErrors ) == 0 );
* generic function to move module up or down
* @param array $pModuleId
* @param string $pOrientation
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function moveModule( $pModuleId, $pDirection = 'down' ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pModuleId )) {
// first we get next module we want to swap with
if( $pDirection == 'up' ) {
$pos_check = 'AND `pos`<=?';
$pos_set = 'SET `pos`=`pos`-1';
$order = 'ORDER BY pos DESC';
$pos_check = 'AND `pos`>=?';
$pos_set = 'SET `pos`=`pos`+1';
$order = 'ORDER BY pos ASC';
$query = "SELECT `module_id` FROM `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts` WHERE `layout`=? AND `layout_area`=? $pos_check AND `module_id` <> ? $order";
$swapModuleId = $this->mDb->getOne( $query, array( $moduleData['layout'], $moduleData['layout_area'], $moduleData['pos'], $moduleData['module_id'] ));
if( $moduleData['pos'] == $moduleSwap['pos'] ) {
$query = "UPDATE `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts` $pos_set WHERE `module_id`=?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $moduleData['module_id'] ));
$query = "UPDATE `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts` SET `pos`=? WHERE `module_id`=?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $moduleSwap['pos'], $moduleData['module_id'] ));
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $moduleData['pos'], $moduleSwap['module_id'] ));
return( count( $this->mErrors ) == 0 );
* @param array $pModuleId
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function setModulePosition( $pModuleId, $pPos, $pCol=NULL ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pModuleId )) {
$updateSql .= ' `layout_area`=?, ';
$bindVars[] = $pModuleId;
$query = "UPDATE `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts` SET ".$updateSql." `pos`=? WHERE `module_id`=?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, $bindVars );
* @param array $pModuleId
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function moveModuleToArea( $pModuleId, $pArea ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pModuleId )) {
$query = "UPDATE `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts` SET `layout_area`=? WHERE `module_id`=?";
$result = $this->mDb->query( $query, array( $pArea, $pModuleId ));
* @param array $pModuleId can be a module id or a resource path. if it is a resource path, all modules with that resource will be removed
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function unassignModule( $pModuleMixed ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pModuleMixed )) {
if( $this->mDb->query( "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_layouts` WHERE `module_id`=?", array( $pModuleMixed ))) {
} elseif( !empty( $pModuleMixed )) {
if( $this->mDb->query( "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_layouts` WHERE `module_rsrc`=?", array( $pModuleMixed ))) {
* if the specified area doesn't make any sense, we just dump it in the left column
* @param array $pArea l --> left r --> right c --> center b --> bottom t --> top
function verifyArea( &$pArea ) {
return( !empty( $pArea ) && preg_match( '/^[lrctb]$/', $pArea ));
* generates module names on full hash by reference
* @param array $p2DHash layout hash
function generateModuleNames( &$p2DHash ) {
if( is_array( $p2DHash )) {
// Generate human friendly names
foreach( array_keys( $p2DHash ) as $col ) {
if( count( $p2DHash[$col] )) {
foreach( array_keys( $p2DHash["$col"] ) as $mod ) {
list( $rsrc, $specifier ) = explode( ':', $p2DHash[$col][$mod]['module_rsrc'], 2 );
$specelems = explode( '/', $specifier );
$package = current( $specelems );
if( $package == 'temp' ) $package = next( $specelems );
// handle special case for custom modules
if( !isset( $package )) {
$file = end( $specelems );
$file = str_replace( 'mod_', '', $file );
$file = str_replace( '.tpl', '', $file );
$p2DHash[$col][$mod]['name'] = $package.' » '.str_replace( '_', ' ', $file );
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function getAllModules( $pDir='modules', $pPrefix='mod_' ) {
// hash for carrying references to modules:
// $this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix]
// this is ugly but is to smooth the transition until all modules are upgraded to directory and registration structure
// it will be unncessary once all packages are caught up
foreach( $modules as $m ) {
$this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix][tra( 'Custom Modules' )]['_custom:custom/'. $m["name"]] = array( 'title' => $m["name"] );
asort( $this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix][tra( 'Custom Modules' )] );
// iterate through all packages and look for all possible modules
foreach( array_keys( $gBitSystem->mPackages ) as $key ) {
if( $gBitSystem->isPackageActive( $key )) {
$loc = BIT_ROOT_PATH.$gBitSystem->mPackages[$key]['dir']. '/'. $pDir;
while (($file = readdir($h)) !== false) {
// match on legacy module files which require a prefix
if ( preg_match( "/^$pPrefix(.*)\.tpl$/", $file, $match )) {
$this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix][ucfirst( $key )]['bitpackage:'. $key. '/'. $file] = array( 'title' => str_replace( '_', ' ', $match[1] ),
// loop over nested directories which contain modern modules
// these modules are only accessible from gBitThemes
elseif ( !in_array( $file, array('.','..','CVS') ) && @is_dir( $loc.'/'.$file ) ){
$conf_file = $loc.'/'.$file.'/config_inc.php';
// we expect a configuration file
if( @is_file( $conf_file ) ){
require_once( $conf_file );
if( !empty( $this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix][ucfirst( $key )] ) ) {
asort( $this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix][ucfirst( $key )] );
// we scan temp/<pkg>/modules for module files as well for on the fly generated modules (e.g. nexus)
if( $pDir == 'modules' ) {
$loc = TEMP_PKG_PATH.$gBitSystem->mPackages[$key]['name']. '/'. $pDir;
while (($file = readdir($h)) !== false) {
if ( preg_match( "/^$pPrefix(.*)\.tpl$/", $file, $match )) {
$this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix][ucfirst( $key )]['bitpackage:temp/'. $key. '/'. $file] = array( 'title' => str_replace( '_', ' ', $match[1] ),
if( !empty( $this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix][ucfirst($key)] ) ) {
asort( $this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix][ucfirst($key)] );
return $this->mModules[$pDir][$pPrefix];
function registerModule( $pMixed ){
$pkg = $pMixed['package'];
$dir = $pMixed['directory'];
$tpl = $pMixed['template'];
$legacy_dir = $pMixed['legacy_dir'];
$legacy_prefix = $pMixed['legacy_prefix'];
$this->mModules[$legacy_dir][$legacy_prefix][ucfirst( $pkg )]['bitpackage:'. $pkg. '/'. $dir. '/'. $tpl] = $pMixed;
// utility function for other packages when they upgrade their modules to the new module system
// see themes/admin/upgrades/3.0.0.php for an example of usages
function upgradeModulesPaths(){
foreach( $this->mModules['modules']['mod_'] as $pkg => $modules ){
foreach( $modules as $modulepath => $module ){
$parts = explode( "/", $modulepath );
if( count( $parts ) > 2 ){
$upgrade_mods[array_pop( $parts )] = $modulepath;
$sql1 = "SELECT DISTINCT `module_rsrc` FROM `".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_layouts`";
$legacy_mods = $this->mDb->getArray( $sql1 );
// transaction will save us if something goes bad
foreach( $legacy_mods as $old ){
$key = array_pop( explode( "/", $old['module_rsrc'] ) );
if( in_array( $key, array_keys($upgrade_mods) ) && $old['module_rsrc'] != $upgrade_mods[$key]){
$storeHash = array( 'module_rsrc' => $upgrade_mods[$key] );
$this->mDb->associateUpdate( BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_layouts", $storeHash, array( 'module_rsrc' => $old['module_rsrc'] ));
* get a module-specfic parameters
* @param array $pModuleId
* @return array or parameters
function getModuleParameters( $pModuleId ) {
if( @BitBase::verifyId( $pModuleId )) {
$ret = $module['module_params'];
deprecated( 'Please use the module parameters found in vd( $moduleParams[\'module_params\'] ); or pass in the module id for a database lookup.' );
* parse URL-like parameter string
* @param array $pParseString
* @return array or parameters
function parseString( $pParseString ) {
if( !empty( $pParseString )) {
// only call crazy regex when params are too complex for parse_str()
if( strpos( trim( $pParseString ), ' ' )) {
$ret = parse_xml_attributes( $pParseString );
parse_str( $pParseString, $ret );
// {{{ =================== Custom Modules ====================
* @param array $pParamHash
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function verifyCustomModule( &$pParamHash ) {
if( !empty( $pParamHash['name'] ) && preg_match( "/[a-zA-Z]/", $pParamHash['name'] )) {
$pParamHash['store']['name'] = substr( strtolower( preg_replace( "/[^\w]*/", "", $pParamHash['name'] )), 0, 40 );
if( empty( $pParamHash['store']['name'] )) {
$this->mErrors[] = tra( 'You need to provide a name for your custom module. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed and you need to use at least one letter.' );
if( !empty( $pParamHash['title'] )) {
$pParamHash['store']['title'] = substr( $pParamHash['title'], 0, 200 );
if( !empty( $pParamHash['data'] )) {
$pParamHash['store']['data'] = $pParamHash['data'];
return( count( $this->mErrors ) == 0 );
* @param array $pParamHash
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function storeCustomModule( $pParamHash ) {
$table = "`".BIT_DB_PREFIX."themes_custom_modules`";
$result = $this->mDb->query( "DELETE FROM $table WHERE `name`=? ", array( $pParamHash['store']['name'] ));
$result = $this->mDb->associateInsert( $table, $pParamHash['store'] );
return( count( $this->mErrors ) == 0 );
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function getCustomModule( $pName ) {
return $this->mDb->getRow( "SELECT * FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_custom_modules` WHERE `name`=?", array( $pName ));
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function getCustomModuleList() {
return( $this->mDb->getAll( "SELECT * FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_custom_modules`" ));
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function expungeCustomModule( $pName ) {
$result = $this->mDb->query( "DELETE FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_custom_modules` WHERE `name`=?", array( $pName ));
* @param array $pMixed either name of module or the rsrc of a module
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function isCustomModule( $pMixed ) {
if( strpos( $pMixed, "_custom:custom" ) !== FALSE ) {
} elseif( strpos( $pMixed, "bitpackage:" ) !== FALSE ) {
$result = $this->mDb->getOne( "SELECT `name` FROM `". BIT_DB_PREFIX. "themes_custom_modules` WHERE `name`=?", array( $pMixed ));
return( !empty( $result ));
// {{{ =================== Javascript and CSS related Methods ====================
* Statically callable function to see if browser supports javascript
* determined by cookie set in bitweaver.js
function isJavascriptEnabled() {
// return( !empty( $_COOKIE['javascript_enabled'] ) && $_COOKIE['javascript_enabled'] == 'y' );
return TRUE; // This function is fuckt as cookie is empty for first query. And cookie privacy browsers are perfjects JS enabled
* Statically callable function to determine if the current call was made using Ajax
function isAjaxRequest() {
return(( !empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' ) || !empty( $_REQUEST['ajax_xml'] ));
// {{{ Javascript and CSS load methods
* @param array $pAjaxLib Name of the library we want to use e.g.: prototype or mochikit
* @param array $pLibHash Array of additional libraries we need to load
* @param boolean $pPack Set to true if you want to pack the javascript file
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function loadAjax( $pAjaxLib, $pLibHash=NULL, $pLibPath=NULL, $pPack = FALSE ) {
global $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty, $gSniffer;
$ajaxLib = strtolower( $pAjaxLib );
// set the javascript lib path if not set yet
if( empty( $pLibPath )) {
$pLibPath = UTIL_PKG_PATH."javascript/libs/MochiKit/";
$pLibPath = UTIL_PKG_PATH."javascript/libs/yui/";
$pLibPath = UTIL_PKG_PATH."javascript/libs/jquery/";
$pLibPath = UTIL_PKG_PATH."javascript/";
// load core javascript files for ajax libraries
$jqueryMin = $gBitSystem->isLive() ? '.min' : '';
$bootstrapSrc = CONFIG_PKG_PATH. 'themes/bootstrap/js/bootstrap'. $jqueryMin. '.js';
$protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https' : 'http';
$jqueryVersion = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'jquery_version', '1.10.1' );
$jqueryUiVersion = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'jquery_ui_version', '1.9.2' );
$jqueryTheme = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'jquery_theme', 'base' );
$jquerySrc = $protocol. '://'. $jqueryVersion. '/jquery'. $jqueryMin. '.js';
$this->mRawFiles['js'][] = $protocol. '://'. $jqueryUiVersion. '/jquery-ui'. $jqueryMin. '.js';
$this->mRawFiles['css'][] = $protocol. '://'. $jqueryUiVersion. '/themes/'. $jqueryTheme. '/jquery-ui.css';
// bootstrap needs to load after jquery
if( file_exists( $bootstrapSrc ) ) {
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'jquerySrc', $jquerySrc );
$jqueryMin = $gBitSystem->isLive() ? 'min' : 'full';
$this->loadJavascript( CONFIG_PKG_PATH. 'jquery/'. $jqueryMin. '/jquery.js', FALSE, $pos++ , $joined );
$this->loadJavascript( CONFIG_PKG_PATH. 'jquery/'. $jqueryMin. '/ui/jquery-ui-all.js', FALSE, $pos++ , $joined );
$this->loadJavascript( THEMES_PKG_PATH. 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap'. $jqueryMin. '.js', FALSE, $pos++ , $joined );
$this->loadCss( CONFIG_PKG_PATH. 'css/colourstrap.css', FALSE, $pos++ , $joined );
$this->loadCss( CONFIG_PKG_PATH. 'css/colourstrap-icons.css', FALSE, $pos++ , $joined );
$this->loadJavascript( $pLibPath. 'yuiloader-dom-event/yuiloader-dom-event.js', FALSE, $pos++ );
if( is_array( $pLibHash )) {
foreach( $pLibHash as $lib ) {
$fullLib = ($lib[0] == '/' ? '' : $pLibPath).$lib;
* check to see if a given ajax library is loaded
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function isAjaxLib( $pAjaxLib ) {
if( !empty( $this->mAjaxLibs ) && !empty( $pAjaxLib )) {
return in_array( strtolower( $pAjaxLib ), array_keys( $this->mAjaxLibs ));
* scan packages for <pkg>/templates/html_head_inc.tpl or footer_inc.tpl files
* @param string $pFilename Name of template file we want to scan for and collect
function loadTplFiles( $pFilename ) {
// these package templates will be included last
$prepend = array( 'kernel' );
$append = array( 'themes' );
$anti = $mid = $post = array();
foreach( $gBitSystem->mPackages as $package => $info ) {
if( !empty( $info['path'] )) {
$file = "{ $info['path']}templates/{ $pFilename}.tpl ";
$out = "bitpackage:{ $package}/{ $pFilename}.tpl ";
if( is_readable( $file )) {
if( in_array( $package, $prepend )) {
} elseif( in_array( $package, $append )) {
$this->mAuxFiles['templates'][$pFilename] = array_merge( $anti, $mid, $post );
* loadAuxFile will add a file to the mAuxFiles hash for later processing
* @param array $pFile Full path to the file in question
* @param string $pType specifies what files to join. typical values include 'js', 'css'
* @param numeric $pPosition Specify the position of the javascript file in the load process.
* If the selected position is occupied, it will search for the next free position in the hash.
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function loadAuxFile( $pFile = NULL, $pType = NULL, $pPosition = 1, $pAuxFile = TRUE ) {
if( !empty( $pFile ) && !empty( $pType )) {
if( $pFile = realpath( $pFile )) {
if( !$this->isAuxFile( $pFile, $pType, $pAuxFile )) {
// if the selected position is occupied, we'll try to load it in the next position
if( !empty( $fileHash[$pType][$pPosition] )) {
$this->loadAuxFile( $pFile, $pType, ++ $pPosition, $pAuxFile );
$fileHash[$pType][$pPosition] = $pFile;
// ensure that hash is sorted correctly
ksort( $fileHash[$pType] );
* Load an addition javascript file
* @param string $pJavascriptFile Full path to javascript file
* @param boolean $pPack Set to true if you want to pack the javascript file
* @param numeric $pPosition Specify the position of the javascript file in the load process
* - generic javascript libraries are loaded between 1 and 99
* - ajax javascript libraries use position numbers between 100 and 599
* - by default all loaded javascript files are after 600.
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function loadJavascript( $pJavascriptFile, $pPack = FALSE, $pPosition = 600, $pJoined = TRUE ) {
if( !empty( $pJavascriptFile )) {
if( $pPack && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'themes_packed_js_css' ) && function_exists( 'shell_exec' ) && shell_exec( 'which java' ) ) {
if( is_file( $pJavascriptFile )) {
// get a name for the cache file we're going to store
$cachefile = md5( $pJavascriptFile ).'.js';
// if the file hasn't been packed and cached yet, we do that now.
if( !$this->mThemeCache->isCached( $cachefile, filemtime( $pJavascriptFile ))) {
/* DEPRECATED in favor of better yui compressor
require_once( UTIL_PKG_PATH.'javascript/class.JavaScriptPacker.php' );
$packer = new JavaScriptPacker( file_get_contents( $pJavascriptFile ) );
$this->mThemeCache->writeCacheFile( $cachefile, $packer->pack() );
$cacheData = shell_exec( 'java -jar '.UTIL_PKG_PATH.'yui/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar --type js '.$pJavascriptFile );
$this->mThemeCache->writeCacheFile( $cachefile, $cacheData );
// update javascript file with new path
$pJavascriptFile = $this->mThemeCache->getCacheFile( $cachefile );
$ret = $this->loadAuxFile( $pJavascriptFile, 'js', $pPosition, ( $pJoined && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'themes_joined_js_css' )));
* Load an additional CSS file
* @param array $pCssFile Full path to CSS file
* @param numeric $pPosition Specify the position of the javascript file in the load process
* @param boolean $pJoined Adds the file to the list of files to be concatenated into a single file
* @param boolean $pForce Forces the css file to always be loaded, should only be used by active style
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function loadCss( $pCssFile, $pPack = TRUE, $pPosition = 300, $pJoined = TRUE, $pForce = FALSE ) {
if( !empty( $pCssFile ) && ( !$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'themes_disable_pkg_css' ) || $pForce )) {
// only manipulate css file if we're joining or packing the files
if(( $pJoined && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'themes_joined_js_css' )) || ( $pPack && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'themes_packed_js_css' ))) {
$pCssFile = $this->packCss( $pCssFile, ( $pPack && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'themes_packed_js_css' )));
$ret = $this->loadAuxFile( $pCssFile, 'css', $pPosition, ( $pJoined && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'themes_joined_js_css' )));
* simply pack css file by removing excess whitespace and comments
* @param array $pCssFile full path to css file
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function packCss( $pCssFile, $pPack = TRUE ) {
if( !empty( $pCssFile ) && is_readable( $pCssFile )) {
$cachefile = md5( $pCssFile ).'.css';
if( !$this->mThemeCache->isCached( $cachefile, filemtime( $pCssFile ))) {
$content = file_get_contents( $pCssFile )."\n";
// now that @import has been dealt with, there still might be some url()s in the file.
// if we have any url() in the CSS file, we need to fix the path to the file with an absolute URL
if( preg_match_all( "#\burl\s*\((.*?)\)#i", $content, $urls )) {
foreach( $urls[1] as $key => $url ) {
if( $url = $this->relativeToAbsolute( $url, $pCssFile )) {
$content = str_replace( $urls[1][$key], $url, $content );
// if we have an @import(), we fetch that file and insert it
if( preg_match_all( "#@import([^;]*);#", $content, $imports )) {
foreach( $imports[1] as $key => $import ) {
if( $file = $this->relativeToAbsolute( $import, $pCssFile, FALSE )) {
// since we're packing later on, we don't pack here, otherwise the same sections will be packed multiple times
$content = str_replace( $imports[0][$key], file_get_contents( $this->packCss( $file, FALSE )), $content );
// now pack the css file if wanted
// "#/\*.*\*/#" => "", // one line comments -- disabled for now since it causes problems when someone has a multiline comment and closes it with /* */
"#\n\s*#s" => "\n", // leading whitespace
"#[\t ]+#" => " ", // reduce whitespace
"#,\s*#s" => ",", // whitespace after ,
"#[ \t]*([:;])[ \t]*#" => "$1", // whitespace around : ;
"#;\n+#" => ";", // newlines after ;
"#\s*([\{\}])\s*#" => "$1", // whitespace around { }
"#\}#" => "}\n", // insert newlines after } for readability
"#{([^\}]*){#" => "{\n$1{", // insert newlines after { when there's a second { on that line ( e.g.: @media{body{...} )
"#.*{\s*\}#" => '', // remove empty definitions ( thanks to the ',' regex above, things like h1,h2,h3 {} should all be on one line )
"#\n+#" => "\n", // excess newlines
$content = preg_replace( array_keys( $packer ), array_values( $packer ), $content );
// css files have been compressed and url()s have been fixed
$this->mThemeCache->writeCacheFile( $cachefile, $content );
$ret = $this->mThemeCache->getCacheFile( $cachefile );
* relativeToAbsolute convert a relative or absolute URL to an absolute URL or path
* @param string $pUrl url() in the css file
* @param string $pCssFile full path to the css file calling the url()
* @param boolean $pReturnUrl return URL or path to file
* @return URL/path on success, FALSE on failure
function relativeToAbsolute( $pUrl, $pCssFile, $pReturnUrl = TRUE ) {
if( !empty( $pUrl ) && !empty( $pCssFile )) {
if( preg_match( "#url\s*\(#", $pUrl )) {
$pUrl = trim( preg_replace( "#url\s*\(([^\)]*)\)#", "$1", $pUrl ));
$pUrl = trim( preg_replace( "#[\"']#", "", $pUrl ));
if( strpos( $pUrl, "http" ) === 0 ) {
} elseif( strpos( $pUrl, "/" ) === 0 ) {
// if this is an absolute url, we check if the file exists
$ret = substr_replace( $pUrl, BIT_ROOT_PATH, 0, strlen( BIT_ROOT_URL ));
// this url is relative to the original file
$ret = realpath( dirname( $pCssFile )."/".$pUrl );
$ret = str_replace( '\\', '/', $ret );
// Put first forward slash back
$ret = substr_replace($ret, '\\', 2, 1 );
$winBitRootPath = str_replace( '\\', '/', BIT_ROOT_PATH );
// Put first forward slash back
$winBitRootPath = substr_replace($winBitRootPath, '\\', 2, 1 );
$ret = str_replace( $winBitRootPath, BIT_ROOT_URL, $ret );
$ret = str_replace( BIT_ROOT_PATH, BIT_ROOT_URL, $ret );
} else if (is_windows() ) {
$ret = str_replace( '/', '\\', $ret );
* joinAuxFiles will join all files in mAuxFiles[hash] into one cached file. This helps keep our HTTP requests down to a minimum.
* @param string $pType specifies what files to join. typical values include 'js', 'css'
* @return url to cached file
function joinAuxFiles( $pType ) {
// remove conflicting aux files
$this->cleanAuxFiles( $pType );
if(( $pType == 'js' || $pType == 'css' ) && !$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'themes_joined_js_css' )) {
if( !empty( $pType ) && !empty( $this->mAuxFiles[$pType] ) && is_array( $this->mAuxFiles[$pType] )) {
// get a unique cachefile name for this set of javascript files
foreach( $this->mAuxFiles[$pType] as $file ) {
$cachestring .= '|'.$file;
$lastmodified = max( $lastmodified, filemtime( $file ));
$cachefile = md5( $cachestring ).'.'.$pType;
if( !$this->mThemeCache->isCached( $cachefile, $lastmodified )) {
foreach( $this->mAuxFiles[$pType] as $file ) {
// if we have an extension to check against, we'll do that
$chars = 0 - ( strlen( $pType ) + 1 );
if( !empty( $pType ) && substr( $file, $chars ) == '.'.$pType && is_readable( $file )) {
$contents .= file_get_contents( $file )."\n";
$this->mThemeCache->writeCacheFile( $cachefile, $contents );
$ret = $this->mThemeCache->getCacheUrl( $cachefile );
* cleanAuxFiles will remove unwanted aux files if conflicting files have been loaded
* @param string $pType specifies what files to clean up. typical values include 'js', 'css'
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
* @note It is regrettable that we have this method here but our previous
* use of prototype requires this cleanup and might be needed in the
function cleanAuxFiles( $pType ) {
// unload files that are not wanted by users
if( !empty( $this->mUnloadFiles[$pType] )) {
foreach( $this->mUnloadFiles[$pType] as $file ) {
if( $key = array_search( $file, $this->mAuxFiles[$pType] )) {
if( $key = array_search( $file, $this->mRawFiles[$pType] )) {
// remove conflicting files
if( !empty( $pType ) && !empty( $this->mAuxFiles[$pType] )) {
// prototype is loaded for a reason. we'll remove mochikit
foreach( $this->mAuxFiles[$pType] as $key => $js ) {
if( strstr( $js, 'Mochi' )) {
// convert full file path to URL in mRawFiles hash
foreach( $this->mRawFiles[$pType] as $pos => $file ) {
$file = str_replace( '\\', '/', $file );
// Put first forward slash back
$file = substr_replace( $file, '\\', 2, 1 );
$winBitRootPath = str_replace( '\\', '/', BIT_ROOT_PATH );
// Put first forward slash back
$winBitRootPath = substr_replace($winBitRootPath, '\\', 2, 1 );
if ( strpos( $file, $winBitRootPath ) !== FALSE ) {
$this->mRawFiles[$pType][$pos] = BIT_ROOT_URL. substr( $file, strlen( $winBitRootPath ));
} else if ( strpos( $file, BIT_ROOT_PATH ) !== FALSE ) {
$this->mRawFiles[$pType][$pos] = BIT_ROOT_URL. substr( $file, strlen( BIT_ROOT_PATH ));
// {{{ Javascript and CSS unload methods
* @param string $pType specifies what files to clean up. typical values include 'js', 'css'
* @param array $pFile Full path to the file in question
function unloadAuxFile( $pType, $pFile ) {
if( !empty( $pType ) && !empty( $pFile ) && is_file( $pFile )) {
$this->mUnloadFiles[$pType][] = $pFile;
* @param array $pFile Full path to the file in question
function unloadCss( $pFile ) {
return $this->unloadAuxFile( 'css', $pFile );
* @param array $pFile Full path to the file in question
function unloadJavascript( $pFile ) {
return $this->unloadAuxFile( 'js', $pFile );
// {{{ Javascript and CSS override methods
* overrideAuxFile Override an aux file
* @param string $pType specifies what files to clean up. typical values include 'js', 'css'
* @param array $pOriginalFile Path to old file
* @param array $pNewFile Path to new file
* @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
* @note This can only be used after the original file has been loaded since we're swapping the original one with a new one
function overrideAuxFile( $pType, $pOriginalFile, $pNewFile ) {
if( is_file( $pNewFile )) {
if( $key = array_search( $pOriginalFile, $this->mAuxFiles[$pType] )) {
if( $key = array_search( $pOriginalFile, $this->mRawFiles[$pType] )) {
* @param array $pOriginalFile Path to old file
* @param array $pNewFile Path to new file
* @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
* @note See overrideAuxFile note
function overrideCss( $pOriginalFile, $pNewFile ) {
return $this->overrideAuxFile( 'css', $pOriginalFile, $pNewFile );
* @param array $pOriginalFile Path to old file
* @param array $pNewFile Path to new file
* @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
* @note See overrideAuxFile note
function overrideJavascript( $pOriginalFile, $pNewFile ) {
return $this->overrideAuxFile( 'js', $pOriginalFile, $pNewFile );
* @param array $pFile Full path to file
* @param string $pType specifies what files to check. typical values include 'js', 'css'
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function isAuxFile( $pFile = NULL, $pType = NULL, $pAuxFile = TRUE ) {
if( !empty( $pFile ) && !empty( $pType ) && !empty( $fileHash[$pType] )) {
return( in_array( $pFile, $fileHash[$pType] ));
// {{{ =================== Miscellaneous Stuff ====================
* @param string $pDisplayMode
function setDisplayMode( $pDisplayMode ) {
if( !empty( $pDisplayMode )) {
* Set the proper headers for requested output
* @param $pFormat the output headers. Available options include: html, json, xml or none
function setFormatHeader( $pFormat = 'html' ) {
// this will tell BitSystem::display what headers have been set in case it's been called independently
$this->mFormatHeader = $pFormat;
//since we are returning xml we must report so in the header
//we also need to tell the browser not to cache the page
header( "Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );
header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" )." GMT" );
header( "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate" );
header( "Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", FALSE );
header( "Pragma: no-cache" );
header( "Content-Type: text/xml" );
header( 'Content-type: application/json' );
header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' );
* getGraphvizGraphAttributes
* @param array $pParams Override any of the settings coming out of this function
* @return array Hash of default values
function getGraphvizGraphAttributes( $pParams = array() ) {
'bgcolor' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_graph_bgcolor', 'transparent' ),
'color' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_graph_color', '#000000' ),
'fontname' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_graph_fontname', 'Helvetica' ),
'fontsize' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_graph_fontsize', 10 ),
'nodesep' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_graph_nodesep', '.1' ),
'overlap' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_graph_overlap', 'scale' ),
'rankdir' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_graph_rankdir', 'LR' ),
foreach( $pParams as $key => $value ) {
// any parameter can be prefixed that they can be passed in all at once
if( empty( $value ) || preg_match( "@^(edge_|node_)@", $key )) {
} elseif( isset( $ret[preg_replace( '@^graph_@', '', $key )] )) {
$ret[preg_replace( '@^graph_@', '', $key )] = $value;
* getGraphvizNodeAttributes
* @param array $pParams Override any of the settings coming out of this function
* @return array Hash of default values
function getGraphvizNodeAttributes( $pParams = array() ) {
'color' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_color', '#aaaaaa' ),
'fillcolor' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_fillcolor', 'white' ),
'fontname' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_fontname', 'Helvetica' ),
'fontsize' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_fontsize', 10 ),
'fontcolor' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_fontcolor', 'black' ),
'height' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_height', '.1' ),
'overlap' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_overlap', 'scale' ),
'penwidth' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_penwidth', '1' ),
'shape' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_shape', 'box' ),
'style' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_style', 'rounded,filled' ),
'width' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_node_width', '.1' ),
foreach( $pParams as $key => $value ) {
// any parameter can be prefixed that they can be passed in all at once
if( empty( $value ) || preg_match( "@^(edge_|graph_)@", $key )) {
} elseif( isset( $ret[preg_replace( '@^node_@', '', $key )] )) {
$ret[preg_replace( '@^node_@', '', $key )] = $value;
* getGraphvizEdgeAttributes
* @param array $pParams Override any of the settings coming out of this function
* @return array Hash of default values
function getGraphvizEdgeAttributes( $pParams = array() ) {
'color' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_edge_color', '#888888' ),
'fontcolor' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_edge_fontcolor', 'black' ),
'fontname' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_edge_fontname', 'Helvetica' ),
'fontsize' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_edge_fontsize', 10 ),
'style' => $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'graphviz_edge_style', 'solid' ),
foreach( $pParams as $key => $value ) {
// any parameter can be prefixed that they can be passed in all at once
if( empty( $value ) || preg_match( "@^(node_|graph_)@", $key )) {
} elseif( isset( $ret[preg_replace( '@^edge_@', '', $key )] )) {
$ret[preg_replace( '@^edge_@', '', $key )] = $value;
// {{{ =================== Deprecated code ====================
// deprecated stuff and temporary place holders
// --------------- all of these functions will be removed quite soon
* @deprecated deprecated since version 2.0.0
deprecated( 'Please remove this function and use storeModule instead' );
* @deprecated deprecated since version 2.0.0
function storeModuleParameters($mod_rsrc, $user_id, $params) {
deprecated( 'This method does not work as expected due to changes in the layout schema. we have not found a suitable replacement yet.' );
* @deprecated deprecated since version 2.0.0
function getModuleId($mod_rsrc) {
deprecated( 'This method does not work as expected due to changes in the layout schema. we have not found a suitable replacement yet.' );
* @deprecated deprecated since version 2.0.0
function getStyleCss( $pStyle = NULL ) {
deprecated( 'Please use: BitThemes::getStyleCssFile()' );
function themes_feedback_to_html( $params ) {
if( !empty( $params['hash'] ) ) {
$hash = &$params['hash'];
// maybe params were passed in separately
$color = isset( $hash['color'] )?$hash['color']:"000000";
foreach( $hash as $key => $val ) {
$keys = array( 'warning', 'success', 'error', 'important', 'note' );
if( in_array( $key, $keys )) {
$alertClass = 'alert alert-success';
$alertClass = 'alert alert-warning';
$alertClass = 'alert alert-danger';
$alertClass = 'alert alert-info';
if( !is_array( $val ) ) {
foreach( $val as $valText ) {
if( is_array( $valText ) ) {
foreach( $valText as $text ) {
$feedback .= '<span class="inline-block '.$alertClass.'">'.$text.'</span>';
$feedback .= '<span class="inline-block '.$alertClass.'">'.$valText.'</span>';
/* unfortunately this plugin was written a little strictly and so it expects all params to be display text
* to allow setting of a background color we have to exclude that param when rendering out the html
* otherwise we'll render the color as text. -wjames5
foreach( $val as $text ) {
$feedback .= '<span class="'.$key.'">'.$text.'</span>';
$feedback .= '<span class="'.$key.'">'.$val.'</span>';
if( !empty( $feedback ) ) {
* load content specific theme picked by user
function themes_content_display( $pContent ) {
global $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty, $gBitThemes, $gBitUser, $gQueryUser;
// users_themes='u' is for all users content
if( is_a( $pContent, 'LibertyContent' ) && $pContent->getPreference( 'style' ) ) {
$theme = $pContent->getPreference( 'style' );
} elseif( $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'users_themes' ) == 'u' ) {
if( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'users_preferences' ) && is_object( $pContent ) && $pContent->isValid() ) {
if( $pContent->getField( 'user_id' ) == $gBitUser->mUserId ) {
// small optimization to reduce checking when we are looking at our own content, which is frequent
if( $userStyle = $gBitUser->getPreference( 'theme' )) {
$theme = BitUser::getUserPreference( 'theme', NULL, $pContent->getField( 'user_id' ) );
if( !empty( $theme ) && $theme != DEFAULT_THEME ) {
$gBitThemes->setStyle( $theme );
if( !is_object( $gQueryUser ) ) {
$userClass = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'user_class', 'BitPermUser' );
require_once( USERS_PKG_PATH . $userClass . '.php' );
$gQueryUser = new $userClass( $pContent->getField( 'user_id' ) );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'gQueryUser', $gQueryUser );
* @param array $pListHash
function themes_content_list( $pContent, $pListHash ) {
global $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty, $gBitThemes, $gBitUser, $gQueryUser;
// users_themes='u' is for all users content
if( $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'users_themes' ) == 'u' ) {
if( $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive( 'users_preferences' ) && !empty( $pListHash['user_id'] ) ) {
if( $pListHash['user_id'] == $gBitUser->mUserId ) {
// small optimization to reduce checking when we are looking at our own content, which is frequent
if( $userStyle = $gBitUser->getPreference('theme') ) {
$theme = BitUser::getUserPreference( 'theme', NULL, $pListHash['user_id'] );
if( !empty( $theme ) && $theme != DEFAULT_THEME ) {
$gBitThemes->setStyle( $theme );
if( !is_object( $gQueryUser ) ) {
$userClass = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'user_class', 'BitPermUser' );
require_once( USERS_PKG_PATH . $userClass . '.php' );
$gQueryUser = new $userClass( $pListHash['user_id'] );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'gQueryUser', $gQueryUser );
/* vim: :set fdm=marker : */