themes |
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Packages: articles blogs boards calendar events fisheye install kernel languages liberty newsletters protector recess-http search sharethis Smarty stars tags themes treasury users wiki Files: subpackage functions subpackage modules Classes: |
[ Top ] $mDisplayMode =[line 42]
[ Top ] $mLayout = array()[line 18]
[ Top ] $mModules = array()[line 45]
[ Top ] $mRawFiles = array(
Type: | mixed |
[line 21]
Type: | mixed |
[line 24]
Type: | mixed |
return: | TRUE |
access: | public |
array | $pFromLayout | |
array | $pToLayout |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pName |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pLayout |
access: | public |
$pLayout |
access: | public |
array | $p2DHash | layout hash |
&$p2DHash |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
string | $pDir | |
string | $pPrefix |
return: | to browser specific css file |
access: | public |
none | $pUrl |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pName |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
return: | Hash of default values |
access: | public |
array | $pParams | Override any of the settings coming out of this function |
return: | Hash of default values |
access: | public |
array | $pParams | Override any of the settings coming out of this function |
return: | Hash of default values |
access: | public |
array | $pParams | Override any of the settings coming out of this function |
return: | path on where the system should store it's icons |
access: | public |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pParamHash |
return: | to browser specific css file |
access: | public |
none | 0 |
return: | details of the requested module id |
access: | public |
array | $pModuleId |
deprecated: | deprecated since version 2.0.0 |
$mod_rsrc |
return: | or parameters |
access: | public |
array | $pModuleId |
access: | public |
string | $ | pScanFile file to be looked for |
deprecated: | deprecated since version 2.0.0 |
$pStyle |
access: | public |
string | $ | pScanFile file to be looked for |
$pStyle | ||
$pUrl |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
access: | public |
string | $ | pScanFile file to be looked for |
$pStyle |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pDir | |
array | $pNullOption | |
array | $bIncludeCustom |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
$pSubDirs | $pDir | a subdirectory to scan as well - you can pass in multiple dirs using an array |
array | $pNullOption | |
array | $pSubDirs |
access: | public |
string | $ | pScanFile file to be looked for |
$pStyle |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure |
access: | public |
array | $pAjaxLib |
access: | public |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure |
access: | public |
array | $pFile | Full path to file |
string | $pType | specifies what files to check. typical values include 'js', 'css' |
$pAuxFile |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pMixed | either name of module or the rsrc of a module |
determined by cookie set in bitweaver.js
access: | public |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure |
access: | public |
string | $pModuleResource | the module resource |
string | $pArea | optionally specify the area the module should be found in |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pAjaxLib | Name of the library we want to use e.g.: prototype or mochikit |
array | $pLibHash | Array of additional libraries we need to load |
boolean | $pPack | Set to true if you want to pack the javascript file |
$pLibPath |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure |
access: | public |
array | $pFile | Full path to the file in question |
string | $pType | specifies what files to join. typical values include 'js', 'css' |
numeric | $pPosition | Specify the position of the javascript file in the load process. If the selected position is occupied, it will search for the next free position in the hash. |
$pAuxFile |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure |
access: | public |
array | $pCssFile | Full path to CSS file |
numeric | $pPosition | Specify the position of the javascript file in the load process |
boolean | $pJoined | Adds the file to the list of files to be concatenated into a single file |
boolean | $pForce | Forces the css file to always be loaded, should only be used by active style |
$pPack |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure |
note: |
access: | public |
string | $pJavascriptFile | Full path to javascript file |
boolean | $pPack | Set to true if you want to pack the javascript file |
numeric | $pPosition | Specify the position of the javascript file in the load process |
$pJoined |
access: | public |
$pParamHash | $pParamHash |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pModuleId | |
string | $pOrientation | |
$pDirection |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pModuleId |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pModuleId | |
array | $pArea |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pModuleId |
return: | TRUE on success, FALSE on failure |
note: | See overrideAuxFile note |
access: | public |
array | $pOriginalFile | Path to old file |
array | $pNewFile | Path to new file |
return: | TRUE on success, FALSE on failure |
note: | See overrideAuxFile note |
access: | public |
array | $pOriginalFile | Path to old file |
array | $pNewFile | Path to new file |
return: | of groups |
access: | public |
array | $pParseString | either space separated list of groups or serialised array |
return: | of roles |
access: | public |
array | $pParseString | either space separated list of roles or serialised array |
return: | or parameters |
access: | public |
array | $pParseString |
see: | BitSystem::preDisplay |
note: | this is a interim method as we continue sorting out the optimal order of operations for rendering pages. there was some conflict between rendering module templates and loading styles, where some style information needs to be loaded before the templates are rendered, and some such as packing javascript and css should happen after |
access: | public |
string | $pDisplayMode |
access: | public |
$pFormat | $pFormat | the output headers. Available options include: html, json, xml or none |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pModuleId | |
array | $pPos | |
$pCol |
access: | public |
string | $ | pScanFile file to be looked for |
$pStyle |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pParamHash |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pHash | |
&$pHash |
deprecated: | deprecated since version 2.0.0 |
$mod_rsrc | ||
$user_id | ||
$params |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pModuleId | can be a module id or a resource path. if it is a resource path, all modules with that resource will be removed |
$pModuleMixed |
access: | public |
array | $pFile | Full path to the file in question |
access: | public |
array | $pFile | Full path to the file in question |
return: | area |
access: | public |
array | $pArea | l --> left r --> right c --> center b --> bottom t --> top |
&$pArea |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pParamHash | |
&$pParamHash |
return: | on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure |
access: | public |
array | $pHash | |
&$pHash |