Determines if a wiki page (row in wiki_pages) exists, and returns a hash of important info. If N pages exists with $pPageName, returned existsHash has a row for each unique pPageName row.
This is the ONLY method that should be called in order to store (create or update) a wiki page! It is very smart and will figure out what to do for you. It should be considered a black box.
returns a path to the template type requested this is intended for package override. while not a requirement please use a naming convention of center_<action>_<content_type_guid>.tpl for new tpls
Determine if current user has the ability to view this type of content Note that this will always return TRUE if you haven't set the mViewContentPerm in your class
Set a hash value in the mPrefs hash. This does *NOT* store the value in the database. It does no checking for existing or duplicate values. the main point of this function is to limit direct accessing of the mPrefs hash. I will probably make mPrefs private one day.
Saves a preference to the liberty_content_prefs database table with the given pref name and value. If the value is NULL, the existing value will be delete and the value will not be saved. However, a zero will be stored. This will update the mPrefs hash.