PHP Extension Magickwand
MagickWand PHP extension provides an interface to the ImageMagick graphics library.
Latest version can be found at
MagickWand For PHP's source / DLL can be downloaded from currently I have 1.0.8 loaded.
ImageMagick can be downloaded from
The version from the SUSE repository is fine and easy to create a suitable magickwand extension to go with it.
For Windows x64 we need the ImageMagick-6.7.2-1-Q16-windows-x64-dll.exe is the current version, and while installing select to install the C/C++ headers and libraries. The library is installed to c:\Network\ImageMagick in line with our normal directory structure.
Step 1. Compile Package
Copy the current source code to {home}/Install/imagemagick and run the compile scripts to process it
Windows x64
The library structure has changed for the latest imagemagick and so the config.w32 file needs to be updated. The copy here has been updated to work with the default PHP 'defs' structure, so the three subdirectories in C:\Network\ImageMagick\includes need to be copied to the {php_target}\x64\defs\includes directory, and the files from C:\Network\ImageMagick\lib are copied to {php_target}\x64\defs\lib\magickwand\ The normal windows shared extension compilation process is used to build using '--with-magickwand' Windows PHP Extension Compile. A zip file with the required files is provided below
Windows x86
As win64, but using the 32 bit libraries
Step 2. Configure the extension
Add php_magicwand.dll) to your initialization file, there are no additional settings.
However creating a magickwand.ini file with the above line and adding it to the extensions config directory is the more modern way of doing this.