PHP7 Compile
Installing additional packages to a PHP configuration
We need the following development packages to complete the compilation process
Added to this list from previous configuration is bison.
In addition the following additional packages packages are needed to compile some of the extensions
firebird-devel (firebird/interbase)
libbz2-devel (MagickWand)
ImageMagick-devel (MagickWand)
But not sure yet what work is needed on MagickWand to make it work with PHP7.
Clean sheet
Starting point was a clean clone of the php-src repo from github using thg to create a local Mercurial copy of the code.
Download took more than 24 hours in the end, but the local copy is now on line as php-src port so I can work against that locally.
For convenience I have a view as PHP-5.6.5 in parallel with master so I can easily compare changes made between the two code bases.
Moving forward
Build process for local master copy ...
./configure --enable-fpm --prefix=/opt/php7 --enable-shared=yes --enable-static=no --without-pear --enable-fpm --with-config-file-path=/etc/php7/fpm --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php7/fpm/conf.d --enable-mysqlnd
make install
Currently this has a problem with PHAR and set_magic_quotes_runtime() in PEAR. That problem had been addressed previously in my local copy of PEAR which was cleaned up to be e_strict complliant, but those changes have not made it into the distributed PEAR code.
Next step is to get php_interbase compiling, but I may well refactor this as a clean php_firebird using the fbird_* a1ias set.