Source for file block.bitmodule.php
Documentation is available at block.bitmodule.php
* \brief Smarty {bitmodule}{/bitmodule} block handler
* To make a module it is enough to place smth like following
* into corresponding mod-name.tpl file:
* {bitmodule name="module_name" title="Module title"}
* <!-- module Smarty/HTML code here -->
* This block may (can) use 2 Smarty templates:
* 1) module.tpl = usual template to generate module look-n-feel
* 2) module-error.tpl = to generate diagnostic error message about
* incorrect {bitmodule} parameters
error was used only in case the name was not there.
I fixed that error case. -- mose
if( empty( $pContent )) {
$pParams['data'] = $pContent;
// if( empty( $pParams['title'] )) {
// $pParams['title'] = substr( $pContent, 0, 12 )."…";
// if( empty( $pParams['name'] )) {
// $pParams['name'] = preg_replace( "/[^-_a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $pParams['title'] );
// this is outdated and will not work with our serialised cookies - xing
if( $_COOKIE[$name] == 'c' ) {
$pParams['toggle_state'] = 'none';
$pParams['toggle_state'] = 'block';
$pParams['name'] = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]/", "", $pParams['name'] );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'modInfo', $pParams );
return $gBitSmarty->fetch('bitpackage:themes/module.tpl');