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Procedural File: block.bitmodule.php

Source Location: /themes/smartyplugins/block.bitmodule.php

Page Details:

Smarty plugin


filesource:  Source Code for this file

smarty_block_bitmodule [line 29]

void smarty_block_bitmodule( $pParams, $pContent, &$gBitSmarty)

\brief Smarty {bitmodule}{/bitmodule} block handler

To make a module it is enough to place smth like following into corresponding mod-name.tpl file: \code {bitmodule name="module_name" title="Module title"} <!-- module Smarty/HTML code here --> {/bitmodule} \endcode

This block may (can) use 2 Smarty templates: 1) module.tpl = usual template to generate module look-n-feel 2) module-error.tpl = to generate diagnostic error message about incorrect {bitmodule} parameters


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