Source for file function.bit_select_datetime.php
Documentation is available at function.bit_select_datetime.php
* smarty_function_bit_select_datetime
* NOTE: This code looks good but needs intensive testing, especially with different date/time formats.
* This function generates HTML code that adds a date picker to an HTML form.
* Depending on Bitweaver settings (Administration/Themes/Theme Settings)
* this can be the ordinary Smarty way of date/time picking (see html_select_date and html_select_time functions)
* or a nice javascript calendar.
* name The name of the inputfield. Use this to identify the date/datetime input from other inputs. (will be used for <input name="..., defaults to 'date'.
* showtime defines whether you need a date or datetime picking method. Set to 'true' or 'false', defaults to 'true'.
* format The datetime format used to display/return the timestamp. Defaults to the user's preference on this Bitweaver system.
* time The time value to be displayed, in the format given in the format parameter. Defaults to the current system time.
* <form action="edit.php" method="POST">
* {formlabel label="Test JSCalendar"}
* {bit_select_datetime name="mydate2" time=$gContent->mInfo.start}
* Later, in edit.php, use this code to obtain the timestamp in UTC:
* $timestamp = $gBitSystem->mServerTimestamp->getUTCFromDisplayDate(_REQUEST['mydate2'])
$name = 'date'; // ID of the input field
// unsupported as of now $format = $gBitSystem->getConfig( 'site_short_date_format' ).' '.$gBitSystem->getConfig( 'site_short_time_format' ); // date format used
$showtime = 'true'; //true: show time; false: pick date only
$time = time(); // override the currently set date
//extract actual parameters from the params hashmap.
//calculate a name we can use for additional (internal) fields
// A readonly field will be used to display the currently selected value.
//A button besides the field will bring up the calendar (style similar to other PIM rich client applications)
//It is the readonly input field that will be evaluated back on the server
//unsupported $format = preg_replace( "/%Z/", "", $format ); // JSCalendar does not know about time zones
$html_result = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$name\" id=\"${nname}_id\" value=\"$time\" readonly />\n";
$html_result = $html_result . "<button type=\"reset\" id=\"${nname}_button\">...</button>\n";
$html_result = $html_result . "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " Calendar.setup({\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " date : \"$time\",\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " inputField : \"${nname}_id\", // id of the input field\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " ifFormat : \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M\", // format of the input field\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " showsTime : $showtime, // will display a time selector\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " button : \"${nname}_button\", // trigger for the calendar (button ID)\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " singleClick : true, // double-click mode\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " step : 1 // show all years in drop-down boxes (instead of every other year as default)\n";
$html_result = $html_result . " });\n";
$html_result = $html_result . "</script>\n";
$gBitSmarty->loadPlugin( 'smarty_modifier_html_select_date' );
$gBitSmarty->loadPlugin( 'smarty_modifier_html_select_time' );
// we use html_select_date and html_select_time to pick a date, which generate a number of select fields.
//On every change a hidden field will be updated via javascript.
//it's the hidden field that is evaluated back on the server.
'all_extra' => "onchange=\"bit_select_datetime_${nname}()\"",
'all_extra' => "onchange=\"bit_select_datetime_${nname}()\"",
'display_seconds' => false,
$html_result = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"${time}\">";
if( $showtime == 'true' ) {
$html_result .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> \n";
$html_result .= " function bit_select_datetime_${nname} () {\n";
$html_result .= " var date = new Date(); \n date.setHours ( document.getElementsByName(\"${nname}Hour\")[0].value);\ndate.setMinutes( document.getElementsByName(\"${nname}Minute\")[0].value); \n date.setFullYear(document.getElementsByName(\"${nname}Year\")[0].value,document.getElementsByName(\"${nname}Month\")[0].value-1,document.getElementsByName(\"${nname}Day\")[0].value); \n ";
$html_result .= "document.getElementsByName(\"${name}\")[0].value = Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000);";
$html_result .= "</script>\n";
$html_result .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
$html_result .= " function bit_select_datetime_${name} () {\n";
$html_result .= " var date = new Date(); \n date.setDate( document.getElementsByName(\"${nname}Day\")[0].value ); \n date.setMonth(document.getElementsByName(\"${nname}Month\")[0].value-1); \n date.setFullYear(document.getElementsByName(\"${nname}Year\")[0].value); \n ";
$html_result .= " document.getElementsByName(\"${name}\")[0].value = Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000);";
$html_result .= "</script>\n";
return $html_result. "(". $gBitUser->getPreference('site_display_utc'). ")\n";