Source for file function.jspack.php
Documentation is available at function.jspack.php
* this function will output the URL to a given compressed and cached js file.
* NOTE: if you use the util package, it will automatically insert the javascript/ subdir
* @param string $pParams[ipackage] package the javascript file is in. this will default to: 'util'. e.g.: wiki
* @param string $pParams[ifile] subdir and filename of the file you wish to pack and cache. e.g.: libs/jsfile.js
* @param string $pParams[defer] includes defer='defer'
* @param object $gBitSmarty
* @return URL to cached javascript file
// make sure we have a file to pack
if( empty( $pParams['ifile'] )) {
if( empty( $pParams['ipackage'] )) {
$pParams['ipackage'] = 'util';
// get the full path to the file we want to pack - insert javasscript/ into path when we're getting stuff in util
$jsfile = constant( strtoupper( $pParams['ipackage'] ). '_PKG_PATH' ). (( $pParams['ipackage'] == 'util' ) ? 'javascript/' : '' ). $pParams['ifile'];
// get a name for the cache file we're going to store
$cachefile = $pParams['ipackage']. '_'. str_replace( '/', '_', $pParams['ifile'] );
$bitCache = new BitCache( 'javascript', TRUE );
// if the file hasn't been packed and cached yet, we do that now.
* params of the constructor :
* $script: the JavaScript to pack, string.
* $encoding: level of encoding, int or string :
* 0,10,62,95 or 'None', 'Numeric', 'Normal', 'High ASCII'.
* $fastDecode: include the fast decoder in the packed result, boolean.
* $specialChars: if you have flagged your private and local variables
* in the script, boolean.
require_once( UTIL_PKG_PATH. 'javascript/class.JavaScriptPacker.php' );
$packer = new JavaScriptPacker( file_get_contents( $jsfile ), 'Normal', TRUE, FALSE );
$defer = !empty( $pParams['defer'] ) ? " defer='". $pParams['defer']. "'" : "";
return '<script'. $defer. ' type="text/javascript" src="'. $bitCache->getCacheUrl( $cachefile ). '"></script>';
return "<!-- ". tra( 'not a valid file: ' ). $pParams['ifile']. " -->";