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Procedural File: function.jspack.php

Source Location: /themes/smartyplugins/function.jspack.php

Page Details:

Smarty plugin


filesource:  Source Code for this file

smarty_function_jspack [line 19]

URL smarty_function_jspack( $pParams, &$gBitSmarty, string $pParams[ipackage], string $pParams[ifile], string $pParams[defer], object $gBitSmarty)

this function will output the URL to a given compressed and cached js file.

NOTE: if you use the util package, it will automatically insert the javascript/ subdir


return:  to cached javascript file
access:  public


string   $pParams[ipackage]   package the javascript file is in. this will default to: 'util'. e.g.: wiki
string   $pParams[ifile]   subdir and filename of the file you wish to pack and cache. e.g.: libs/jsfile.js
string   $pParams[defer]   includes defer='defer'
object   $gBitSmarty  
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