Source for file function.jspopup.php
Documentation is available at function.jspopup.php
* smarty_function_jspopup
* smarty_function_jspopup
* @param array $pParams hash of options
* @param srting $pParams[href] link the popup should open
* @param srting $pParams[title] title of the link
* @param srting $pParams[img] source of an image that is to be displayed instead of the title
* @param srting $pParams[href]
* @param srting $pParams[href]
* @param array $gBitSmarty
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
if( empty( $pParams['href'] ) ) {
return( 'assign: missing "href" parameter' );
if( empty( $pParams['title'] ) ) {
return( 'assign: missing "title" parameter' );
$title = empty( $pParams['notra'] ) ? $pParams['title'] : tra( $pParams['title'] );
if( empty( $pParams['text'] )){
$text = empty( $pParams['notra'] ) ? $pParams['text'] : tra( $pParams['text'] );
// remove it from the hash since later the params are looped over for to formulate the a tag
unset ( $pParams['text'] );
$optionHash = array( 'type', 'width', 'height', 'gutsonly', 'img' );
foreach( $pParams as $param => $val ) {
if( !in_array( $param, $optionHash ) ) {
if( $param == 'title' ) {
$guts .= ' '. $param. '="'. tra( 'This will open a new window: ' ). $title. '"';
}elseif( $param == 'href' && $gBitThemes->isJavascriptEnabled()){
$guts .= ' '. $param. '="javascript:void(0)"';
$guts .= ' '. $param. '="'. $val. '"';
if( !empty( $pParams['ibiticon'] ) ) {
$gBitSmarty->loadPlugin( 'smarty_function_biticon' );
$tmp = explode( '/', $pParams['ibiticon'] );
if( !empty( $pParams['iforce'] ) ) {
$ibiticon['iforce'] = $pParams['iforce'];
if( !empty( $pParams['img'] )) {
$img_size = $imgSizeHash[3];
$img = '<img src="'. $pParams['img']. '" alt="'. $title. '" title="'. $title. '" '. $img_size. ' />';
if( !empty( $pParams['type'] ) && $pParams['type'] == 'fullscreen' ) {
$js = 'BitBase.popUpWin(\''. $pParams['href']. '\',\'fullScreen\');';
$js = 'BitBase.popUpWin(\''. $pParams['href']. '\',\'standard\','. ( !empty( $pParams['width'] ) ? $pParams['width'] : 600 ). ','. ( !empty( $pParams['height'] ) ? $pParams['height'] : 400 ). ');';
// deprecated slated for removal - onkeypress causes focus problems with browsers - if this is an ada issue get in touch -wjames5.
// $guts .= ' onkeypress="'.$js.'" onclick="'.$js.'return false;"';
$guts .= ' onclick="'. $js. 'return false;"';
if( !empty( $pParams['gutsonly'] ) ) {
return( '<a '. $guts. '>'. ( !empty( $img ) ? $img : $text ). '</a>' );