Source for file function.libertypagination.php
Documentation is available at function.libertypagination.php
* Smarty {libertypagination} function plugin
* This provides a means of paging through longer lists of data using an up and down arrow.
* In addition, if the 'site_direct_pagination' feature is enabled, then a direct page number can be entered jump directly to
* Name: libertypagination<br>
* - numPages Number of pages in total<br>
* - page current page<br>
* - pgnName (optional) parameter name used by script to find page you're on. defaults to page<br>
* - ianchor (optional) set an anchor<br>
* - ihash (optional) you can pass in all the above as an array called ihash or secondary * items common to all links<br>
* The ihash option allow the inclusion of additional link values as provided for smartlink navigation<br>
* Output: url of the form: $REQUEST_URI?attribute1=value1&attribute2=value2
* @link function.libertypagination
* Smarty {libertypagination} function plugin
if( isset ( $params['ihash'] ) && is_array( $params['ihash'] ) ) {
if( isset ( $params['url'] ) ) {
$pgnName = isset ( $params['pgnName'] ) ? $params['pgnName'] : ( isset ( $params['curPage'] ) ? 'curPage' : 'page' );
$omitParams = array( 'numPages', 'url', $pgnName, 'pgnName', 'ianchor', 'ajaxId' );
foreach( $params as $form_param => $form_val ) {
if ( !empty( $form_val ) && !in_array( $form_param, $omitParams ) ) {
$pgnVars .= ( !empty( $params['ajaxId'] ) ? "&" : "&" ). $form_param. "=". $form_val;
$pgnHidden[$form_param] = $form_val;
$pgnVars .= ( !empty( $params['ianchor'] ) ? '#'. $params['ianchor'] : '' );
for( $pageCount = 1; $pageCount < $params['numPages']+ 1; $pageCount++ ) {
if( $pageCount != $params[$pgnName] ) {
if( $params['ajaxId'] ) {
$pages[] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="BitAjax.updater(\''. $params['ajaxId']. "','". $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. "','". $pgnName. '='. $pageCount. $pgnVars. '\')'. '">'. ( $pageCount ). '</a>';
$pages[] = '<a href="'. $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']. '?'. $pgnName. '='. $pageCount. $pgnVars. '">'. ( $pageCount ). '</a>';
$pages[] = '<strong>'. $pageCount. '</strong>';
if( $params['numPages'] > 1 ) {
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'pgnPage', $params[$pgnName] );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'pgnName', $pgnName );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'pgnVars', $pgnVars );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'pgnHidden', $pgnHidden );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'pgnPages', $pages );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'numPages', $params['numPages'] );
$gBitSmarty->assign( 'ajaxId', $params['ajaxId'] );
$gBitSmarty->display( 'bitpackage:liberty/libertypagination.tpl' );