Procedural File: function.libertypagination.php
Source Location: /themes/smartyplugins/function.libertypagination.php
Page Details:
Smarty {libertypagination} function plugin
This provides a means of paging through longer lists of data using an up and down arrow. In addition, if the 'site_direct_pagination' feature is enabled, then a direct page number can be entered jump directly to Type: function Name: libertypagination Input: - numPages Number of pages in total
- page current page
- pgnName (optional) parameter name used by script to find page you're on. defaults to page
- ianchor (optional) set an anchor
- ihash (optional) you can pass in all the above as an array called ihash or secondary * items common to all links
The ihash option allow the inclusion of additional link values as provided for smartlink navigation Output: url of the form: $REQUEST_URI?attribute1=value1&attribute2=value2
smarty_function_libertypagination [line 27]
void smarty_function_libertypagination(
$params, &$gBitSmarty)
Smarty {libertypagination} function plugin