Source for file function.moduleinc.php
Documentation is available at function.moduleinc.php
* Usage: add to the body of any .tpl file
* Example: {inlinemodule file="_custom:custom/my_custom_module" cache_time=600}
* Note: currently only supports custom modules generated in themes package,
* could support any module with more work
* @param string $pParams['module_rsrc'] the full name of the template, example: _custom:custom/my_custom_module
* @param integer $pParams['cache_time'] seconds the template will be cached
global $gBitSystem, $gBitThemes;
// go through some hassle here in consideration of a future day when this handles any module
list ( $package, $template ) = split( '/', $pParams['module_rsrc'] );
if( $package == '_custom:custom' ) {
// We're gonna run our own cache mechanism for user_modules
// the cache is here to avoid calls to consumming queries,
// each module is different for each language because of the strings
$cacheDir = TEMP_PKG_PATH. 'modules/cache/';
$cachefile = $cacheDir. '_custom.'. $gBitLanguage->mLanguage. '.'. $template. '.tpl.cache';
if( !empty( $pParams["cache_time"] ) && file_exists( $cachefile ) && !(( $gBitSystem->getUTCTime() - filemtime( $cachefile )) > $pParams["cache_time"] )) {
$fp = fopen( $cachefile, "r" );
if( $moduleParams = $gBitThemes->getCustomModule( $template )) {
$moduleParams = array_merge( $pParams, $moduleParams );
$gBitSmarty->assign_by_ref( 'moduleParams', $moduleParams );
$data = $gBitSmarty->fetch( 'bitpackage:themes/custom_module.tpl' );
if( !empty( $pParams["cache_time"] ) ) {
$fp = fopen( $cachefile, "w+" );