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Procedural File: function.moduleinc.php

Source Location: /themes/smartyplugins/function.moduleinc.php

Page Details:

Smarty plugin


filesource:  Source Code for this file

smarty_function_moduleinc [line 21]

void smarty_function_moduleinc( array $pParams, &$gBitSmarty, string $pParams['module_rsrc'], integer $pParams['cache_time'])


Usage: add to the body of any .tpl file Example: {inlinemodule file="_custom:custom/my_custom_module" cache_time=600}

Note: currently only supports custom modules generated in themes package, could support any module with more work


array   $pParams  
string   $pParams['module_rsrc']   the full name of the template, example: _custom:custom/my_custom_module
integer   $pParams['cache_time']   seconds the template will be cached
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