Source for file function.querytable.php
Documentation is available at function.querytable.php
* Experimental work not finished yet
* An attempt to componentize all tables showing query results
* table ="" (Table or tables, example wiki_pages,users)
* template = "" (Template to be used for table rows, put them in templates/tables)
* where = "" (Where condition for the query)
* columns="col1,col2,col3" (Columns to be selected from the query, default = *)
* colalign="left,center,right" (Alignement for columns you can also use the template for this)
* sort_column = "col2" (Column to sort the data initially)
* sort_order = "desc" (Sort order)
* max_rows = "10" (Max number of rows to display per page)
* height = "" (Height for the table area)
* directpagination = "0" (Use directlinks to pages)
* combopagination = "0" (Use a combo to directly jump to a page)
* tableclass = "normal" (CSS class name for the table)
* columnheadingclass = "normal" (CSS class name for the columnheadings)
$arguments = Array('table','template','tableclass','where',
if(!isset ($table)) {return "Table is a mandatory argument to querytable plugin!";}
if(!isset ($template)) {return "Template is a mandatory argument to querytable plugin!";}
if(!isset ($tableclass)) $tableclass= 'normal';
if(!isset ($oddrowclass)) $oddrowclass= "odd";
if(!isset ($where)) $where= "";
if(!isset ($evenrowclass)) $evenrowclass= "even";
if(!isset ($columns)) $columns= '*';
if(!isset ($height)) $height= 400;
if(!isset ($directpagination)) $directpagination= 0;
if(!isset ($combopagination)) $combopagination= 0;
if(!isset ($max_rows)) $max_rows = 20;
if(!isset ($offset)) $offset = 0;
if(!isset ($total)) $total = 0;
if(!isset ($sort_column)) $sort_column= '';
if(!isset ($sort_order)) $sort_order= '';
if(!isset ($colalign)) $colalign= 'left';
if(!isset ($columnheadingclass)) $columnheadingclass= 'heading';
$output = "<iframe marginwidth='4px' marginheight='4px' width='100%' height='$height' frameborder='0' scrolling='auto' src='querytable.php?f=1";
foreach($arguments as $arg) {
$output.= "&$arg=$val";