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Procedural File: function.querytable.php

Source Location: /themes/smartyplugins/function.querytable.php

Page Details:

Smarty plugin


filesource:  Source Code for this file

smarty_function_querytable [line 36]

void smarty_function_querytable( $params, &$gBitSmarty)

Experimental work not finished yet

An attempt to componentize all tables showing query results Usage: {querytable table ="" (Table or tables, example wiki_pages,users) template = "" (Template to be used for table rows, put them in templates/tables)

where = "" (Where condition for the query) columns="col1,col2,col3" (Columns to be selected from the query, default = *) colalign="left,center,right" (Alignement for columns you can also use the template for this) sort_column = "col2" (Column to sort the data initially) sort_order = "desc" (Sort order) max_rows = "10" (Max number of rows to display per page) height = "" (Height for the table area) directpagination = "0" (Use directlinks to pages) combopagination = "0" (Use a combo to directly jump to a page) tableclass = "normal" (CSS class name for the table) columnheadingclass = "normal" (CSS class name for the columnheadings) oddrowclass = "odd" evenrowclass = "even" }


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