Source for file compiler.set.php
Documentation is available at compiler.set.php
* Smarty {set} compiler function plugin
* Type: compiler function
* Purpose: Set a value to a variable (also arrays).
* The optional parameter "if" is used to set the value if the test is true. The test can be: 'empty', '!empty', 'is_null', '!is_null', 'isset', '!isset', 'is_void'.
* The new command 'is_void' test if the variable is empty and != 0, very useful for test $_REQUEST parameters.
* @link
* @link
* @copyright Copyright 2006 by Muzzarelli Davide
* @author Davide Muzzarelli <>
* @param array parameters "var": variable. "value": value to assign. "if": assign the value only if this test is true (tests avaiables: 'empty', '!empty', 'is_null', '!is_null', 'isset', '!isset', 'is_void').
* @param Smarty_Compiler object
// Extract if "value" parameter contain an array
$regularExpression = '/ value=array\([\'"]?.*[\'"]?\)/';
if (preg_match($regularExpression, $params, $array)) {
$array = substr($array[0], 7);
$params = $smarty->_parse_attrs($params);
$functionsPermitted = array('empty', '!empty', 'is_null', '!is_null', 'isset', '!isset', 'is_void'); // Functions permitted in "if" parameter.
if (!isset ($params['var'])) {
$smarty->_syntax_error("set: missing 'var' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
$params['value'] = $array;
if (!isset ($params['value'])) { // Clean setting
return "{ $params['var']} = null;";
} elseif (isset ($params['if'])) { // Setting with "if" parameter
$params['if'] = substr($params['if'], 1, - 1);
if (in_array($params['if'], $functionsPermitted)) {
if ($params['if'] == 'is_void') { // "is_void" command
return "if (empty({$params['var']}) and ({$params['var']} !== 0) and ({$params['var']} !== '0')) {$params['var']} = {$params['value']};";
} else { // others commands
return "if ({$params['if']}({$params['var']})) {$params['var']} = {$params['value']};";
} else { // "if" parameter not correct
$smarty->_syntax_error("set: 'if' parameter not valid", E_USER_WARNING);
} else { // normal setting
return "{ $params['var']} = { $params['value']}; ";