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Procedural File: compiler.set.php

Source Location: /themes/smartyplugins/compiler.set.php

Page Details:

Smarty {set} compiler function plugin

File: compiler.set.php Type: compiler function Name: set Purpose: Set a value to a variable (also arrays). The optional parameter "if" is used to set the value if the test is true. The test can be: 'empty', '!empty', 'is_null', '!is_null', 'isset', '!isset', 'is_void'. The new command 'is_void' test if the variable is empty and != 0, very useful for test $_REQUEST parameters.


author:  Davide Muzzarelli <>
version:  1.0
copyright:  Copyright 2006 by Muzzarelli Davide
filesource:  Source Code for this file

smarty_compiler_set [line 29]

void|string smarty_compiler_set( array $params, Smarty_Compiler &$smarty)

Set Compiler Function


array   $params   parameters "var": variable. "value": value to assign. "if": assign the value only if this test is true (tests avaiables: 'empty', '!empty', 'is_null', '!is_null', 'isset', '!isset', 'is_void').
Smarty_Compiler   &$smarty   object
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