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Procedural File: ajax_file_browser_inc.php

Source Location: /kernel/ajax_file_browser_inc.php

Page Details:




Copyright (c) 2008 All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors. Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See for details

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require_once('setup_inc.php') [line 38]
Quick guide to this file: $_REQUEST['ajax_path_conf'] is the kernel configuration name that contains the absolute path to the directory where the files are.

Safety first: This method was chosen to provide a measure of security since we never pass in an absolute path via the URL this way. Another safety measure is provided that the configuration value set in $gBitSystem->mConfig['$_REQUEST['ajax_path_conf']] is used as 'jail'. Paths outside this 'jail' will be ignored including ../../ or symbolic links. Evil extensions as defined in EVIL_EXTENSION_PATTERN will be ignored as are [dot] files e.g.: .private.txt

e.g.: /home/ftp/public/ is the 'jail' /home/ftp/public/ftp -> /home/ftp/ is a symbolic link that points outside the 'jail' and will therefore be ignored completely. Also makes it impossible to import stuff like /home/ftp/public/../../../../../etc/passwd

You can define ajax_path_conf in two places with different effects:

  1. define the ajax_path_conf when you include the template: {include file="bitpackage:kernel/ajax_file_browser.tpl" ajax_path_conf=treasury_file_import_path} This will show a link to "Load Files" which will then load the file list when you click on the link.
  2. If you provide $_REQUEST['ajax_path_conf'] when you include it from your php file, all files in the root directory will already be loaded. $_REQUEST['ajax_path_conf'] = 'treasury_file_import_path'; require_once( KERNEL_PKG_PATH.'ajax_file_browser.php' );
NOTE: when you process the imported files, make sure you use realpath() to check of files are really in your 'jail'.

ajax_dir_list [line 61]

TRUE ajax_dir_list( array $pDir, [array $pRelPath = NULL])



return:  on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
access:  public


array   $pDir   Base directory
array   $pRelPath   relative path on top of base directory
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