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Procedural File: function.formhelp.php

Source Location: /themes/smartyplugins/function.formhelp.php

Page Details:

Smarty plugin


filesource:  Source Code for this file

smarty_function_formhelp [line 29]

void smarty_function_formhelp( $pParams, &$gBitSmarty)

Smarty {formhelp} function plugin

Type: function Name: formhelp Input:

  • note (optional) words that are displayed, can also be an array, where: 'key: value'
    is printed only displayed if site_form_help is enabled
  • link (optional) provide a link to an internal page (avoids the problem with links being inerpreted prematurely by the tra() function <package>/<path to file>/<title>
  • package (optional) creates a page to 'Package'.ucfirst( $package ) and takes precedence over $page, should both be set. only dispalyed if help is enabled
  • install (optional) used for packages that require a separate installation passed in as an array: package => name of package to be installed file => path to installation file e.g.: admin/install.php
  • page (optional) page name on bitweaver only dispalyed if help is enabled
  • force (optional) if set, it will always dipslay this entry regardless of the feature settings


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